
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 18- Girls, Girls, Girls

(Same day as the last chapter) Later on that day....

Aria: Are we ready?

Karina: Let's see; Snacks?

Laura: Chips, ice cream, popcorn, cookies, drinks, and obviously chocolate.

All of them: Because chocolate is life.

Karina: Outfits?

Aria: I bought Laura a panda onesie, Karina a bunny onesie, and for myself a pikachu onesie. I also brought pillows so when we get emotional and really angry we can hit the pillows instead of each other.

Laura and Karina: WE??

Aria: Alright fine, when I get angry and end up punching you guys, sheesh.

They all laugh.

Karina: T.V. show?

Laura: I asked my sister and she really recommended a K-Drama called Scarlet Heart: Ryeo?

Aria: Ooooh, sounds nice. I can't wait!

Karina: Cool! And lastly, I bought us stuffed animals because, why not?

Aria: Yay!!!

Laura: Cool I guess,*laughing* but as long as I get the pikachu one.

Aria gasps.

Aria: You want to take my baby away from me??

Laura: You can just go adopt another one, I mean they all look the same.


Aria: Oh and also, I have good news! Laura, your phone was ringing when you were taking a nap so I answered it. And you got hired to work at the roller rink, and I got hired to work at the movie theaters!!

All 3 of them: YAAAAAY!!!

Aria: You start work in a few weeks and so do I.

Laura: Amazing!

Karina: Congratulations!

Soon enough, the time came and they started watching the tv show. In all, there are 20 episodes, and it was 11:00 PM when they were only on episode 4. These episodes are about an hour long or over an hour.

Aria: Woah, no way! Ugh, this is so difficult, I ship her with 3 guys.

Laura: I know right! Who do you want her to be with Karina? *She asked while munching on her popcorn*

They looked over to her.

Aria shaked her arm.

Aria: Karina? Wow, she fell asleep.

Laura: Yeah, I can see that, I have eyes.

Aria slapped her on the arm.

Aria: Shut up. *laughing*

Laura: Ow! Why are you always hitting me??

Aria: I'm sorry, I just have a habit of hitting people!

Laura scoffs and smiles.

Aria: I bet I know how to wake her up.

She whispered into Laura's ear.

Laura: On 3.

Aria: 1....

Laura: 2....


Karina's eyes shot open, she sat up and leaned forward putting on her glasses, and she yelled.




Laura and Aria were too busy laughing to even answer her.

Karina confused, looked at them. It took her a few seconds before she realized. She started whining.

Karina: Oh what?? Why were you guys lying?! That's not nice, what did I ever do to you???

They were still laughing as they talked.

Aria: At least you're awake now.

Laura: Yeah, you could've missed out on something important.

Karina: Still!! That was unfair and I was actually having a good dream!

Laura: Was it romantic?

Karina: ..........

The 2 girls started laughing again.

Karina: Hey! So what if it was, what's wrong with that eh???

They just kept laughing until their faces turned red. Karina threw pillows at their faces. Then Laura reached behind her thinking it was a pillow and threw her popcorn at Karina's face. They gasped.


At that moment, everyone got up and threw all sorts of snacks at each other. Then, Aria sneaked away and grabbed the remote and changed the tv app to YouTube and played K-POP. The first song that came on was Very Nice by Seventeen. The girls were laughing, throwing food, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and also singing along to all the songs.

Aria ran up to Laura and Karina and put ICECREAM on their faces. They gasped.

Karina: It's so cooold.

Laura: Oh that's IT....YOU'RE DEAD!


She was screaming as Laura was chasing after her with a liter of soda in her hand. Karina just laughed as she sang along to the end of the song, Awkward Silence by Stray Kids.

Karina: "Like awkward silence-" *singing along*

Then Laura accidently splashed the Sprite on Karina's face when she was aiming for Aria. At that time BINGO by 24K came on. And Karina was triggered. By the strong and powerful beat of the song, you can say that it was the perfect mood.

Karina: Aria....I baked cupcakes a while ago, would you please do me a favor and grab me it.

Aria rushed and grabbed them. While she was walking from the kitchen Aria yelled to Laura.

Aria: Ohhh, Laura you're going to die.

Laura: W-why?

As Aria came into view, Laura could see why. 48 cupcakes, all chocolate triple-frosted. Aria LOVES frosting on her cupcakes, so Karina always puts on extra for her.

Laura: Why do you like frosting so much??!!

Aria: Hey, you can't blame me. This time I get food and an entertaining show.

Karina charged at her.

Karina: Aaaaaahhh!

Laura: Aaaaaaahhh!

Aria: Hahahahahaha!

While they were fighting, Aria was just on the side eating her cupcake, laughing, singing along, and dancing. She really is the youngest out all of them.

Aria: *singing along* "BIG, YEAH WE BANG LIKE THIS, Bang Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bang, Bam Bam Bam"

She was making 2 fingered guns with her hands and doing the whole dance and everything.

While she was dancing, she felt weight on her back. Karina and Laura jumped on her. She lost her balance and they all fell down.

They were all laughing.

Aria: I'm having so much fun.

Laura: Same.

Karina: Haha, me too.

Aria stood up and helped the others up.

Aria: Let's see how far we can get to on Scarlet Heart. It's so interesting and emotional. But I hate the mom. I mean she's so rude and a HORRIBLE mother!

Laura and Karina backed away afraid that she was going to get angry and accidently hit them again.

Aria: Haha, don't worry, I won't hit you guys. *started walking and sat on the couch* You guys are safe as long as I have these pillows.

They laughed and sat down on the couch. The girls didn't even care if they were dirty and messy, they were having fun. Aria still continued eating whatever food was left and everyone made themselves comfortable. All 3 of them on the couch with their blankets, food, stuffed animals, Aria's pillows, all in their cute outfits, all snuggled together watching tv and really into the storyline of Scarlet Heart. This is friendship. I hope this group of friends live a long and happy life together. Even with their caring boyfriends, these girls need to stick together.