
A knight’s tale: Ser Snow(Hard Draft)

This event will be 10 years before Aegon began his conquest to conquer Westeros. I may or not change or add some important characters to the world. Credits to George R.R. Martin

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10 BC

30 miles away from the Storm's End.

"You'll be leading this new army. You'll be teaching them. There's 5,000 men, battalion of young men." Ser Gaden said alongside me with his on top of his horse. "I know your worried, Ser Gaden. But worry not I will treat them as my brothers." I said as I come down from my saddle and let Hermes be handle by a soldier serving me.

Both Gaden and I entered the meeting tent. Where I meet the vice captain. "Ser Snow, it is an honour to be under your service." My vice captain said. "So do I, Ser Gustall TallPeak." I said as I accepted his handshake. After a small introduction I sat to my seat same with Gustall. While Ser Gaden said his goodbyes and left for his king.

"Uhhh… tell me what's ages of my soldiers?" I asked Gustall. "Ranging about 16 summers to 21 summers. Some have never experienced killing someone or seen a real war." Gustall answered. I looked at the table at separate me and Gustall. I just noticed how well it's made and a map of the whole Storm Lands on top of it. "The king has given me a year to prepare my soldiers, I cannot waste time." I said as I stood from my seat. "Gather all of my men. Today they will start to experience hell." I said while Gustall stood up. "Aye, well be done." Gustall said.

That day my soldiers meet me and hell. I trained them until they want to die from exhaustion. I made them run 10 miles to begin the day, but each week 1 miles will be added. I made them beat out of each other experience the chaotic battle that will experience when we enter a real war or battle. I made time for them to meditate and to eat. I made them do weights that they wish they would never do it again. I strengthen there discipline, loyal and treat everyone as there own brothers. I gave motivations, told stories to them and sing to entertain them. We feast after hunting, we do not drink. We only drink when we don't have anything to do the day after.

6 months later...

It's night time me and Gustall is seating on a log while we face the burning woods. As we eat our dinner, boar meat. "My father used to say to me that I am the bravest person he'd ever meet. Yet I hide away and watched him get killed." Gustall said while chuckling and biting to the boar meat. I looked at him, "Brave or not. You shall not despite yourself to the thing that you cannot control. Everything happens for a reason, that event made you who you are today. A knight that cared for his men and kind." I said. Gustall burst out laughing, "Brother, do you think there's a day that I will defeat you?" Gustall asked. "No, but it is not impossible." I answered. "You know brother, I still admire. Your knowledge." Gustall said as he drink his water. "There's someone out there that still more knowledgeable than me and stronger." I said again. While Gustall just accepted what I said and continued eating his boar meat.