
A Demon System

Years ago, children were kidnapped to become lab rat and among them was Zero who was graded to have no agility, some died but Zero remained surviving even though he had no agility. After sometime Zero becomes accustomed with the way of life for he hadn't seen the blue sky before until an Alpha comes in to save him and names him. He never understood himself after been adopted after been fed chemicals in the establishment, he faces it again in his adopted brothers house _________ #exert "Calm down", he heard through his mind and he thought he had lost it, it had been long he heard this voice. "Hold on, Relax", it said again, Damon didn't know why but he complied to the voice. "That's it, deep breathe", the voice trailed. "What can I do for you today?" he asked the voice in sarcasm believing it was an illusion. "Your code name is Zero master, and I am your demon system", Hell! he didn't understand what was going on. _______ A Demon system first story, cover not mine

Amh_Yorah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A system

music recommendation; Help— Jake Warren

Christopher opened his eyes as he steered at Ivy who was sleeping beside him, thinking of it he needed to mark her, she worked in a brothel but she was his Mate, he raised his head to admire all the bites in her skin, the quilt slid down down exposing her upper cleavage with red bites, some were red while the others turned bluish purple. He bent his head and nipped on it before licking making the girl belle him moan. Her eyes fluttered open as he steered at her Alpha.

"Good morning my Lord" she whispered rubbing her eyes like a baby.

"Morning Ivy", Chris replied brushing her hair.

"I'd take my leave now, thanks for...."

"And I'll be expecting you this night", he smiled then dismissed her, he needed to sort his thoughts, she was his mate and he had never handled ladies with love before, he needed help from his cousin, Toran Alston.


Zero opened his eyes slowly and tried to get accustomed with the sunlight that had penetrated through the thin plain curtain, he rose up with a jerk and walked towards his box, be had not bothered to unpack his clothes before tossing himself to the bed, he looked at the the wall clock it was 3:16pm.

He opened his box and poured the clothes out, a red binded paper fell from his cloth, it was brown in color and it had his brother's stamp on it, 'Idiot', he called silently in his head and unbinded it slowly, It was from Christopher.

Zero's face darkened as he read through and he crumpled the letters silently before it turned into dust in his palm. He stepped on the dust with angry face and rage bubbled within him.

"Calm down", he heard through his mind and he thought he had lost it, it had been long he heard this voice.

"Hold on, Relax", it said again, Damon didn't know why but he complied to the voice.

"That's it, deep breathe", the voice trailed.

"What can I do for you today?" he asked the voice in sarcasm believing it was an illusion.

"Your code name is Zero master, and I am your demon system", Hell! he didn't understand what was going on.

"We still in historical time master, so I am not upgraded yet but i am the sharpest demon system in the whole realm", said the voice with confidence.

"All demons have system".

"They do and that's their system, I mean reproduction, Circulatory, Digestive.....".

"Enough, am listening".

"Yours is different master, aside from that you have another system and that's me, am connected to your mind, heart, body and soul".

"So how come you didn't say all this to me the first time we spoke".

"well master, you were immature to understand back then"

"Really! Get to the chase what can you do for me?"

"I am here to help with your body fatigue and especially your plans tomorrow night, since you've recieved the letter from your brother would be carrying it out this night"

"How do you know about that" asked Zero still confused.

"Am connected to you master, I can also see you are not ready, You need to feed on blood now master" said the system.

"Zee", Zero called since he had already named the system, "why do I need blood?", he asked, he had always wanted to ask the question why did he need blood.

"Well master, you are a demon so you fear on their blood to gain little pain from, you feast on their pain and 0.05% of their soul".


"Yes master, since you feed on women... you have nothing to worry about".

"Are you sure", asked Damon still uncertain by what system Zee had said.

"Yes master".

"What would I do today?" he asked changing the topic

"First you feed on blood, but today we should be trying men since the women are not sufficient then we would start the massacre".

"Okay!". Surprising enough he had a demon system, a damn system this was historical time how could he.

"How did you get into me"", Damon suddenly asked.

"With the chemicals that you drank at the slave establishment and the one fed to you by the butler, I thought you already knew", the system replied.

"I knew it! but how?".

"It was a chemical reaction, remember when the security said something holding you down, clearly this was what the scientists were trying to gain but they didn't finish the procedure, the butler must have detected so he decided to finish the unfinished".

"So the dumb butler knows about you"

"He does"

"I think I need to silence him for good"

"I won't advise that master cause he would be of good use with the waging war"


Zero chuckled and stated,"You just have to be ready and on alert master".

"Where do I get blood from?", he asked he didn't want to keep listening to the topic it sounded so difficult to accumulate for now.

"There's a man outside right now, just snap your finger by his ear", and so he did AND the man came falling on his arm, he then dragged him quietly and threw him to the couch.

"Drink from him master, I'd tell you when to stop"

"Thanks" Damon started and dipped the new elongated fangs in the man's neck, on norms he drank from cup, asper the women feed him blood through cup cause they thought he was vampire, things had really changed in his body, he had fangs.

The blood filled his taste buds and it was true it tasted divine with the pain visible. The blood In cups involved pain but not as relishing.

Five minutes later, Damon was still drinking when the system alarmed him again.

"That's enough master, You might kill him!"

"I was just carried away" Damon replied releasing the man and wiping his lips before licking it.

"If you had gone farther, you would have cut off the veins and caused his death"

"I was carried away", replied Damon

"am sorry master, it is time for the plan for the massacre"

"Hmmmm, so how do we go about it"

"The real person to be killed, I mean the scavenger in the inn is in the last room at the top floor".

"am listening"

"He his going to feed on souls today and if he starts killing I want you to be there so we can capture the souls"

"What would be done with it

"I am in no situation to inform you about it yet master"

"Ok let's start with getting rid of the damn scavenger"

"Yes master"

please tell me wat you all think as I have introduced the system... ion know if it is still interesting