
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 17- Life

All the girls sat on the edge of the ambulance truck while the boys stood next to them. Daniel was talking to them.

Daniel: I'm so sorry this happened to you guys. And I'm very sorry for you Karina, how is your brother and you dealing with it?

Karina looked over to her brother, Dorian, who was talking with one of the FBI men and responded.

Karina: I....I'm grateful that Leon(Aria's younger brother)was there in time. I didn't think about how alone Dorian would be if I died. I told father that I didn't care if I died, but I forgot how Dorian would suffer and feel bad. So....I'm happy that Leon was there, and I'm sure my brother and I will be just fine. Thanks for your concern.

Daniel: Well, if you ever need anything, just let me know. As for your father....he'll most likely be sentenced his whole life in prison.

Karina: At least he won't be able to hurt anyone. Thank you for everything.

Daniel: Of course, oh and Aria!

Aria: Yeah?

Daniel: Octavia sends her greetings and love, make sure to call her later, and try to visit more often.

Aria chuckled.

Aria: Of course, thank you. Please take good care of my sister, as always.

Daniel smiled, nodded, and walked away.

Dorian came over and Karina hugged him.

Karina: I'm so sorry baby brother.

Dorian: Don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault. And dad....I feel bad for him, but maybe it's for the best. And who are you calling baby? I'm 18.

Karina laughed.

Karina: Well you're still 6 years younger than me-

Dorian: Then you're just really old.

Aria laughed out loud.

Aria: *still laughing* Good one.

Aria: Wait a minute, I'm the same age as her....Hey!

Dorian laughed.

Aria: Argh, I'm going to kill you! Hey, get over here! Who are you calling old?!

Aria chased after the laughing child. Everyone laughed. She caught him and ruffled his hair. She put him in a headlock.

Aria: Who's old huh? Tell me.

Dorian: Not you!

Aria: *playfully*Good, you can go back to your sister now. Watch your words next time.

With that, she let him go and they all laughed.


???: Are you okay?

Karina looked behind the fallen body and saw Leon.

Karina: Leon...How are you-

He walked to her and helped her up.

Leon: I was in the neighborhood and heard loud noises coming from here so I decided to check it out. Luckily, I found you just in time.

Karina: Is he....d-dead?

Leon: No, don't worry, I only knocked him out. Who is he?

Karina: No one, just,....

Leon: Just no one? *smiling*

Karina chuckled.

Karina: Yeah. Thank you, for saving me.

Leon: There's no need to thank me, I'm just happy you're okay. You're okay, right?

Karina smiled.

Karina: Yes, don't worry, I'm good.

*End of flashback*

Everyone drove back home besides the FBI that stayed at the building. Aria insisted on driving since Karina and Laura looked worn out.

Aria: Karina, didn't your brother live with your dad?

Karina: Yeah.

Aria: Well, where is he going to live now?

Karina: I was also curious of that too and asked him myself, and he said he was going to be living in a dorm at a college. And coincidentally, that college is near our place. So I can visit him and he can visit us anytime.

Aria: Oh cool, that's good to hear.

Laura: Yeah....I wanted to see Daehyun today, but my body hurts.

Karina: Same.

Aria: 3rd here. It's okay though, we can hang out with them tomorrow before our girls night. For now, let's all get some rest.

Karina: Okay.

Laura: Okay.

Aria smiled.

Laura, Aria, and Karina all at the same time: I'm glad it's all over.

They laughed.

Laura: *laughing*I forgot that we could read each other's minds.

(Laura's thinking) It really is done.....Finally, it's all over.

--The next morning, as said, Jax hung out with Aria, Karina and Mathew were together, and Laura was with Daehyun. Aria and Jax were having fun at a carnival. Roller coaster rides, sky scraper, popcorn, cute hats; The last ride they went on was the Ferris Wheel. They got on it and were talking.

Jax: Are you having fun?

Aria: Yes!

He chuckled.

Jax: That's good. Keep smiling, I love seeing you happy.

She blushed.

Jax: Let's hang out tonight again?

Aria: *smiling* Sorry, no can do. Girls night tonight. And NOTHING stops girls night.

He laughed.

Jax: That's too bad. Then, how about first thing tomorrow morning? *excited*

Aria smiled.

Aria: Okay,....we should hang out everyday when we can. I know I normally don't say it a lot, mostly because YOU ALWAYS say it instead....but I miss you too. Even though I see your face often, I always miss you. I love you so much. I never thought there would be someone out there, who would love me for me.....I'm so lucky and glad to have met you and thank you.

Jax: You took the words right out of my mouth. *smiling*

Aria looked out at the beautiful view.

Aria: Oh! We're almost at the top of the ferris wheel!

She smirks and leans towards him putting her hands on his neck.

Jax blushed.

Jax: Wh-what are you....doing?

Before she answered, Aria kissed him and he kissed back. Afterwards, Aria sat back and talked while smiling widely.

Aria: Everyone knows that when a couple reaches the top of the ferris wheel, they kiss. It's a basic and simple, yet effective and known move in romance.

Jax: *laughing* Says who?

Aria: Like I said, it's very well known in romance books, movies, t.v. shows, all of that.

Jax: *laughing and blushing* You're really something Aria Melenda.

She chuckled and smiled mischievously.

Aria: Aren't I?

Meanwhile, Matthew took Karina-as he said he would-to a fancy restaurant.

Karina: Wow, this place is amazing. And the food is great. But isn't it really expensive? I mean, you even bought me this $100 red dress for me.

Matthew: Yes, it was pricey....but you deserve it all. And I did say that I was going to take you. I would do anything for you. And if you ever need something, don't hesitate to ask.

Karina: Thank you.

Matthew: Oh, and do you have Leon's number?

Karina: Yes, do you want it?

Matthew: Yeah, I would like to thank him for saving you.

Karina blushed and giggled a little.

Karina: Really?

Matthew: I know you did like thousand times, but I want to thank him as well and also hang out.

Karina smiled.

Karina: Of course, I'll text it to you.

Matthew: Thanks, but back to that other topic, Cupid.

Karina: *Laughing* Ah yes, I think you did very well, although maybe concert tickets would've been better.

Matthew: Oh really? What concert would we go to? Do you have a artist or band in mind?

Karina answered 0.1 seconds after he asked the question.

Karina: BTS!!!

Matthew: ......Nope!

Karina: What? Why??

Matthew: Why would I go take you to see a boy group perform, that you have crushes on? I bet you'll be fangirling the whole time and call them hot or whatever.

She laughed.

Karina: Are you jealous of Mr. Worldwide Handsome?(A nickname for a BTS member)

Matthew put down his fork.

Matthew: Mr. Who now??

She just bursted out into laughter.

Karina: Nothing...

Matthew: Hmm.

They smiled.

Daehyun sat down next to Laura on the grass.

Daehyun: Thought I would find you here.

Laura: How? Oh wait, *chuckling* YOU showed me this place.

Daehyun: Yeah....I'm guessing that if you're here, you must have a problem. What is it?

Laura sighed.

Laura: It's just.....When I was kidnapped, I was thinking about a lot of things. One thing that came into my mind,.....were my parents.

Daehyun: What about them? I remembered the last time we talked here, you told me they lived in New York and that you guys didn't get along well.

Laura: Yeah, only half of that.....was true.

Daehyun: Huh?

Laura: I didn't exactly lie....I mean. *sighs* To cut it short, my mom got sick and died. I.....didn't find out until after I came here. As for my dad, h-he felt like he had just lost the 2 most important people in his life and...commited suicide. And just like Karina said back in the warehouse, I accepted it a long time ago. I guess, I just.....f-felt bad that I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. I thought at that time of the kidnapping, that I was going to die without even saying to my parents 'I love you.'

Daehyun pulled her into a side hug and didn't mind the tears falling onto him from Laura's eyes.

Daehyun: I'm sorry. I don't like seeing you sad, I feel bad that I can't help you. If only I could turn back time.

Laura spoke in between breaths as she was sobbing.

Laura: It's...not your....fault.

Daehyun: And it's not yours either. You had no way of knowing that your mother was sick and was going to pass away. Don't beat yourself up. Be glad that your mother and father are in a good place now,....I know that they're watching over you. I know you love them and they love you. Don't think about all the bad stuff. Think positively, I'm sure Aria can help you with that.*smiling*

Laura: You're right, she's so peppy, Karina too. *smiling*

Laura: Thank you.....can we stay like this for a while please?

Daehyun: Of course, take all the time you need....I'll always be here, right by your side.

Laura smiled feeling reassured.