
Chapter 84 - Girl Talk Pt. 2

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: So I thought I was going to have a relatively quiet weekend... And I guess it was, in comparison to the last 2 weekends LOL.

My Saturday was shot with how hungover I was, But at least I got a chapter out ahaha.

Sunday however, was way too busy. Its like its the new party day or something LOL. But ya releasing today instead. Hope you all enjoy! *****

Hermione awoke surprisingly early, the morning after the Yule Ball, with a small but determined smile on her face.

She got out of bed to get dressed into some training clothes, and quickly exited her dorm room, heading towards to grounds outside, absentmindedly muttering to herself, as she went over everything that happened last night, reminding herself why she had woken up early and was doing this again.....

Although the Yule Ball admittedly, was not as perfect as she would have preferred, secretly wishing Jordan had taken her to the ball instead of that hussy, it was still a relatively good night spending time with her best friend Harry.

Not to mention, she also got a new idol!

Jordan's old friend Natsai was everything Hermione strived to be in a witch!

Politely and magically powerful, not to mention a previous Gryffindor Headgirl, she had gone on to become the Chief Witch of the Wizengamot, before passing it on only to become a headmistress!

And now, even in retirement, she still maintained a very powerful political position, as 'Grand Diviner' over 2 continents!

Previously, Hermione respected Dumbledore as her idol. Not only was he her headmaster, but he was also recognized as one of the most powerful wizards in the world, himself holding numerous important titles at the same time.

But now, especially after learning straight from her last night, Hermione idolized and respected his master, Natsai, even more!

Hermione couldn't help but scowl slightly to herself, growing jealous of Luna, as she pushed open the castle doors, making her way outside into the brisk December Air.

Not only was she Natsai's direct disciple, having the opportunity to learn straight from her idol, but Luna also appeared quite close to her older brother figure.

Hermione specifically remembered Jordan hugging her rather protectively/possessively, after all.

Not that she blamed him however.

Luna was rather special, with her strong divination magic, and her unique 'chaos magic'; she would definitely be an asset with whatever Jordan was bound to face.

Fleur herself was rather special as well, with her being not only a Triwizard Champion, making her at the very least, the best out of her school, but also being part Veela, possessing unique magic; She would definitely be an asset as well to her 'husband'.

In fact, out of all of Jordan's 'three partners' that Natsai talked to last night, Hermione found herself the most lacking, with no special magic or redeeming features of any kind, outside of the fact that she was 'smart'.

And while Hermione was indeed inherently very intelligent, able to pick up on concepts and theories quicker than her peers, this also came with its downfalls.

Social awkwardness, Lack of companionship, and Hubris to name a few.

This of course, led to more than a few occasions of bullying growing up. And with Hermione's love of learning, not to mention high natural IQ, this also became what eventually defined her personality growing up, causing her to grow up basically friendless due to social awkwardness, leading to more self-isolation, as she embraced her 'nerdy' persona spending more time studying as a result of her lack of companionship.

This continued well into Hermione's Hogwarts career, with her essentially only having Harry as a friend; now that Ron had shown her his true colors with Rita's article about Khan, she wasn't sure that he was ever really her friend in the past, especially with the way he used to make fun of her and put her down.

But honestly, all those negatives were ok with her.

It led to her developing essential studying skills, and becoming much more disciplined than previously. Her intelligence and work ethic have led to people calling her 'the brightest witch of her age' by many people in Hogwarts, even with her being a muggle-born, and she was also able to make a true friend in Harry.

It is all ok...

Ok correction.... it WAS all ok. Right up until last night.

Unlike with Harry, who she could help with his various adventures, as well as with his own prophecy, due to naturally knowing more than him when it came to magic, Jordan was already a Jr. Professor, and thus very intelligent himself. Not to mention, he also probably knew more than her when it came to magic, just from his elemental magic skills shown.

As a result, Hermione had unfortunately realized that she was not sure how much help she could provide to Jordan and his Prophecy, with her current level of skills, especially when he also had help in the form of Fleur and Luna, with their unique magic abilities.

Thus, she had decided to actually do some training, starting with an early morning run the very next day, just as she had seen her older brother do, when preparing for the first task.

And while she was not typically an early morning riser, nor was she in any way, naturally athletic, Hermione was nonetheless, determined to see her training through to the end.

Thinking about Natsai speak about all his prior adventures, not to mention her theories about his prophecy and the challenges he is yet to face, Hermione knew that she needed to improve herself in other ways as well, if she wanted to be of any use to her 'older brother' on his quest.

***** Where last Chapter finished off *****

"And the first way we can help, is by deciphering as best we can, the first and most obvious set of clues left by this prophecy!" Natsai announced, while reaching into her robes to produce 2 pieces of parchment. "Here is the Prophecy that my disciple gave, and here is the part that was missing, that I happened to find attached to Jordan."

She waited a few moments, for the ladies to reread (or in Hermione's case, read for the first time) the prophecies, before continuing on.

"One of first things you will notice about this prophecy, is that it is very generic, much more so than the average prophecy."

"Take Mr. Potter's prophecy, for example." Natty was about to continue on with her explanation, when she was interrupted once again by Hermione, with her raising her hand, clearly intending to ask a question. "Yes Ms. Granger?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Onai, but did you just say that Harry has a prophecy?" Hermione asked with a bit of disbelief mixed with worry in her voice.

While she had always known that Harry seemed to be a magnet for trouble, especially at the hands of Voldemort, Hermione had always figured that had been the result of a grudge or in retaliation for supposedly defeating him that first time around, when he was a baby.

To learn that her best friend might also have a prophecy attached to him, in addition to her older brother, had Hermione growing quite worried, to say the least.

"I did indeed, although it is surprising to me that you don't know about it, as Mr. Potter's closest friend and confidant." Natty confirmed with a small nod of her head, before muttering to herself dangerously. "It seems I need to speak to Little Albus about the dangers of keeping certain things secret..."

She made numerous punishment plans for her oldest pupil, before continuing and relaying Harry's own Prophecy to the girls.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord Approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

And the Dark Lord will mark him as His equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord Knows not...

And either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives...

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Still in her Headmistress mode, Natty continued teaching the girls.

"When comparing the two prophecies, the first thing that we notice in Harry's prophecy, aside from the fact that it is much shorter, is that it is also much more specific; 'Born to those who have thrice defied him', 'Born as the Seventh Month Dies'."

"This leaves less up to interpretation, and of course allows us to act with greater agen- Sorry... WOULD have allowed us to act with greater agency, if not due to Little Albus being such a pacifist, and simply waiting for things to happen."

"Now compare that to Jordan's prophecy, and we realize that it is a lot more vague. There are no mentions of any time periods, or any one specific person for that matter. In fact, if this prophecy wasn't attached to Jordan and his fate magic, perhaps neither myself, or Luna would have been able to pick up on it."

"Which leads us to our second point of comparison; the fact that part of Jordan's Prophecy was originally obscured."

"It was Little Luna over here that was the one to give Jordan his prophecy the first time they met and interacted. However, even with her strong talent in Divination, there was still part of that prophecy that was hidden from her eyes. It wasn't until I arrived, and was able to sense the prophecy for myself, that I was able to uncover the missing details."

"Now you all may not know this yet, being still in school, but there actually exists a 'Hall of Prophecies' in the Ministry of Magic, that is specifically used to house all the numerous prophecies made over the years. And I can tell you, out of all the prophecies recorded there, I have never heard of part of the prophecy being partly obscured."

"So it led me to study in depth, that missing part once again. And well..... I discovered that the prophecy is actually still missing a few important key words. Seven words, to be specific."

"And it is because of these seven words, that I believe Jordan will need all of our help."

Natty started reciting the missing part of the Prophecy that she had found, except this time, including the previously missing important key words.

"ENVY, green-eyed serpent, with venomous intent, Shall sow discord and malice, where envy finds a vent. In hearts consumed by longing, its poison shall entwine, Fueling fires of resentment, till harmony's undermined.

WRATH, a tempest raging, its fury unrestrained, Shall paint the world in crimson, with vengeance unrestrained. In battles fierce and savage, its wrathful flames shall rise, Leaving ruins in its wake, where empathy meets demise.

GREED, insatiable hunger, a voracious void within, Shall taint the purest motives, as avarice wears thin. Through corridors of power, it weaves its wicked spell, Corrupting hearts and souls, where fortune's shadows dwell.

LUST, a siren's call, with seduction in its wake, Shall tempt the virtuous, their resolve it seeks to break. In webs of desire woven, its allure shall ensnare, Leaving hearts and lives entangled, lost in passion's snare.

SLOTH, a shrouded specter, its lethargy prevails, Shall quell ambition's flame, where diligence oft fails. In comfort's cozy clutches, it lulls the will to sleep, Leaving dreams unfulfilled, in apathy's embrace so deep.

GLUTTONY, insatiable, voracious appetite, Shall feast upon excess, its hunger infinite. In indulgence without measure, it dulls the senses' call, Leaving hollow souls behind, in a glutton's grand downfall.

PRIDE, the fallen angel, with arrogance displayed, Shall blind the eyes of wisdom, where hubris is obeyed. In towers built on vanity, it stands so tall and strong, Until the mighty crumble, in pride's relentless throng."

The listening ladies were all stunned, finally hearing the full prophecy in its entirety.

"Those missing words..... they're all..." Hermione stuttered.

"Yes..... They're all the Seven Deadly Sins."

From hidden depths they rise, embodiments of vice,

The seven deadly sins, entwined in their device.

Sudokucreators' thoughts