
A Ghost Misunderstanding Of Life

A ghost has disturbed the natural cycle of life and is trying its hardest to survive and live a normal life.

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasy
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52 Chs


Hurry up and take these items Kou, It'll be hard to explain them,

" Yea, Yea, I was going to that anyway," Said Kou absorbing the items back into his body, I slowly push off the ground and stand back up,

That woman I fought was good, even though I was already tired from fighting those three students and the demonic spirit, but I'm pretty sure I can handle her if I had Sadow with me,

" I don't know about that Liberio, from the fight I watch you were fleeing the majority of the time, " Said Kou snickering at me,

Of course, I was running away from her, I didn't know her abilities and my weakness is close combat, so I rather keep my distance,

" I know I was just picking on you, learn how to have fun Liberio, " Said Kou in an annoyed tone of voice,

Might be true I do need to learn how to have fun, but I'll talk to you later Kou, It'll be hard to explain to the other students why I am talking to a spirit, so hurry up and leave,

" Could have said in a nicer way but see you soon Liberio," Said Kou vanishing in front of me,

I hop down from the roof and enter an alleyway, that woman I fought should be around two miles away from me, so I need to hurry up and enter my dorm,

I start sprinting out of the alleyway in the direction of my dorm, The other spirits are returning back to the banished realm, so it'll be risky for me to kill any more students,

I exit the alleyway and enter a road, I look left and right before turning left, My dorm should only be a couples miles this way, but I need to hurry up and get there, or my alibi will be useless,

Looks like in the hub of this city again, the vendor shops still align with the wall, but there obviously empty, I walk on the stone brick path until after a few more steps I hear a scream,

I look right and there's a ginger woman buried under a pile of metal shingles, I come to a stop before I hurriedly walk toward her,

I kneel on one knee while I rip the metal shingles off her body, I stare at her while she stares into my eyes, I rip off the final metal shingle, and her legs are badly bruised,

" Thank you for saving me, " She says while reaching her hand up at me, I really wanted to leave her, but I doubt she'll die from a few shingles crashing on top of her, and if she told the professors that I left her to die, I'll most likely get expelled or killed,

" No need to thank me, I'm sure anyone would save you, " I say grabbing her hand and pulling her up, she grimaces in pain while her legs shake, she clearly can't stand on her own,

Great, I'm going to have to support her to make sure she can walk, didn't my carriage driver say everyone in this school was a student, so why the hell are some of them so weak,

I think while wrapping her arm around my neck, with every step I take she lets out a grunt of pain, I take a deep breath before she asks me a question,

" What is your name? " She says painfully,

" Liberio, yours? " I say looking forward, looks like there's a big crowd of people in front of me, with several students laying on the floor, with blood covering them, either this is a future cemetery or a makeshift hospital,

" Kathy, but look ahead, that must be Charlotte's group, " Kathy says as I slowly walk closer to them, Charlotte must be a professor of this school, as I walk closer a black-haired woman notices us, and run in our direction,

" Kathy are you alright," She says coming to a stop directly in front of me, She grabs onto Kathy and pries her off my shoulder, the two women talk to each other until I feel someone grab my shoulder,

I glance to my left and see green ponytails, Ah... shit, It's the woman from earlier, She grins at me before letting go of my shoulder, and speaking,

" Thank you for saving the student, "

" It was nothing much, I'm sure anyone would have saved her, " I say to her while grinning, does she know who I am or not, maybe I'm just paranoid, she scoffs before rolling her eyes,

" You would be surprised many students would have just left her"

" I see, but I'll see you later, " I say while walking away from her, I take a few steps before she yells out to me,

" Hey, you never asked me for my name, It's Cora, " Cora? So she isn't a professor, I'll admit for a student she is pretty strong,

" Liberio is mine. " I say waving the back of my hand toward her, I walk past the injured students and head towards my dorm,

It takes me about 12 minutes to reach, but eventually, I do, I walk up to the dorm door and enter, the room is completely barren but in a matter of seconds a little girl runs up to me and grabs both of my legs,

" What took you so long mister, I was dying of boredom in this place, " Sadow says while crying on my leg,

" I know, I fought more people than I thought I would have to, but I have finished my first mission, " I say picking up Sadow while yawning,

I sit on my bed while Sadow wraps her tiny arms around my neck trying to choke me out, I laugh at her attempt and push her off of me,

" Don't worry Sadow, I don't plan on leaving you in this dorm any longer, " I say collapsing back first on my bed,

" You better not leave me here? " She says while yawning,

Sadow and I both close our eyes before we quickly fall into a deep sleep...