
A Jedi in Harry Potter

Star Killer (the protagonist from the game star wars the force unleashed) gets reincarnated into harry potter's body (still deciding if mc will know of poterverse's future or not maybe some jedi future vision bs every now and then)

ferferfer2 · Livros e literatura
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2 The force user and the Durslays

Privet Drive's numer 4 was a misterious house, that homed the strange family known as the Durslays.

The house's windows and curtains wore allways closed, so no one could take a peek inside. No one also was ever invited nor allowed into the house.

Whenever one of the Durslays left home for work/shopping/etc, they allways did so with a reliaved smile on their faces, like a life sentenced criminal that got permission to leave the penitentiary to visit the family during a holyday. And when they returned, the look on the Durslays faces wore allways like as if they wore forcing themselves to walk into the giant open maw of a terrifying monster.

The Family behaved somewhat normal outside of the house, but whenever someone asked the Durslays about their house, they would go pale and divert the topic.

The gossip in the neighborhood about the house varies. Some claim that the house is haunted and the ghost don't allow the Durslays to leave. Others say that a wanted killer took refugee in the house and is holding someone dear to the family hostage. And lastly there is the story of a demon having been summoned to the house and enslaving the Durslays through its dark magic.

No one knew that the reason for the Durslays' behavior, was because they adopted a baby boy one day years ago. A baby boy that they wanted to hide no matter the cost, so that their neighbors and friends don't assossiate them with something weird (well, weirder then what they already do).

A baby boy with a scar on his forhead.

A baby boy named Harry Starkiller Potter.

They diden't want that people discovered that the baby boy existed. They diden't want that people discovered that the baby boy was especial.

The Durslays firmly believe that if people learned about Harry, especialy the truth about Harry, then they will lose even more face then what they already do because of the rumors and such. They find this disgrace a necessary evil to keep the greater disaster at bay.

Ever since little Harry first came into the house, the Durslays knew that he was a wizard, a thing that they despized. And so they decided then and there that they would hide the boy from the world and make sure he did not learn magic so weird rumors would not circulate about them. And such a sucess that turned out to be *sarcasm*.

Ever since the first day, the Durslays had to deal with floating random objects near the baby, and if they tried to force the baby to stop his "abnormallness", they would sudently find themselves with an invisible hand firmly grasping their throats, making them back away in fear. No, not once they tryed to ask politely for the baby to stop.

The Durslays saw little Harry as a demon from the depths of hell! as he would force the family to treat him in a somewhat humane manner, instead of the miserable way they wanted to treat him.

If it was up to the Durslays, little baby Harry would spend most of his time locked in the dark cupboard under the stairs so he would not taint the familie's eyes with his presence, and would be raized to be a good little slave and punching bag for the family.

They had to keep him alive to not inquire the wrath of his kind. But no one ever sayd they had the need to treat him well, so that ment they could do as they pleased, right *sarcasm*? They could treat the little child as a slave they could spit on and treat him like he is less then dirt for their own amuzement, right *sarcasm*? They could torture this innocent someone and cause him lots of misery for shits and gigs even if they are suposed to be family, right *sarcasm*? They could do their best to make the ghosts of the boy's deceased parents cry in agony by seeing how their child is beeing treated by his mother's own little sister and her family, right *sarcasm*?

Well, the baby made sure to non-verbaly answer "hell no! And fuck you!" to those questions, and as such, he never gave the Durslays a chance to harm him.

The only thing the family managed to do to little Harry, was keeping him hidden from society and confined inside the house. The Durslays did their best throughout the years so Harry would not learn that there is an entire world outside the front door of the house.

The transmigrator found it amuzing, and so let them have their little game. The ever present rumors that the neighborhood came up with wore delightfull to hear from Harry's bedroom, and the ridiculous lies the Durslays came up with to try and keep Harry inside the house and not open any courtains were gold comedy.

Harry: 'This has been going on for a decade now. Won't those guys ever gonna give up and treat me like the family that we are suposed to be? I never even did anything against them other then for self defence and leting them dig their own graves with their machinations against me. Their dedication is disgustingly astounding! The only reason I did not killed them already is because of plot! (A/N: I know I sayd no more 4th wall breaking, but I just can't come up with a logical reason why mc don't just kill those roaches in human clothing already! I'll change this as soon as I find one and I would love if you guys helped out with sugestions.)'

Harry is now 11, and is waiting for his letter to Hogwarts.

The reincarnator trained both his magic and his force powers diligently throughout these years.

Well... He diligently trained his force powers and TRYED to train his magic.

Harry feared that his force powers, somehow, turned him into a squib.

He could feel the force like a pro, and bend it to his will even better the the original Starkiller.

He walked both the light and dark paths of the force, and he did it better on either of them then the masters of the respective paths did after dedicating their entire lives to just one!

However, he still was unable to tap into his magic. Unable to even sense it!

It frustraded him to no end. He feared that he would have to invade Hogwarts to be able to stop Voldemort, and he'd have to do it without beeing discovered by the god knows how many defences the castle held!

Harry is in his bedroom and after finishing his internal monolog, he decides to meditate.

He frequently meditates to hear the daily gossip on the neighborhood, as meditating could be used to enhance his senses. But right now he just wants to put his thoughts in order.

He was broken out of his meditation sudently, as the screaming voice of mister Durslay resonated throughout the house.


Harry:' Well... I guess I won't have to invade the most secure site in magical britain after all. *sighs in relief*'

last updated at 07/08/2023

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