
A Hate Reader gets Transmigrated to Another World

Jason is an average teenager, who enjoys reading webnovels in his free time. One day, he comes across a novel called "The Farmer that rules the world" with awful world building, horrible plot, and poor writing. After writing a few hate comments to let off some steam, Jason is suddenly hit by karma and is sent to the world of the novel he hates. Though he has no cheat codes or special powers, he is granted one additional life for each hate comment he wrote, and luckily for him, he wrote quite a bit... Please support my WSA 2023 entry!!

TheHatedAuthor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

A Short Farewell

Jason rose to his feet and moved to intercept the door as a familiar voice seeped through the wood.


"Hurry up, shitty master!" it yelled at the top of its lungs. "I'm tired of waiting for you!"


Jason cursed himself for ever shedding tears for the sharp-tongued Doom Monkey and wished that he could take them back. Swinging the door open, he peeked his head out into the corridor, and a flying fuzz of black jumped his arms.


"Hey Karl, glad to see you moving," the hate reader said with a wide grin. "Didn't the healer say it'd take about a month?"


A pink flash appeared by Karl's side and plucked him from his Master's arms.


"Yes, Mr. Trickster," the stealthy mermaid replied. "The healer mentioned he'd need five more days for a full recovery."


She gently intertwined her hands with Karl's, and they pecked each other's cheeks with affections.