
A Dragon's Perspective

Transmigrated into the body of a useless noble doomed to die early, he vowed to avoid the deadly traps of the storyline by discarding his heir role, aiming for a simple, long life filled with wealth and the right number of wives. Though he promised to stay uninvolved, he was ready to act decisively if needed to ensure the tides turned in his favor. To his family, he appeared a lazy deadbeat, sweet and caring, while to others, he was a mad hound and an Unstoppable Psychopathic Being... ________________________________ [A/N: 1. Don't expect the MC to get power served to him and grow strong overnight. He is a lazy deadbeat but works just had enough... 2.Using the real world Common sense only ruins the joy in reading ●DAILY UPDATES! ●Discord Link in Bio -Small Win-Wins- ●100 PS - 1 Extra Chapter ●200 PS - 2 Extra Chapters ●300 PS - 3 Extra Chapters ●500 PS - 5 Extra Chapters N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine

HeavenlyMike · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


Diaval stood at the entrance of the mansion, waiting for the carriage that would take him and Eva to Claire. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a golden hue over the gardens and pathways. The carriage arrived shortly, its sleek black exterior gleaming in the light.

Diaval helped Eva into the carriage before climbing in himself. The driver, a middle-aged man with a kind face, nodded to them and set off.

The journey to Claire was peaceful, the carriage moving steadily along the cobblestone roads. The rhythmic clatter of the wheels was soothing, creating a tranquil atmosphere inside the carriage. Eva gazed out of the window, marveling at the scenery.

The landscape had transformed significantly since she last visited. Once wild and untamed, the outskirts of Claire now boasted well-tended fields and newly constructed houses.

"This place has changed so much," Eva remarked, her voice filled with wonder. "I remember when it was all just open land."

Diaval nodded, a smile playing on his lips.

"Yes, it has. The province has seen a lot of development over the years. It's almost unrecognizable from what it used to be."

Eva continued to admire the view, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"It's amazing. I can't believe how much they've built. Everything looks so organized and lively."

They arrived in Claire and disembarked from the carriage. The construction site was still a bit further, so they had to walk the remaining distance.

The streets of Claire were bustling with activity. Vendors called out to passersby, children ran around playing games, and the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air.

As they approached the site, Eva couldn't contain her curiosity any longer.

"Diaval, what exactly are we building here?"

Diaval hesitated. He was reluctant to let more people in on the secret project, but this was Eva.

'Eva and I have been partners in crime for as long as I could remember, there's no way she would share the secret at hand,' Diaval mused putting all his trust on Eva.

He took a deep breath before answering.

"It's a surprise for my mom. We're building her a bakery. I wanted her to have something to do, something she enjoys. All the other Ladies have their jobs, but my mother just stays home."

Eva's eyes softened as she looked at him.

"That's really sweet, Diaval. She'll love it, I'm sure."

She gazed into his eyes, her admiration for him growing even more profound. For a moment, it felt like the world around them had gone silent, leaving only the two of them in focus.

Their moment was interrupted by a group of workers who recognized Eva. They approached her with warm greetings, breaking the spell. Diaval stepped back, watching as Eva conversed with the workers.

"Miss Eva, it's a pleasure to see you here!" one of the workers, a burly man named Bronn, exclaimed.

Eva smiled brightly. "Hello, Bronn! Great to see you again. How's the construction going?"

"It's going great, thanks to Sir Eldric's meticulous planning and your presence here today," Bronn replied, beaming.

Another worker, a young carpenter named Theron, chimed in.

"We're honored to be working on a project for the First Lady. She deserves the best."

Eva continued chatting with the workers, her voice melodic and soothing.

Diaval watched her, captivated by her beauty and grace.

He remembered how, in the novel, the original Diaval had been deeply in love with Eva.

There was a night when he bought a ring and planned to propose to her, but that same night Diaval was to propose was also the very same night he was sadly killed by a rogue Adrian before he could do so.

Eva, devastated by his death, fell into a deep depression that had slowly been eating her away, even at Diaval's Burial ceremony and eventually Eva took her own life.

Diaval clenched his fists, tears welling up in his eyes. The novel's story was tragic and left him feeling traumatized. But now, he had a chance to change that fate. 

'Having taken over Diaval's body, the only way I can make up is to fulfill his wish,'Diaval mused before continuing.

'The wish of marrying the woman of his dreams.'

Eva finished talking with the workers and approached Diaval.

"I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'll head back now."

Diaval nodded, masking his emotions. "Of course, Eva. I'll ask the driver to take you home."

He watched as the carriage departed, carrying Eva back to the mansion. Once she was out of sight, he turned his attention to a new task. He needed to visit a jewelry shop and buy a ring to propose to her that night.

After wishing the workers a good evening, Diaval made his way through the bustling streets of Claire. The market was alive with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the clinking of coins, and the chatter of townsfolk.

He walked with purpose, scanning the shops until one particular jewelry store caught his eye. It was a quaint shop with an elegant facade, its sign reading "The Gilded Gem."

'This should do, and from the looks of it, it's probably the best jewellery shop in town.'

Diaval entered the shop, and a bell tinkled softly above the door. The interior was adorned with luxurious displays of jewelry, each piece meticulously crafted and gleaming under the soft light.

An elderly woman with silver hair and sharp eyes stood behind the counter.

"Welcome, young master," she greeted, recognizing him immediately. "How can I assist you today?"

'I guess its hard for people not to recognize the eldest son of House Astarot,'Diaval thought, musing at the sudden woman addressing him.

Diaval smiled politely. "I'm looking for a ring. Something special for a very important person."

The woman nodded, her eyes twinkling with understanding.

"I see. Please, follow me." She led him to a glass display case filled with an array of rings.

"Here are some of our finest pieces."

She carefully removed a velvet tray from the case and placed it before Diaval.

"This one," she said, pointing to a delicate gold band with a single diamond, "is simple yet elegant."

Diaval shook his head. "No, it's beautiful, but not quite what I'm looking for."

The woman nodded and presented another ring.

"How about this? A sapphire set in a platinum band. It symbolizes loyalty and wisdom."

Diaval admired the craftsmanship but still felt it wasn't right.

"It's lovely, but I need something more unique."

She smiled, appreciating his discerning taste.

"Of course. Let me show you this one."

She produced a ring with an emerald surrounded by smaller diamonds, the green stone glinting in the light.

"Emeralds represent love and rebirth."

'Eva doesn't like the colour green that much,'Diaval thought.

Diaval examined it closely.

"It's closer, but not perfect."

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered.

She reached beneath the counter and pulled out a small, ornate box.

"This ring is quite special. It's one of a kind."

She opened the box to reveal a stunning ring: a large amethyst encircled by intricate filigree of white gold, with tiny rubies set in the design.

Diaval's breath caught. This was it. The amethyst reminded him of Eva's deep, soulful eyes, and the craftsmanship spoke to the uniqueness of their bond.

"This is perfect," he said softly, more to himself than to the jeweler.

The woman smiled knowingly. "A fine choice, young master. This ring will certainly make an impression."

Diaval nodded, his decision made. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the stamp he had taken from his father's study. He felt a pang of guilt but pushed it aside. This was too important.

'Forgive me father, but its for Eva. I'm sure you'll understand,' Diaval thought saying a short prayer.

"I'll take it. One hundred gold coins, correct?"

The woman nodded as Diaval stamped the seal of House Astarot onto the cheque.

"Thank you, young master. This ring will bring much joy to its recipient, I'm sure."

Diaval pocketed the ring carefully, his mind already racing with plans for the evening. He exited the shop, a sense of purpose and determination filling him.

Tonight, he would propose to Eva and change their fate for the better. As he walked back to the carriage, he felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

This was the start of a new chapter, one where he could right the wrongs of the past and build a future filled with love and happiness.

Back at the construction site, he bid farewell to the workers, ensuring everything was progressing smoothly.

They wished him a safe journey and good luck, unaware of the monumental decision he had just made.

With the ring safely in his possession, Diaval called for a local carriage, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He had a proposal to plan, and nothing was going to stop him from giving Eva the life she deserved.

The weight of the ring in his pocket was a constant reminder of his resolve. Tonight, he would change their story forever.

"Can't believe I'm marrying someone, a beautiful woman at that,"Diaval said to himself.

"Something I could have never dreamt off in my previous life, no matter how hard I tried."

The other chapter as promised....sorry for the delay.

My country experiencing Internet issues, shall be resolved tho


HeavenlyMikecreators' thoughts