
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasia
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47 Chs


"Where, am, I? uhh, my stomatch hurt so bad, and I can't even stand. What happened to me". "Only blank black space? Ah, am I done? But, nevermind". "Hello, who's there, sure I hear someone in here". "Ah, who are you!".

"Hello, young lady, nice to meet you"

"You sound horrifying"

"We already meet before, I will save you everywhere, this is the third time, you are me, no need to forget it, but, a lot of people hate us, so they took me off from your body and replace it with the others, but, no need to do that now, but, I need you to take me back, I miss you, milord"

"I'm not trust you, stay away from me!"

"Milord, you must save me, if you with me, you will be unbeatable, sure, why you look very talented even that you are normal mixed creature"

"What are you saying now?"

"Milord, Trust me, you wont regret it"

"What is that?"

"This is you when you just born"

"An horn in my head?"

"Yeah, that's yours, the only one who can communicate with self animal or plant in their body is you"


"You're not kitten, but you can take every form, move on"

"Eh, I'm not sure

"Take my other two head, one already bring by the wind citizen, but don't worry, you still get a lot of power, and I show you where is the real power placed"

"What you mean?"

"Blackmarket, go there, you remember it right?"

"Ah, yeah"

"This poison is nothing, I put my memory on you through one of my head, and it works"

"And then?"

"We meet again milord"

"How I trust you?"

"Milord Katarina, trust me, I'm you"

"Ok, now what"

"You still alive, but I take you to this dimension, and will return you, take me back so you can be the queen"

"Sounds legit"


"What sound is this, crying, eh"

"Where is the Torch and oil!"

Wait, she start moving!"

"What? Miracle"

"Don't touch her so her muscle can move her body again freely"

"Eh, I must open my eyes"

"Katarina! Oh dear yo still alive!" said Lord to Katarina. "Uh, what happened?" ask Katarina to Lord. "no, nothing, just lay there and let your body feel comfort" said Firdaus to Katarina. "Eh, ok" said Katarina. "Here is the oil and torch sir" said god that just arrived in there. "Throw that away" said Firdaus to that God. "What, Torch and oil? For what?" Ask Katarina to Firdaus. "No, not a problem, we think an heat can help in here" said Firdaus, suddenly Firdaus got a little slap on his back by Livanka.

"Fortunately, you still alive, we think you already dead, there is no live activity in you body before, so, it's a miracle" said Lord to Katarina. "Eh, well, I get it, why this happened, in fact, OUCH!" shout Katarina who try to get up cause her blade glowed red. "What happened!" ask Lord and some of people in there who try to approach Katarina. "No, nothing, I think this blade want to tell me something, but, I'm still fine, no need to worry, I just need some sleep" said Katarina who try to stand and start moving.

"Let me carry you to your room madame" said one of the servant in there while hold Katarina hand. "Eh, no need, I can go alone" said Katarina to that Servant. "No problem madame, your body still unstable, so, it's so risky if you walk alone" said that Servant. "Eh, why everyone look at me nowadays, just like something big happened to me?" said Katarina to herself. After reaching Katarina room, the servant start asking to Katarina "do you want some juice, snack or anything?" ask that servant to Katarina.

"Eh, maybe, snack with hot chocolate would be great" Said Katarina. "Alright, we will made it special for you" said that Servant to Katarina. After that, Katarina start walking on her room and lay down on her bed thinkin for what just happened. "Excuse me" said someone knocking Katarina room. "Eh, yeah, wait a second" said Katarina that walking towards the door to open it. "Here is madame, the choco bread with hot choco milk special for you" said the servant to Katarina. "Eh, thanks" said Katarina while take the snack and the hot choco from the servant.

Day change to night, Katarina out from her room to meet Lord in his office. "Excuse me" said Katarina walk in to the Lord room. "Ah, it's you, how was your feeling?" ask Lord to Katarina. "a bit better than before after eating some snack" said Katarina to Lord. "great, now how was the mission?" ask Lord to Katarina. "Yeah, not bad, I got this swords from them, but I can't follow them entering the black market since I injured while protecting them" said Katarina to Lord. "Black market?" ask Lord confused. "Yeah, and, but, I want to go there tomorrow, I want to buy and look some cool stuff in there" said Katarina to Lord.

"But, now it illegal after Gardonio know the spear that stab you before was from black market and really illegal to use" said Lord to Katarina. "But, I want to buy some stuff in there" said Katarina to Lord again. "I can't go there again, if they know I will be in danger" said Lord to Katarina. "Huh, alright, I will go alone" said Katarina to Lord. "You can't go there alone, you need someone that trusted by them, alright, this time only, I will" said Lord that immediately change his mind. "Woah, Yaaayyyy" said Katarina happily. "But remember, this time only, after that, no more, so, buy that interest you in there" said Lord to Katarina.

The next day, Katarina prepare herself and leave the swords that she get from the wind city leader on her room. After that she moving towards to Lord office. "Excuse me" said Katarina. "You ready, alright, if someone ask you where we gonna go, just answer to meet your dad, I'm gonna made an teleport place so we can move faster to the black market place" said Lord to Katarina. "Eh, why not made the teleport in here?" ask Katarina to Lord. "I must give some report to the gate guard" said Lord to Katarina "Eh, ok" said Katarina to Lord. "Alright, let's move" said Lord to Katarina.

After Lord giving the report paper to the gatekeeper, Lord start making a portal to the blackmarket place. "Alright, her it is" said Lord, Katarina suddenly remember this place, the place that where she protect the Blackmarket tool from thief. "AHA, LORD! Welcome, my friends" said one of the people in there. "Whatsup? I want to check your stuff, my child need it" said Lord to that guy. "A'ight, lets get in!" said that Guy while opening the blackmarket place door. "I got a lot of new stuff, recently, so take a lot that you want" said that guy to Lord. "Here it is" said that guy again while turning all the lights. In there a lot of spell, book of chaos, blood, cells transplant, and other weird but dangerous stuff.

"Ok, now look for the stuff that you need, don't take a long time" said Lord to Katarina. "Alright" said Katarina while start searching the dragon head. After 10 minutes of searching, she can't find the dragon head, but suddenly when she wanted to go to other direction, some of dragon memories attack her and made her head hurts. Suddenly the dragon head spawned on her left side, and Katarina take it immediately. After that, Katarina take one of book spell in there. After take all she needs, she back again to the front desk of that room to meet lord again.

"Here it is" said Katarina while show all of stuff that he take. "A dragon head and a book of spell?" ask Lord to Katarina. "Eh, yeah, it is" said Katarina to Lord. "oh, well, how much?" ask Lord to the blackmarket guy. "Alright, dragon head is a bonus, so you just need to paid 5 gold" said that Guy to Lord. "Ok, thank you" said That guy. "Are you already sure an dragon head?" ask Lord again to Katarina cause he confused with what Katarina buy.

"Yeah, maybe I need something from this dragon" said Katarina to Lord. "what do you mean?" ask Lord to Katarina. "Eh, my feeling said, this dragon head maybe usefull and good" said Katarina to Lord. "Eh, did I must say that?" ask Katarina to herself. "Okay, so, how much this all cost?" ask Lord to the blackmarket keeper guy. "Only this? Usually you take more, and why you don't take some stuff?" ask the blackmarket keeper guy to Lord.

"I'm not in mood buying something today, this all cause her, I don't know, she keep force me to go here, but, maybe next time I will buy some stuff again here" said Lord to the blackmarket keeper guy. "Well, really reasonable, actually, this dragon head was not for sale, it was sacred" said the blackmarket keeper guy. "But, I see you sold this to wind city leader? We already meet yesterday, right?" ask Katarina to the blackmarket keeper guy. "Actually, I don't care about them, I care for Lord, one of my best costumer, as the legend said, if someone who try to use this dragon head will be destroyed and the dragon will be attack everything in front of it" said the blackmarket keeper guy to Katarina.

"So, you wont take responsible if you give the dragon head to the wrong guy? And let them died for the money?" said Katarina to the Blackmarket keeper guy. "That's how blackmarket system works, we wont responsible for any catastrophe that made by our stuff, our costumer too already understand that" said that blackmarket keeper guy to Katarina. "Hei, Katarina, stop it, why you said that to him?" said Lord to Katarina. "I take this dragon head, no matter what, I will take it even it cost more than you sell it to the wind city leader!" said Katarina to the blackmarket keeper guy

"Huh, Lord, where you get this girl?" ask the blackmarket keeper guy to Lord. "Katarina, if he said it not for sale, it's a big no, cause it really dangerous" said Lord to Katarina. "So, why you sell this? If it's not for sale?" ask Katarina again to the blackmarket keeper guy. "How many time I said that's how blackmarket works, after the wind city destroyed, we will take it back, and sell it again, and repeat it, so, more money" said the Blackmarket keeper guy to Katarina. "You guys are sick!" said Katarina to the blackmarket keeper guy. "no, you are the one who sick here, you still young to understand everything" said the blackmarket keeper guy to Katarina.

"Katarina, enough, We back home now!" said Lord angrily to Katarina. "No" said Katarina to Lord. Immediately Katarina use her beastmode and bring the dragon head away with the spell book. "Cacth her!" said the blackmarket guy to all of his friends. "No, Stop!" I will take care of her and paid all of it" said Lord trying to stop all of them. "But, man, that stuff is dangerous" said the blackmarket keeper guy to Lord. "No, she hiding something, maybe she know well about the dragon head, I will look after her, now tell me how much I paid" said Lord to the blackmarket keeper guy.

"Just the spellbook, 5 gold, the dragon head is free for you" said the blackmarket keeper guy. "Here" said Lord while giving 5 gold to him, Lord immediately move to follow where Katarina go. "Be carefull!" shout the blackmarket keeper guy to Lord. "I must go to the wind city faster!" said Katarina to herself. Suddenly, her phone ringing, "eh, what is this?" said Katarina to herself while takin her phone. "What!?" Katarina suddenly shocked cause she get news that wind city already vanished.

"I must go to there Faster!" said Katarina to herself. Far behind Lord still trying to catch over Katarina, "What happened to you, if you tell that to me, maybe everything will be fine" said Lord to himself. After a while, Katarina already arrived on wind city, and she look that everything already destroyed. Suddenly she look that there is a glass box in the centre of the destroyed wind city. "There it is, the dragon head" said Katarina while trying to take it. Suddenly someone caught her. "Stop in there, you arrested!" said that guy to Katarina. Katarina immediately take the box with her and run away.

"Hey wait!" Shout the guy to Katarina. "Damn, she's really fast" said the guy to himself. "What happened" ask the other guy that just arrived. "I see some woman take a box in there and runaway, maybe she's the one who destroyed this city" said the guy to his friend. "Why you didin't catch her?" ask his friends again to him. "she's really fast, I can't catch her" said that guy to his friends. "Well, at least we know it, a woman" said his friends. Suddenly Lord arrived to the wind city. "Hey you two, did you see some woman with passing by here with using a white royal dress and Red long hair?" ask Lord to the guy that just saw Katarina in there.

"Ah, yes, she heading to there" said the guy while pointing to front of him. "thanks" said Lord, immediately Lord back to chase Katarina. "Damn, why everyone run away really fast nowadays" said that guy to his friends. "you are the one who slow in here bro" said his friends to him. Katarina still trying to runaway cause she know that Lord will follow her. "Milord! Did you hear me?" some huge sound come from nowhere, but Katarina trying to keep calm. "Yes, I can hear you" answer Katarina to that sound. "I can made an shield, so we can start the ritual in here" said that sound again to Katarina. "Ritual? What?" ask Katarina that confused by what that sound say.

"What? I can't detect Katarina anywhere in here, where did she go?" ask Lord to himself. Suddenly Lord stop running and try to search for Katarina in there by using nature power. He see bird in up there, they sound really loud, but Lord know what that means, he starts to touch the tree beside him, but no respons "I must go back to palace, I will made an emergency team to search for her" said Lord to himself

Suddenly Lord got a message from the blackmarket keeper guy, "Lord, someone from your palace come here and trying to kill us, Help!" said that voice message. Suddenly Lord trun back to the Blackmarket Place using portal. In there he look Gardonio already waiting for him. "Well, ma homies already buy some stuff, how great, don't you remember about our aggrement?" ask Gardonio to Lord.

"I'm sorry, but, something more serious happened, Katarina Gone!" said Lord to Gardonio. "I don't care about that, that's your problem, you already made a mistake that can't be forgiven Lord, Blackmarket is illegal, and creators like you buy a lot of stuff in here? Are you lost your mind?" ask Gardonio angrily to Lord. "I'm so sorry" said Lord begging for Gardonio. "Stop it! Stay away from me! I'm enough with you, I already warn you that buy stuff from here is a bad idea, I beg you give it too to Serenia, so she can kill Mike and can't be revived again, and now, you want to give it again to Katarina? You trying to betray everyone, you old fart shit!" said Gardonio angrily.

"I'm sorry, next time I will not go to this place, please forgive me" said Lord that keep begging for apologize from Gardonio. "Huh, ok, I forgive you this time, once again if I see you go to this place again, I swear to everyone that I will kill you in here" said Gardonio to Lord. "Thank you, thank you so much" said Lord to Gardonio. "Alright now, let's search for Katarina" said Gardonio to Lord. Suddenly they move from the blackmarket place after realeasing all the blackmarket guy.

"Alright, I cant find Katarina with all of my sense" said Gardonio to Lord. "Let's get back to the Palace, and create some emergency team to search for Katarina" said Lord to Gardonio. They both returned to the palace, in there they call fo everyone that has good sensor to find Katarina Faster. After an hour of searching, finally the team already complete and they start to move separately. "Alright, where the last time you feel Katarina sense?" ask Gardonio to Lord.

"Here" said Lord to Gardonio. "Alright, y'all, turn on all of your sensor now!" Shout Gardonio to everyone in there. Suddenly everyone in there turn on their sensor to find Katarina. "None in here, sir" said one of the sensor guy in there. "Alright, keep cansoring, I will move you all to the front and report to me again" said Gardonio to everyone. Gardonio immediately move them to the Front.

"Yeah, this gonna take a long time" said Gardonio to Lord. "what dpo you mean?" ask Lord to Gardonio. "She maybe taken to another dimension or something I don't know, but I will try my best, since I know you really care for her, and I don't want my friend disappointed again by me" said Gardonio to Lord. Lord shocked and fell silent after hearing Gardonio words. "I knew it, I will continue to search too" said Lord to Gardonio. "No, just stay here, you need to take a rest for a moment, don't you remember what you do to me in the past?" said Gardonio to Lord.

Lord fell silent for a moment, "I don't remember it, what it is?" ask Lord to Gardonio. "You buy me at the blackmarket and build me until I strong enough like this, I wont forget that" said Gardonio to Lord. Suddenly Lord remember the time that he buy Gardonio when Gardonio still still a little kids. "Ah, I remember it, time flies" said Lord to Gardonio. "Sometimes, I want you to do that again, buy a kids from the blackmarket and raise them to be a powerfull kids to help you, ibeg you forgot that almost all new creator in there was an blackmarket kids that you bought" said Gardonio to Lord.

"I forgot about it" said Lord to Gardonio. "Well, it cuz you already old, just like Albara, just left all for us the new generation of creator, Livanka too, she still remember when she almost starving to death on that blackmarket place, but your kindhearted person really want to buy her and made her like to be the one of creator, in one side, we really proud of you, but, cause you already old, you can't do your job as good as when you still young" said Gardonio to Lord.

"Ah, I glad you still remember it, if you not remind me of that, maybe I would kill my self with all of this suffer" said Lord to Gardonio. "If you need something, we will always be there for you" said Gardonio to Lord. Immediately 5 people come from their back, "Long tome not to see you, Papa" said one of the person that just came. Lord shocked when see them, "You all, how?" ask Lord to them. "I still can contact them, and Livanka is on her way too here" said Gardonio. "Sorry, I'm a bit late" said Katarina who just arrived. Lord start to shed his tears when see all of them.

"I thought you all forget about me" said Lord to all of them. "No, we can't forget for anything that you do to us, papa, you save us from that blackmarket and build us to be an usefull person" said one of the guy that just came in there. "Barton, thank you" said Lord to that guy. "No need to thank to us, now just seat there and let us search for her" said a woman in there. "Sinthia, you already grow up as a beautiful woman now" said Lord to that woman. "Thanks, you always told me to care about myself, so this is me now" said Sinthia to Lord. "Ah, I can't believe it, you all already grow up so fast" said Lord that still shed his tears.

"Alright, now you guys, search for her now, I already give you guys a lot of clue" said Gardonio to all of them. All of them immediately spreading on that forest while Lord and Gardonio waiting in the same place. "Ah, I still have a lot of hope to live" said Lord to Gardonio. "I'm really happy to hear it" said Gardonio back to Lord.

"Where am i? I can't see anything"

"Madame, just calm down"

"If you don't give me any sight, I will scream"

"Alright, her it is"

"What kind of place is this, all Red and fire"

"This is your actual soul, burned, none mercy inside"

"Eh, no, stop it"

"You are the one that can control it"

"What do you mean"

"Control my power, control everything"

"What? You are a living creature right?"

"no, I can only live in your mind"

"What, so why you can destroy that city"

"Because they trying to control me"


"Everyone try to revive me with some dangerous spell, I can't be revived except by you, there is a lot of story of me, but did you know you are the most dangerous thing on this world?"

"what do you mean, I can't understand it"

"Dragon, the most powerfull creature beside a lot of other big creature, you are born cause your parents stole a power from sacred temple of dungeon 4 place, then all of the priest in your castle said me was an cursed animals, but I already stick with you since you still inside your mother womb, so, simply I only grow with you"

"Wait, you said sacred temple, I know it, so you want to use me as a tool to back again at that temple, right?"



"No one can hear you, Milord"

"Stop calling me like that, go away"



Everyone still searching for Katarina, Sinthia found something weird in there, that is some sacred swords from blackmarket that she knows. "Guys, I think I found something interesting here, you guys know the old rust swords in our blackmarket place, it's here, and it's looks like new" said Sinthia by radio to all of them. "Wait, did she said some old rusty swords, Katarina maybe near from there, all of you, follow Sinthia" said Lord to all of them.

Gardonio direct all of the sensor team to follow Sinthia, after a while, all of them already reached Sinthia location. "Look, this is the swords that I talked about" said Sinthia to all of them. "Alright sensor team, search her now" said Gardonio to his sensor team. While the sensor team trying to search Katarina, Lord talking about this swords to them, "This was an legendary rust swords that can only be cleaned by the one people that really special" said Lord to Gardonio and others.

"So, this girl is the one that maybe known as the next choosen one? You lucky enough to have her papa, and so to us" said Sinthia to Lord. "I don't know, she's still weak than Serenia I think" said Lord to Sinthia. "Serenia? That girl was worked in blackmarket currently as paid destroyer, and she's the top one currently, why did you know her?" said one of the guy in there. "She was one of my assistant back there before she killed Mike with her own power, Yulbera know how strong she is, maybe I can't denied the fact that she can kill Herb tinnitusa alone" said Lord to that guy.

"What? How did you get her?" ask that guy again to Lord. "One of my students, Yuki, found her, and after her pullout from this world to made her own world, Yulnera give her to me, since Yuki told Yulnera to give Serenia to me, she really respect me a lot until that day" said Lord to that guy again. "Well, that's really bad to hear" said that guy again to Lord, "Sometimes I'm not as good as you all know, Rin had same fate too, but luckily she still trust me" said Lord to all of them.

"Well, from nowadays, remember us, I'm currently at number two , excactly below Serenia as an Popular paid Destroyer on blackmarket" said that guy again to Lord. "But, Gareth, I recommend you to out now from that place, I wont trust that place again after all of this" said Lord to that guy again. "Why? What happened, I'm fine with that" said Gareth to Lord. "No, I just want you all to back to Centere palace, I got some bad feeling if you guys not with me after this" said Lord to all of them.

"After they told us useless kid cause we all from the blackmarket, shame on them, I wont get back to that cursed place" said Barton to Lord. "No, I will raise you all into God and Goddes in there, so no one would harash you all again" said Lord to all of them. "Barton, just accept it" said Gardonio to Barton. "Alright, we aggre, but, if someone wanted to harash us again, can I cut them head off?" ask Barton to Lord. "Let me take care of that guy" said Lord to Barton.

Suddenly the swords start moving, "wait, what happened" said Livanka to all of them, "Follow that swords, now!" said Lord to all of them. "They start moving to follow that swords direction. "Damn, that swords, really fast" said Gareth. "Just focus" said Lord to Gareth. "Ah, ok,ok I will" said Gareth to Lord. After an hour, the swords stopped and dropped back again to ground.

"What happened again?" ask Gardonio to Lord, I think we followed by someone, and this swords know it" said Lord to Gardonio. "Everybody, keep in my distance and made an strong shield" said Lord to all of them. Suddenly all of the blackmarket guy fly over them by the tree. Suddenly the swords starts explode. "SHIELD!" said Lord to all of them, immediately Barton and Livanka made a strong shiled helped by buff from others.

That explosion destroy anything near of the swords in 1 mile range, but the Lord team still save with others. "Is everybody okay?" ask Lord to all of them. "Yeah, we're good" said some of them. "Damn, that explosion, really dangerous, even can finish an B rank monsters" said Gareth. Suddenly the sword start to moving again. "Follow that sword again" said Lord to all of them. "What, hey, told to that swords to wait a little bit, I'm really tired" said Gareth to all of them, "So, this is the blackmarket destroyer quality? Such a shame" said Sinthia to Gareth. "Ah, damn, alrgiht" said Gareth that start to moving again to follow that swords together with Sinthia.

After a while, the swords stopped again, "Alright, I beg, someone followed us again, let me take care of them" said Gardonio to Lord. "No" said Lord to Gardonio, then Lord start walking to front of him. "Wait, how he can understand and sword language" said Gardonio to all of them. "That's your papa, come on, let's see what we got" said Livanka to Gardonio. "That's your papa too" said Gardonio back to Livanka.

"What happened to me? Why my body feel different?"

To be continued

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