'Well that was fast.'
It took the catlady about 10 minutes before she got back to us, barely sweating nor does she have any blood on her.
She then thanked us as she took the child who was resting on Ruri's lap.
"This kid... is the golden child of the empire merchant family, Hargrieve. Right?"
It was then suddenly, the air became tight as the catlady began to let out her thirst for blood which was directed at Ruri.
"That won't work on me, Phantom Cat."
Ruri did not back out as she began emitting her menacing aura.
[ W-why are we fighting? ]
"We're not, Kin-chan. I was just saying the identity of this little kid here."
"And what will you do about that?"
We could tell that this cat lady is agitated as she keeps on sending her dangerous aura towards us.
Like that sneering cat that goes hissssss!
'Nothing, because we don't care.'
[ Nothing? ]
Then she held a surprised look, " Eh?"
With that, we handed over the kid and went on our merry way.
'Let's just hope we don't meet such troublesome people again.'
[ But... why? ]
Soon, we finally reached the entrance of the town. It was already night time by the time we got there.
We had to cross a large wooden bridge in order get to the gates of the town.
The gates easily sized over 30 meters high. It was extremely wide so many travelers with carriages and mounts can easily come and go.
'You sure this is a town? not a city?'
"Above the mountain is located the <Kaspian City.> this below here is just a branch of the city and the kingdom."
'I see..'
[ It's so big! ]
Although there were guards that were stationed at both ends of the gates, they weren't inspecting anyone. Everyone was free to come in and out.
'Why's that?'
"What do you mean?"
'The guards don't even bother checking anyone.'
"Oh, it's because inside the town is being patrolled by knights from the Sylia Kingdom."
I see..
We passed through the gates and what met my eyes is exactly what you would see in a fantasy town.
Medieval structured houses, stone brick roads, and many people with different races.
Most were half human and half animal but I don't see a person who looks exactly like an animal but it walks, talks, and breathes like a human, basically no furries yet.
There were lizardmen, but that's not a furry.
So far so good.
The streets were bustling as the street vendors lit up and showed the things they sell.
[ Woah... ]
Kinoko was left in awe of the atmosphere and the people around us.
Delicious aroma spread throughout the air, making the people attracted to each and distinctive scent of vendor's food.
Too bad Kinoko can't smell.
"So what's the plan, Haru?"
'Is the tunnel open 24/7?'
"Well, yes it is but it would be dangerous to go in the night as it would be hard for guards to rescue us if we meet troubles inside the tunnel."
'Troubles like what?'
"Well, normally it would be bandits but recently, I heard that there are many rapists. They've already on a 37 victims streak."
I like the way she said it like it was a kill streak in FPS games.
'I see...'
Well that's sad to hear. Reminds me of that one anime where the mc kills goblins because the goblins raped his sister to death right in front of him.
'Then should we wait till tomorrow?'
"But where would we stay?"
'I'm not sure either. We got no money to stay at an inn.'
Ruri got off my back as she tried to think of a way. She looked around but nothing came up.
"Hey watch where you're goi.... it's you two again."
Oh yep, we once again bumped into the two distinctive people wearing secretive cloaks.
The way it happened is like a freaking scene or plot from a game or something.
Oh yeah, I'm sure, this is all a coincidence.
The kid was already awake and was walking while holding her hand meanwhile Ferris looked at us with a "Tch" reaction.
Pisses me off.
"Oh hello again, nya. I didn't expect to meet you guys he-"
"Give us 15 Golds."
"Excuse me, nyan?"
Ruri ruthlessly cut of her facade and immediately went straight to the point.
How dare this woman look like she has no idea what we're talking about.
"Hand it over."
"Ferris... I think it's fine. These people helped us after all."
"But Uri-sama, we still need them for-"
"Just do it.... "
This Ferris woman looked like she was in a deep thought, while constantly looking at the little kid.
"Fine nya... however, tell me what are you going to do with the gold."
Ruri looked at me as if to ask for permission then I just simply nod as there is no harm in tell them.
"Right. We're heading towards the Kingdom of Sylia, and we heard that we need to buy tickets in order to enter there."
"Pfft... wait- what?! hahaha! You guys want to head to the Kindom of Sylia?"
"That's what I literally just-"
"Idiots! idiots you guys are nya! haha! A ticket to enter that kingdom costs at least 800 gold nyan! even nobles burned their pockets in order to enter that place nya!"
Her nyan sound is starting to irritate me.
"I see...."
"F-ferris... it isn't nice to laugh at those who are unaware..."
Seriously, this little trap looking guy....
'Then how do we get the money, fast.'
"How do we earn that amount gold in a short amount of time?"
"Well, you guys could register in the adventurer's guild and take on quests."
Ahh yes, the adventurer's guild troupe.
"Can we go now?"
Ruri, again, looked at me for confirmation.
'Tell them to tell us where the adventurer's guild is.'
"Where can we find the adventurer's guild?"
"I see nyan.. well then, head towards there."
She then pointed a place higher in the mountain and is quite far from the town.
"Well then, we will go now nya."
With that, they disappeared within the crowds.
'Looks like we'll have to do the adventurer troupe after all.'
"What do you mean, Haru?"
'Nothing. Anyway, let's head over there- wait.... where's Kinoko?'