
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

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108 Chs

Chapter 85 - The Morning After

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: Got a storyline bothering me for an cyberpunk edgerunners /2077 that I've been brainstorming recently. I dunno if it's my hype for phantom liberty or not, but I'm thinking of dropping another story after the expansion comes out, since they'll apparently be changing up all the skill trees and other stuff.

Not that I'll be abandoning this story mind you. Or even slowing down releases. We're at 4-5 chapters a week and I Got big plans still. I'm more excited to write Khan's story for myself, just to see how my plans turn out hahah. Hopefully by sept il have built back up my stockpile and I can actually maintain 2 stories lol If not, this story will always take priority however. Promise! *****

Khan awoke pretty late the next day, having slept in past his regular rising time, as a result of last nights rather vigorous activities, not that he remembered that immediately.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Jordan found himself in an unfamiliar bedroom, on an unfamiliar empty bed, stark naked as the day he was born.

Never one to sleep in the nude, he was originally a little confused upon opening his eyes, before he thought back and quickly remembered what happened the previous night.

And needless to say, soon Khan was in a very good mood and with a giant smile on his face.

'Last night was incredible!' Khan thought to himself satisfied, remembering last night's events.

Now, typically, with the Yule Ball occurring the night before, one would automatically assume that Jordan was referring to the yule ball when stating the phrase 'last night was incredible'.

And normally, you'd be right.

But Khan wasn't referencing that at all.

And it wasn't that the Yule Ball hadn't been fun mind you; on the contrary, Khan would be the first to admit, that it had been actually quite fun, not to mention very refreshing, to see his friends and students all dressed up and looking their best.

Jordan was particularly impressed when it came to his Closest 'girl-friends'.

Luna was looking very festive in her green dress robes and holly/mistletoe jewelry.

Whereas Hermione was looking quite stunning in her periwinkle-blue dress robes, with Khan in particular, fully appreciating what she had done with her regularly bushy hair.

And it wasn't just their looks either! Jordan really did enjoy spending time with them at the Yule Ball, especially with his old best friend there as well, surprisingly as Luna's teacher. He had a lot of fun chatting with them in a more formal setting, and He had even enjoyed dancing with each of them individually as well!

Although he had to say, he was rather surprised at how 'strange' they all appeared to be acting after he had returned alongside Harry from fetching them all drinks.

Luna, Khan remembered, who was typically very dreamy in persona, actually appeared strangely focused for once, on whatever the girls had been discussing, before him and Harry had returned.

Even stranger still to Jordan, was that they all appeared to be enjoying themselves together as friends, with even Hermione strangely getting along with Fleur, when they were typically at loggerheads.

And speaking of his date Fleur, it wasn't to say that he didn't also enjoy his time with Fleur DURING the Yule Ball. Jordan always enjoyed her company, not to mention, Her dress had been especially stunning, emphasizing all her curves and 'assets' rather nicely.

It was just that..... he happened to 'enjoy' his time spent with Fleur AFTER the Yule Ball, a little bit more.


OK fine. A lot more!

And could you really blame him?

Khan was not expecting anything of the sort to happen; at least, not that quickly.

He definitely didn't make any of his researched 'moves' that his books had told him would lead towards 'events' such as these.

In fact, when thinking back to the lead up to it, Jordan didn't remember saying or doing anything special to elicit such a response from Fleur.

And after last night, he definitely wanted to repeat whatever actions those were.

He quickly recalled everything that happened as the Yule ball was ending, in hopes that he would learn a thing or two, and they would once again result in…. His new favorite 'activity'.

***** Flashback to end of Yule Ball *****

After Khan and Harry had returned with refreshments for all the ladies, they had found all the girls talking closely together, strangely getting along, much to Khan's relief.

He knew that Fleur and Hermione were typically at loggerheads, so to find them getting along, just made his night that much better! His girlfriend and his first friend were finally getting along!

After chatting while sipping on their drinks, they even all enjoyed dancing together as a group with Surprisingly, Jordan and even Harry, taking turns to dance with each of the girls individually, adding to the fun of the night.

Fleur and Khan had even managed to escape for a period of time slipping out of the entrance hall doors, and into the fluttering fairy lights that decorated the Rose garden set up outside, to share a private walk.

Walking around the winding, picturesque, ornamental path, Jordan and Fleur found the atmosphere quite romantic, as they walked around the scenery looking at all the lovely large stone statues.

Khan could hear splashing water, which sounded like a fountain, and here and there, the two of them would come across other couples sitting together on carved benches situated throughout the garden.

Funnily enough, it appeared that they were not the only couple, that had come to the rose garden for some private time.

They eventually reached a large stone reindeer, over which they could see the sparkling jets of a tall fountain, along with the shadowy outlines of two enormous people that were also seated nearby on a stone bench, watching the water in the moonlight.

And although Fleur had indeed dragged Jordan all this way to secure some alone time for just the two of them, she along with Jordan, couldn't help but stop in their tracks, when they heard the two people speak.

"Momen' I saw yeh, I knew." A voice Khan recognized as Hagrid, was saying, in an oddly husky sort of voice.

"What did you know, 'Agrid?" Replied a voice, Fleur recognized as her own Headmistress, Madame Maxime.

"I jus' knew... Knew you were like me."

"I- I don't know what you mean, 'Agrid..."

Jordan looked towards Fleur and made eye-contact uncomfortably with her.

It appeared that there was going to be a very important conversation between the potentially budding couple, and as a gentleman, Khan definitely did not want to watch/listen.

"I think we should give your headmistress some privacy. Why don't we head back inside Fleur..." He spoke softly into Fleur's ear, intending to keep quiet so they wouldn't be overhead.

Fleur on the other hand, was currently feeling quite hot with all the romantic feelings flying around the air. The looks of longing and love that she saw being shared. All of the couples making out together on benches. Even her Headmistress appeared to be 'getting lucky' that special night!

And now, To follow that up with her husband suddenly whispering all huskily in her ear like that?!?!

Needless to say, Fleur more than ready for her plans, later that night.

Not even hearing a word he said, Fleur nonetheless agreed to whatever her husband wanted, choosing instead to grab on to his arm instead of them just holding hands, shoving it dangerously between her breasts, as she clung tighter to him, simply following his lead, as he led them back inside the Great Hall, with a big smile, and rather red ears.

And although Khan had attempted to get back to the festivities of the Yule Ball, with the previous location of his arm, not to mention the look Fleur was giving the entire time, Jordan as a result was feeling tight in his trousers, making the rest of his night, rather uncomfortable.

Eventually, the Weird Sisters finished playing their set around midnight, signaling that all the good times had to come to an end, it was time for the Yule ball to finish.

Out in the Entrance Hall, Jordan was finishing saying good-bye to his friends, Harry and Hermione, with Luna and Natsai having left a left moments prior, when they were suddenly interrupted by 'Mr. Can't take no for an answer', as Khan had dubbed him.

"Hey- Harry! Hermy-own!"

The two couples turned towards the new arrival, Krum, and his date, who was waiting a little bit off to the side.

It seemed that all four triwizard champions, had coincidentally gathered in the Entrance Hall at the same time.

"I am thinking I come across too strong ven asking Hermy-own to Yule ball. I haff no idea the two of you vere so close, and I am not vone to take another vizard's vitch." He bowed, a little clumsily, missing the looks of shock that appeared on the faces of Hermione and Harry. "I vant to apologize, vith this."

He handed Harry a note, before nodding at the nearby Khan and Fleur, and making his exit alongside his date, before Harry and Hermione could even begin to respond, or contradict him.

"What did he give you?" Hermione turned to ask her best friend, still a little weary of Krum and his intentions towards her.

Opening the note, he gave it a quick read over, before his mouth fell open in shock.


Take a bath with the egg. It will help translate the clue for the second task.


The Egg! He had completely forgotten about it, with all the excitement of the Yule Ball.

But what was up with that apology and now this extremely strange advice.

Why would a bath help him to work out what the wailing egg meant?

Was Krum pulling his leg, trying to make him look like a fool in front of Hermione, so she would like him even more by comparison?

He turned to his friends, to repeat the note that Krum gave him. However, much to his shock, it appeared that only himself was surprised by that clue, as both Fleur and Jordan were smirking at him.

"You should do that Harry. It would sense they would give the clue that way since the 2nd task apparently involves merpeople!" Khan passed on the news that he had received the previous night.

"Wait... the two of you seriously already worked out what the 2nd task is?" Harry was shocked.

He had been feeling rather good for himself, after a rather successful first task, in which he was tied for 2nd place, behind only Jordan!

But now, after getting that note from Krum...

Was he really that far behind or even that much lazier than the other champions?

They both nodded in response, before calling out in farewell, and making their own exit, the same way Krum and his date had gone, a few moments ago, leaving Harry and Hermione alone.

He was already the youngest.... to now realize that he might also be the laziest champion as well had Harry feeling rather distraught.

Silence accompanied them as they made their way back to the Gryffindor dorms, Harry deep in his thoughts, as he thought about his most recent revelations regarding just how far behind he was when it came to the other champions.

Speaking of those other champions....

Khan and Fleur were just finishing a 'good night' kiss in front of the Beauxbatons carriage, Jordan having of course, escorted his date back to her place, as was proper.

"Tonight was such a wonderful evening! I had such a great time dancing with you, and enjoying the Yule ball together." Fleur gushed.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I'm glad we went together." Khan responded, brushing a lock of hair and tucking it behind her ear.

"Ya me too." She smiled at him, before continuing on. "And well, I was thinking..... How about we continue the fun, and you- um- come inside?"

"Ok sure!" Khan was feeling rather energetic after their goodnight kiss, and didn't mind staying up a bit later with Fleur. Maybe they would even spend more time kissing... he rather liked that idea.

Following Fleur, she led him through the carriage with a red face, until they eventually reached her room.

Stepping in, Khan found it was rather spacious, and appeared to have only one queen sized bed, evidently just for Fleur.

Luckily, being a Triwizard Champion, she had been given a private room.

"Make yourself comfortable." Fleur said blushingly, as she moved to her attached bathroom. "I will be right back. I have something to show you."

Jordan moved to sit on her bed, wanting to take a rest off his aching feet for a bit. He couldn't remember the last time he even sat down that night, having spent most of the night either dancing, or chatting with various friends.

Not that it wasn't worth it however. Because it was. Even in his previous era, he didn't remember ever having that much fun simply hanging out with his friends.

And he had to say, he rather liked seeing all his girl-friends dressed up and looking very pretty.

There was just something about looking at a beauti-

* Click *

His thoughts were ceased as the bathroom door opened, and Fleur reappeared, stunning Khan in his spot.

She made her way slowly towards him, strutting over and oozing sexuality. She had the sultriest look on her face, and was wearing the skimpiest bit of lingerie he had ever seen!

Gulping a bit at the sight before him, he watched as Fleur arrived in front of him, before leaning over him in bed, and whispering into his ears quite huskily.

"Do you like what you see?"

He nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Good.... because I have something else to give you, H-U-S-B-A-N-D."


Well, needless to say, Khan had finally climbed the mountain to adulthood, and officially became a man last night!

And going over it all in his head just now, he didn't think he did anything special to instigate that 'activity'. He definitely did not insinuate anything along those lines.

Not he was complaining mind you.... he just wanted to somehow replicate last nights successes.

Although he had not prepared or researched any 'sexual' techniques, Jordan found that his skills in bed came naturally to him.... at least he thought so anyways, with how vocal and responsive Fleur had been under his natural yet skillful manipulations.

He couldn't help but feel proud of himself, as he remembered it all;

Bringing Fleur to her peak, as she cried out, over and over again in exotic ecstasy. The tremble of her body, as he took her passionately in various and numerous positions all over her bedroom. And finally, the look of love and lust in her face as she finally submitted to him, before succumbing to her slumber and slept in her exhaustion.

Khan couldn't help but begin to grow hard, remembering it all.

Hearing the shower, he quickly got out of bed, still nude.

Knowing that Fleur had a private bathroom, Jordan thought that perhaps he could convince her for.... A repeat of last night's performance.

It was his new favorite 'exercise' after all.

Yule Ball Done - Was a lot longer than I thought It would be tbh LOL.

Sudokucreators' thoughts