
Chapter 37: A Caesar and a Christian

It was surprise tinged with disappointment. This was no titan. What he saw was a stomach rotund from good living, hair difficult to distinguish from the wig. And his head? - well short of the clouds. When he spoke, there was another surprise. Instant reassessment.

'My dearest Lizzie,' said Thierry Richards, reaching out for her hand and taking it in both of his, 'You look tired. Are you prepared for yet another humiliating defeat?' The voice was powerful, melodic, the words cruel. Robert took immediate dislike.

'And are you prepared for blood? Because I intend letting some.' She was going to fight. There was an edge to her voice Robert had not heard before. The retaliation heartened him. In spite of himself he grinned, and dropped his chin to chest to camouflage it. Other eavesdroppers were not so circumspect.

The lions were ready. All that was needed to complete the arena was Caesar and a christian.