
Chapter 5

The next morning, I washed myself on the pond and removed the dried blood stains on my beautiful fur.

It was quite difficult and I had to use my tongue to remove them.

It was already lunch time by the time I finished.

There was completely nothing left of the snake.

Still kinda hard for me to accept I did that....

Anyway, this would be my fourth day and right now, I should restock my fruits and flowers.

I really don't want to eat raw meat as much as I do...

As I headed outside, my nose worked perfectly and I once again began gathering food.

What's different now is that I'm now able to see the name and information of the materials and animals that I see.

The two tailed red birds were called [ Sweet Apple Bird ].

The rabbits where as I guessed, [ Shelled Rabbit ].

The two-headed snake was called, [ Twin-Headed Green Python ].

The blue berry was called, [ Cool Sea Berry ] and the orange one was [ Sweet Preorind Berry ].

After getting home, I stored my loot to the side and quenched myself by the water on the pond.

It's weird, I think I have completely become immune to this water. No wait, In the first place, why did my animal instinct go crazy for this water?

Is it because of it's pureness? The refreshing feeling? No, No, It's craving.

I craved for it.

Why did I?



In the afternoon, I familiarize myself with my body and skills.

Thinking of many situational tactics and combos, my whole entire afternoon to evening was filled with training.

Even If I don't eat the meat, I should still hunt them down for exp points.

The sooner I become human, the sooner I could get a better hold of myself.

As my body lied down in exhaustion, My Mana was totally 0 and it regenerates 10 Points per minute.

I thought it was a fair trade and so I didn't complain.

I once again drunk water from the pond and that's when It hit me.

Now I knew why my body craved for this! Why I evolved into a mana fox!

This whole entire pond was literally a pond liquified pure mana!

After two gulps, My mana was already at 1020 points.

Hooolyy shit, That's insane. Haha! A broken ass cheat right here!

I took another continuous gulp and felt the refreshing cool mana water quench my dry throat.

My mana points was quickly filling up back to it's maximum capacity.

This is amazing...

Feeling overall satisfied, I rested and slept through the night.


I got up early in the morning, stretched and washed my face to head outside to-


The first in my kill lis- I mean target list were the [ Shelled Rabbits ].

They were normally around lv. 3 to 7. They had a huge defense stat that enhanced their survivability.

As I got a fair distance away from the cave, I smelled and found my first prey.

It was a Shelled Rabbit

[ Shelled Rabbit Lv. 4

HP: 120/120

Attack Power: 700 ]

Hmph. Although you're just lvl 4, you'll do for now.




I jumped out of my bush and immediately lunged at the rabbit.

I thought I was fast enough but it seems that the rabbit's reaction speed was faster as it already hopped away.

You little-

In doing so, I crashed on the ground and immediately tried to get up.


Back on my feet/paws, I immediately rushed towards the escaping rabbit

How the hell is this little piece of shit fast when it has hard shell growing out of it's back?

The rabbit dashed through the forest, going through rocky areas and hollow trees.

As I got closer, I thought that it was my wine as a grin made its way to my face.

My eyes was set on the rabbit right in front of me..

Just a little more...

Just a little- more?

The rabbit suddenly jumped backwards. It was too late for me to stop and notice but right in front of me was a dead end!

You sone of a-



Damn it! It hurts like hell!

When I stopped, It was then did notice that I was completely lost.

Grey clouds slowly covered the skies as raindrops slowly fell.

Oh no.

I gotta get back!

Immediately, I dashed right back in the forest and traced my trails.

Left, Right, Straight... Jump!

Huge left.... and....


There it is!

Luckily, I made it just in time to get back to the cave before it started raining.


As I rested down exhausted, I suddenly heard an unfamiliar loud grunts.


That's weird... That's not... me...

I cautiously repositioned my body and slowly opened my eyes.

No one was at the pond or anything like that but a looked around since I picked up an unfamiliar scent.


It's definitely here...

Where are you...

It's here! I immediately looked behind but it was all too late.


An incredibly searing pain made started on my right gut.

I vomited blood as a saw.. claws?

That's right. Claws were dug right through my gut.

"Awoo.. Argh!"

I tried intimidating it but then I saw it's stats.

[ Predator Bear Lv. 46

HP: 89000/89000

Attack Power: 165000 ]

N-no way...

I whimpered as the pain started to register.

The pain was searing through my stomach as the son of a bitch retracted his claw.

"Grooar... Grunt."

Fucking damn it! I need to..

I stumbled as I tried to walk away this bastard.

My HP was dropping at an alerting rate.

Damn it!

I have to-

I ran with all my might towards my loots.

I immediately sought for the red hear shaped fruit.

With a sniff, I immediately found it and ate it without a second thought.

[ Delilah's Fruit

This fruit fully recover's the consumer's hp, rarely found. ]

Luckily, I found a few these when I was gathering fruits, I only have 4 left though... I can't afford to waste them!

Damn.. although I couldn't see him, I could still sense and smell him.

It's about 8 meter tall and judging from the way it walks and the claws, It must be a bear.

I could tell that it's blocking the exit. So I guess I have to fight my way out..

Directly fighting it is out of the question, No actually, that's just plain ass suicide.

Now how am I gonna get through this boss which has 89000 hp?!


It was just guarding the exit so I had enough time to think of a plan.

Plan A, Stay at the pond and continuously use mana bombs.

Plan B, if aggroed then hop out and kite by Mana Claws and Tail Whip attacks.

Judging by the size and movement of that thing, It's incredibly slow. Meaning I can confidently dodge his attacks... That is.. If I can keep track of him.

Plan C, if all else fails, either force your way out no matter what or have a death match with the bastard.


My paws were shaking... no- I'm shaking...

Wow... I have never been this terrified before.

After experiencing that one attack, I could tell that Im just basically snacks at this rate...

However, you fucker messed with the wrong person! ( or fox )

I hopped on the pond and prepared my attack.

Mana Bomb !


Direct hit!

To me, it looked like the bomb exploded mid air but I could tell-

"Grrrrr... Grunt."

Heh? Ignoring me?

I'll make you regret picking me as your prey!