
A Laid Back MC Traverses the Multiverse

After going through a rough situation, a young man finds himself in another world with the "option" of traveling through the worlds that he thought of as fiction. Unexpectedly, the young man wants nothing to do with world travel or adventuring. He just wants to laze around and do nothing.

JustACommonReader · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 14

Adan was looking at the crowded people in front of the noticeboard in confusion. Feeling a little annoyed, Adan scowled a little as he said, "Oi! Why don't you guys just go on your merry way if you don't have any plans to pick a mission? You're making the people who do have plans to second guess their decisions cause of all your judgemental eyes!"

The people crowding around the noticeboard quickly turned towards him with annoyed looks present on their faces, One guy that looked definitely like the one that shouted during the opening stepped forward as he stared up at him.

The guy then looked up a little at Adan and asked, "Who do you think you are, tough guy? Just because you think you're a little bigger than us you can order us around? So what if you're big?"

Adan raised an eyebrow at this guy's audacity to 'look down' on him when he was just giving them some advice. No matter how aggressively he said it!

When Adan was about to blow off on this guy, the man then continues to talk, "And what the fuck are talking about causing the people that want to take a mission to think twice cause we are looking at them? What the fuck? That just means that they're not ready to take it if they're too nervous to even rip the fucking piece of paper!"

Adan was taken aback by what the man said. It was kind of true if you look at it in a crazy way. The people gathering around the noticeboard shouldn't try and take a mission if they're not ready yet.

"And you! You're a hypocrite for saying that to us! I'm sure that you never had any plans to take any mission and just went here to talk shit to us!"

Adan raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "Is that a challenge, dipshit?"

The guy turned towards the side and spat his saliva out, "No, it was a statement. And if you do take one, I know you'll die."

Adan smirked at him and walked towards the noticeboard while thinking, 'Good thing I left Yun Seora and Odelette Delphine inside the training room with Agnes and Maria Yeriel supervising them. I don't know how the fuck I got lucky with Agnes but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.'

When Adan finally arrived in front of the noticeboard, he started looking through the missions in front of him.

Seeing that it took Adan a little bit of time, the guy from before then mockingly says, "What? Are you a little scared? You can back out now if you want to?"

Adan then grabbed an easy looking one and turned around. He then looked at the guy dead in the eye and asked, "You're the guy that was called Burrito by the red-head during the opening, aren't you?"

The guy now known as Burrito looked at him in confusion and asked, "Yeah, why?"

Adan shook his head in amusement and replied, "Nothing, just wondering what to call you after I return."

Burrito rolled his eyes at Adan and answered back, "Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you want but I know you're just a scaredy-cat. Maybe the mission you picked is an easy one, right?"

Adan looked at the mission in his hand and then back at Burrito and replied, "Well, yeah? What do you expect?"

Burrito laughed at him which was echoed by all the people that were crowding the noticeboard. Some people didn't laugh and just looked at him judgementally.

After Burrito finished laughing, he then said, "Really? Then come over here 'tough guy' and let me see your mission," with his right arm stretched out.

Adan then made a 'meh' gesture and walked over to Burrito and handed the mission over to him.

Burrito just haughtily snatched the mission from Adan's hands and read the mission aloud,

"Orcs (Remaining number of attempts: 3/4)

Within 32 hours, slaughter all the orcs inside the Orc Village and burn the wooden village!

Difficulty: Hard

Success: 31,900 SP, Orc Leader's Helmet

Failure: Death

*May be done as a co-op mission. (5 people max)

What the fuck!? Are you trying to die?! Give me all your items and Survival Points before you do!"

Adan huffed at him with an amused smile and said, "Die? Why would I be dying? This is a pretty easy mission though? These are just Orcs, you know?"

Burrito glared at him and shoved the mission to Adan's face as he shouted, "Easy? EASY?! A group of people already tried this mission and they never came back! And you're saying that this is easy and these are just fucking ORCS?!"

Adan scoffed at him and grabbed the letter from Burrito's hands and said, "Yes, easy. So stop bitching about it and let me take it already."

Burrito looked at Adan in shock and turned towards the people that are with them as they looked at Adan with pity in their eyes. He then turned back towards where Adan should be and said, "Fine! Just go! Who cares what happens to you! Nobody would even be affected if-" *TAP*

Burrito then turned towards the person who tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "What?"

"Ummm, you might not have noticed but... he already left. Like a long time ago."

Burrito's eyes widened in shock as he turned towards where Adan should be and true to the words that the person beside him said, Adan was nowhere to be seen. Burrito gritted his teeth and could only shout his frustrations, "SON OF A BITCH!!"


Adan looked around where the mission teleported him to and was impressed by how tall the trees were. He started to walk around and breathe in the smell of fresh air and said, "Ahhhh, the sweet outdoors. How I've longed for you!"

As Adan continued to look around, he noticed that the ground was trembling and thought, 'What in the world?'

He quickly surveyed the area and noticed that the rumbling was coming from behind him and noticed that there was a huge wave of green rushing towards where he was standing.

Not taking any chances, Adan jumped up towards one of the tall trees' branches and watched as the 'green wave' stopped at where he was previously standing. Looking at the sea of green things stop there, Adan looked at it in surprise.

Were those the orcs he was supposed to kill? Huh, wasn't that a little bit too much for a Hard mission? This looks like it deserves to be ranked Impossible...

Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, Adan looked at the sky and said, "I don't know if you guys made this mission just for me or if the Orcs have a really strong weakness to something, but I'm sure as hell going to enjoy this!"

Adan took one last glance towards the sky and jumped towards the sea of monsters as he shouted, "Geronimo!!!!"


I know that the chapter looks a little small but my curfew is preventing me from writing more so imma stop here and give you guys this chapter.

I apologize for only writing two chapters today cause I was busy procrastinating and sleeping.

So here you go and good night!