
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 8- Roller Coaster Ride...

It was 6:15 PM. The girls started to get ready. First up, we have Karina, the elegant royal. Her style is no lie like a queen. Karina curled her mid length, light brown hair. A golden metal flower headband had placed itself on her hair. She put on mascara along with blush and rosy red lipstick. Her outfit is flawless. She wore a navy blue dress with line designs in different colors. The dress had long sleeves that covered Karina's pale arms. It was also tight but flowing ends dress.(It was a tight dress from the waist and up while the bottom part flows down to her knees) Her shoes were gold like the plates Joseph Smith was given. It had a pattern of scales. Her earrings were silver and many diamonds laid themselves there. To finish, Karina put a clear crystal necklace around her neck.

Next up we have the Best Rebel in town, Laura. Laura wore a bright red top that had gold designs on the end of the short sleeves. She also had a black short skirt. The black boots and black leather jacket looked great on Laura. As for Laura's hair, she changed it to a light blue color and put it into a side ponytail. Her face was painted with blue and grayish sparkly eye shadow, black eyeliner, and light pink lipstick. Lastly, Laura had a silver spiral bracelet, a red stone necklace, and a gorgeous pair of flower earrings.

Aria, The Goody-Two Shoes wore regular tennis shoes. I know, don't let the name fool you. Aria brushed and straightened her long brown-black hair. Her top was a cream colored long sleeves shirt that exposed her shoulders. She wore burgundy skinny jeans along with a blue stone necklace and rose colored diamond ring.

All ready to go, they left to the car and texted the boys. It was a short drive and they arrived safely and quickly to the Haunted House. They waited patiently in line when they saw the boys.

Jax: "Hey guys! We already paid and everything so you're good, you can come in with us."

Karina: "Oh you didn't have to do that, but thanks."

Laura and Aria: "Thank you!"

Jax: "No problem, come on!" They went up to the front door.

They all walked in.

Karina: "Wow, it's really dark in here." A squeal sounded.

Laura: "Aria did you just squeal?"

Aria: "I...think, I think I stepped in something...Oh it's so squishy. Aahgg!" She just kept squealing while others laughed.

Karina accidently hit someone's arm. Karina: "Oh sorry Matthew, I didn't mean-" Suddenly a white light flickered and a zombie's face appeared in front of Karina's face. Karina: "Aaaaaahhhh!" She screamed as she ran away. The zombie chased after her, but she kept running as fast as she could and screamed.

Her arm got pulled and she was forced to a corner. She was about to scream when the hand covered her mouth. ???: "Shh," the soft voice said. The zombie passed by and left the other way. He must have not seen them from the darkness.

Karina: "Matthew?"

Matthew: "Yeah?" Karina released a big sigh of relief.

Karina: "Where are the others?"

Matthew: "We got separated. Come on, lets go."

Karina: "Uh, where exactly? A- We don't know our way around this place. B- We can't see where we're going, its pitch black. And C- We don't know where exactly the others are."

Matthew: "Well aren't you a big ball of sunshine."

Karina: "I sense sarcasm."

Matthew: "I sense a moron. Oh wait, there she is." With that he grabbed her wrist and walked to wherever.

Laura could barely see what was in front of her. They walked through this very narrow space, where it felt like bags were on the sides squishing them and it was so dark that you couldn't even see your hands right in front of you. You can hear the air pushing them, and feel the concrete ground that had toy snakes on them. When they got out of there, they walked through a room, where a creepy zombie was cutting someone. 'Good actors' Laura thought. The girl on the table yelled "Help me, please someone help me!!" And the white lights were quickly changed to red lights. Though they walked slowly, the two were calm and hardly scared at all.

They made it outside, to a field. There were tall crops, fog, and some lights here and there. Then a clown with a knife appeared right behind Laura. Laura: "Aaaaahhhhhgg!!" He started chasing after her laughing. Daehyun and Laura both ran, but only Laura was screaming. They went through a barn and when they looked back, the clown wasn't there anymore.

Laura: "Where'd he go? Oh whatever, as long as he's not chasing us anymore." Laura said as she took deep breaths after running.

Daehyun: "Why were you screaming? I mean I get that it's scary, but you screamed loud and non-stop."

Laura: "Clowns creep me out, yes I can watch horror and scary movies with clowns or whatever, but just seeing them in real life is really terrifying. It's weird I know, but yeah."

Daehyun: "I see, well you do at least know that they can't touch you right?"

Laura: "What?!"

Daehyun: "Yeah, the rule is- Don't touch the actors and they won't touch you."

Laura scoffed.

Laura: "And you couldn't have told me that long before it started??"

Daehyun just shrugged.

Laura: "Let's just go before I kill you with my own hands."

Daehyun: "Awesome, can't wait for that!" He just smirked and kept walking.

Aria: "I could've just stayed home doing some math problems or reading a book, but nooo I had to come here of all places." Jax: "Wow thanks, I know I'm handsome." Aria: "What? I didn't, oh never mind." Aria rolled her eyes. They kept walking through the wide field of crops and ended up at a "Fence maze." It was like a corn maze but with fences and zombies were creepily walking around just hitting the fences. It seems like just the presence of the zombies were enough to creep Aria out.

Aria: "Noooo, why?" Aria groaned so scared and grew tired of the Haunted house. In front of her and Jax were other people too from another group. Everyone was walking so slowly. Suddenly, one of the zombies started running toward them, and that caused everyone to scream and run. Everyone was running, EXCEPT ARIA. Aria was just standing there hardly moving like she was paralyzed. Once reality hit her, she started running, trying to catch up with the others. Then, the same clown with the knife ran up and hit the fence in front of her which made Aria scream loud. Jax noticed she was behind and ran back to her and moved her in front of him.

Jax: "It's okay, you're okay, just keep going, come on." Aria was so scared and breathless. Jax tried to calm her down and finally he linked arms with Aria. Aria was surprised, but didn't let go or say anything.

The clown appeared in front Aria's face. Aria: "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhghhhh!!! Go away!" "I'LL KILL YOU, SWEET DREAMS BECAUSE IT WILL BE YOUR LAST." The clown was saying to Aria. Aria kept screaming.

Jax: "It's okay, you're okay." Jax kept repeating as he pulled Aria closer to him. Aria's hand rested on Jax's hand while their arms linked together still. (Aria's thinking) Oh my gosh, I'm so scared, but I feel a bit relaxed everytime Jax reassures me that I'm fine. But my hand is on top of his....Ah! What do I do? What do I do?? I'm so scared to move my hand, it'll be awkward if I move so I just won't move at all.--Aria's face was flushed with redness, although no one could tell by how dark it was outside.

They finally made it out of there and passed through a narrow, dirty, dark bus. Once they got off the bus they landed in a room that was quiet. Weirdly, they were in a room inside the building now, instead of outside.

1...Only one light came on where a creepy broken doll was standing, the doll giggled and said "Come play with me." 2...All the lights came on in the back and showed a full room of monsters, murderers, and creatures. 3...the doll said, "Run"

A stampede ran at them. Aria and Jax ran for their lives. The lights would be on for 5 seconds then go out for 10, then on another 6 seconds and off for 11. The zombies, vampires, ghosts, clowns, masked creeps with weapons, dolls, reapers, and so on chased after them nonstop. It was more difficult with the lights on and off every few seconds. Jax tripped but found balance quickly. They ran through a door which led to a grave yard. (Aria's thinking) How big is this place?! No, how crazy and insane is this place??!

--Aria and Jax were still running, when they saw Karina and Mathew. Karina and Mathew saw them as well.

Jax and Aria: "RUN!!!" All 4 of them quickly ran together. They found a door that led underground. Ones that were similar to those that people go in during a tornado. When they were out of the creeps' sight, they dove inside. Matthew put a finger to his lips, signaling them to be quiet. It was a while before they had all passed by.

Once they were free to talk, the girls hugged each other happy to see them. The boys did a fist bump with a half-hug. Karina: "I'm so happy to see you guys. We've been looking everywhere and found nothing but trouble."

Aria: "Same here, did you find Laura and Daehyun?"

Matthew: "Sadly, no." Jax opened a blanket that hung on a wall. It was a passage leading somewhere else.

Jax: "We need to get moving, let's take this tunnel. It seems safer."

Karina pulled out her phone and Aria knew what she was going to do so she pulled hers out too.

Aria: "Good thinking Karina."

Karina: "Thanks." Jax and Matthew still looked confused.

Karina: "We are using our flashlights from our phones for light. And before you ask, we can't call the others because their phones are off."

Matthew: "Oh, we didn't think of any of that."

Jax: "Yeah, we're dumb, good idea though." Jax gave Karina a thumbs up. Karina: "Thanks."

They walked through the dark tunnel that were lit up by the flashlights.

Aria: "This place even has a tunnel. Wow, you guys sure chose the right place." Karina: *scoff "Right? This place is so unusual. And next time, lets not have the boys chose where we go."

Aria: "Agreed." Matthew and Jax looked at the girls that were now walking in front of them. They scoffed and rolled eyes.

Jax: "Wow seriously, can you believe them?"

Matthew: "I know right, by the way, if anyone asks," Matthew and Jax at the same time: "Daehyun chose this place."

Laura noticed there were 3 set of doors. Daehyun and Laura stood there not knowing which door to walk through. Laura: "Why are there so many doors here? Now I know not to trust you guys with choosing places."

Daehyun: "What?! Me?! Jax and Matthew were the ones who even had the idea to come here. They tried to convince me, but I only said yes because they're younger than me and just so adorable!"

Laura: "They gave you puppy eyes?" Daehyun: "Darn those puppy eyes! They're my weakness, and they used it against me. Ugh." (Laura's thinking) Oooh, puppy eyes, Daehyun's weakness, nice! I'll keep that in mind when I need a new pair of shoes.

Daehyun: "Anyways, what door do we go through?" Still deciding, a noise was heard followed by a voice.

???: "How about we do this instead?" Laura and Daehyun jerked their heads towards the voice.

???: "You can either come with me quietly, or we can get loud...and messy?" Laura was nervous, Daehyun was alert. He moved and stood in front of Laura defensively. (Laura's thinking) What's going on? Is he talking to us? Is this part of the act or is it real? Oh my gosh, what do I do? It's pretty dark in here, maybe we can just slip away...

A loud thump was heard. Guessing by the noise, the intruder probably jumped down from some height.

Daehyun: "What do you want?" He could feel the person getting closer.

???: "I just want one thing and one thing only. Now do I have to kill you to get it? That's the real question here." This threat made Daehyun ready to fight and stood closer to Laura, making sure she's safe.

???: "Oh? All right, I guess we're going with messy way. Which I really hate, because the hardest part is always cleaning up the mess afterwards." A tall man who seemed around the same age as Daehyun and Laura, stepped out into the dim light. He was wearing black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and he wore brown work boots. He had that innocent, harmless look, but I guess don't judge a book by its cover. He also seemed ready to attack.

Daehyun: "Whatever you want from us, you aren't going to get it." The intruder laughed and started talking as he was walking closer toward them, unafraid and calm.

???: "Really? Oh you poor boy. You haven't a single clue of what I'm here for, do you?"

Daehyun didn't respond, looking at the mysterious man intensely, wondering what he could be talking about.

.....???: "I'm here for Laura."