
A Ghost Misunderstanding Of Life

A ghost has disturbed the natural cycle of life and is trying its hardest to survive and live a normal life.

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs


I slowly walked towards the three students, It was two men and one woman, but surprisingly the woman seemed to be the one composed, The students murmured to each other getting ready to fight me until I sensed someone walking behind me,

Ah, Looks like someone strong is headed toward me, I stare behind me until a woman with green ponytails while wearing pink yoga pants and a loose white T-shirt, her energy is flowing out of her body like a fountain,

Looks like she will be a tough opponent for me to beat, I turn around and stare at the woman walking down the road, She grins at me as glowing orange nunchucks form in her hands,

" Looks like a strong spirit has emerged finally, " She says cracking her neck, I watch her stretch until I glance behind me at the students,

I could hold the student hostage and make the battle easier but I don't know how fast she is, If I lunge for the students she could attack my blindside, but If I fight this woman ahead the students can support her, I'm overall just in a shitty situation,

" Looks like we can relate, I was getting bored of killing these weak students, " I say twirling my spear with my fingers, If I had Sadow I might be able to beat her but with normal spears, I doubt I can win against her,

" How many students have you killed, " She says with a dark voice,

" To my knowledge three, but I can make that number six if you want me to, " I say while pointing behind me with my thumb, A grin appears on her face, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting,

I look behind me and notice that the students have vanished, Tch that doesn't make since I should have been able to sense if they were fleeing,

" I guess, I can make it four bodies under my name instead, I guess a pretty woman like you wouldn't be a bad choice for my next kill, " I say walking towards her with my spear over my shoulder,

" Your first spirit to compliment my looks, Nice to see a spirit with good taste unfortunately your personality is shit, " She says lunging toward me and swinging her nunchucks around her body

" Doesn't matter, I only date women stronger than me, " I say chucking my spear at her, The spear travels only a few feet before it splits into two, that's odd her nunchucks didn't touch my spear and yet it split in half,

I dash back gaining my distance, I stare at her while creating 20 needles in the palm of my hand, I fling ten of them at her, but just like the last time they are knocked out of the air,

The ten needles lay on the ground next to the woman's feet, She stops chasing after me as a grin appears on her face,

" If you only date women stronger than you, then why are you running away from me, " She says while popping her neck,

" To figure out your technique, " I say jumping up into the air, She looks up at me while I twist in the air and clench my fist, the needle under starts glowing a dark purple before it explodes,

A smoke cloud covers the area as I throw the ten remaining needles into the smoke cloud before I land back on the ground, I didn't hear the needles connect or hit the ground,

The smoke cloud clears with a gust of wind and the woman is standing there with the ten needles in her palm, She really caught all my needles, I quickly clench my fist and her eyes widen as she flings the needle at me,

She looks at me confused as I catch the needles that were thrown at me,

" Thank you for handing back these needles they're a pain to make, " I say juggling the needles in my palm, I clenched my fist earlier to make her think I was going to make the needles explode,

She looks at me before a grin appears on her face,

" I'll admit that you're a crafty spirit, but that craftiness will only get you so far, " We glare at each other until a loud howl shakes the ground underneath us,

" What the hell is that? " I say out loud looking toward the direction of the noise, She looks at me confused,

" Why don't you know that is, aren't you with this group of spirits? " She asks me, I ignore her question until hundreds of spirits start running towards this noise, I see spirits flying through the sky with some running past the road I'm on,

I guess that howl is meant to attract the spirits back from this place, either they have accomplished their goal or they have taken too many losses, I look at the woman before dashing back,

This catches her off guard as she was to focus on the spirits running past her, she starts to chase after me, I hop on the roof before creating a spear, I chuck it at her forcing her to dodge,

Looks like she can only destroy my spear in the air when she is using her nunchucks, I hop to another roof and start running away, I hop onto the roof before jumping down into an alleyway,

Running away would be pointless since she could just sense my energy, but if I can create a diversion that forces her to help someone, I sprint through a maze of alleyways in this city, before In the corner of my eye I notice a small brown haired boy hiding behind a crate,

As soon as I noticed this, a voice roared above me,

" Running away is pointless spirit " screamed out the green-haired woman, I took one more step before I spun around,

" I know it is, " I grip my spear and chuck it at the child, The woman looks at the spear confused until she notices the kid and instantly twists in the air, she watches horrified as the spear draws closer to the kid until the spear slams into the crate stopping instantly,

She breathed a sigh of relief, She looked back at me while falling out of the air, and her eyes widened as she watched me open my hand with my palm facing the sky, She instantly landed on the ground and dashed for the kid,

I clench my fist tightly as the spear glowed a deep purple, I watch her tackle the kid and lay on top of him, I chuckle a little before I turn around and start sprinting away,

To the woman's surprise, the spear stopped glowing a deep purple and instead dissolved into a purple haze, She stood back up and looked out of the alleyway but Liberio was gone, She closed her eyes and tried to sense him but his energy even vanished,

" Ah, that tricky little spirit really got me, " sighed the woman before leaning on the wall, with her arms crossed,

" Now I wonder who was under that mask, I don't think I have ever seen a spirit spare someone before, " said the woman,

Back on a rooftop laid Liberio with a snake necklace on, He was sitting next to a mask and a dirty old cloak, and a few seconds later a shadow appeared next to him...