
A desire For Death

In the midst, of life and death debates, Isabelle finds her false truth of fiction reality fall upon her eyes which are nearly the only failure of her body...They are infected. But that failure of eyes takes in the beauty of the moon that Edward weaves for her...her life...focusing from the darkness of night...knows how to take in the beauty of moon now...

Shreeja_Salunke · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



I heard a call from behind when I was hurrying out of the class. I stopped but did not turn, my arms holding the textbook and my favourite book that I wanted to read right now, but someone was holding me against it. I turned around to see the new boy. He hadn't even zipped his bag for in instinct, I'll leave if he makes me wait too much. He stopped in front of me.


"Hi" I replied. Staring without any specific expression.

"Er...may I know, what book are you reading?" he asked, slightly walking sideways, hinting we can walk out of the class and talk.

"Fault in our stars," I said, somewhat hesitantly. I didn't feel like sharing the book, to be honest. You know, there are some books that you want everyone to read so that the universe can be a better place, but some books feel personal like you don't wanna share them with anyone. This one felt exactly like that. It was my home. I wouldn't like to share it with anyone of course.

"Have you completed reading it, you know?" he asked. "I am very fond of reading. Especially books that others suggest. The kind of book that people obsess over tells a lot about them. Books can define people."

I thought over that. He was correct in a manner of course. Hazel Grace in Fault in our stars was like me. I could relate to her and her beliefs. It kinda fascinated me anyways.

"But don't you think people kinda obsess over a lot of books?" I said. I liked arguing even if he was partially right. "People read a book, obsess over it for two days or so and then move on to another. How can you be so confident about that one?"

He smirked.

He leaned a little towards my ear and said," How many times have you read it?"

"I have lost count."

"Exactly," He said, smirking. "You yourself prove my point. Forget about people, you know. Some beautiful ones like you can be loyal to one book."

I felt blushy but I didn't. Not many called me beautiful, especially a good-looking one like that.

"How do you know I haven't obsessed over other books?" I asked. "16 years of existence and you think I have only read one? It can't really make sense."

"It does, you see," he said with a crooked smile. I liked it. "Like the great love of your life, you don't find him in the first go, do you? You would be a lucky one if you do. Similarly, it goes with books as well, you shuffle through many to find the one that defines You."

I stared. We had walked half the way to my house now. I stopped walking and turned to him.

"You know one thing? Keep this." I handed him a copy of Fault in our Stars and walked off. He didn't follow me, which was thankful. I didn't want him to know me just yet. I kinda felt at a loss though, losing the copy of TFIOS ( Fault in our stars). I took a stop and took a turn towards the library. I couldn't survive without it. I needed to buy one right now.

I entered the dull library and sniffed the smell of coffee. It warmed me. I gave a fleeting smile to the librarian and she returned the same. We never had good relations, merely because of me, but it was fine anyways. I insisted to sit in the library till late, but she never allowed me. She was right but...anyways. They also had a stock that they kept for selling. I made my way towards that.

I picked up TFIOS and paid and hurried my way out, towards my home. I thought about that boy on my way back...We didn't have classes till next Wednesday, so I wouldn't be seeing him till then.