
A Demon System

Years ago, children were kidnapped to become lab rat and among them was Zero who was graded to have no agility, some died but Zero remained surviving even though he had no agility. After sometime Zero becomes accustomed with the way of life for he hadn't seen the blue sky before until an Alpha comes in to save him and names him. He never understood himself after been adopted after been fed chemicals in the establishment, he faces it again in his adopted brothers house _________ #exert "Calm down", he heard through his mind and he thought he had lost it, it had been long he heard this voice. "Hold on, Relax", it said again, Damon didn't know why but he complied to the voice. "That's it, deep breathe", the voice trailed. "What can I do for you today?" he asked the voice in sarcasm believing it was an illusion. "Your code name is Zero master, and I am your demon system", Hell! he didn't understand what was going on. _______ A Demon system first story, cover not mine

Amh_Yorah · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Lowa Valley

Music recommendation: the Parisian— Thierry Delbalnc

The smell of Cigarettes filled the room as women danced around shaking and swaying their hips to the rhythm of the tune that was been played. Men cheered as they moved along with the music with beer and wine smells filling the air as lust was inevitable in their eyes.

Different creatures lurked in the room, Demons, Lycans, Vampires, witches and werewolves but two men in particular only watched as everything happened, it was Alpha Christopher and his adopted brother Damon Quinn... Two years had passed after he was adopted and he was no longer the old Zero he used to be.

"Hey Zero, how do you find the women", Christopher asked taking a long drag from the cigar between his lips and released it in the face of the seductress beside him.

"They 're okay" Zero shrugged steering as they stayed their hips and waist harder trying to seduce each men in the room, but it seemed he was the only one still not seduced.

"Sir Damon, are they not to your taste ", the slit beside Chris asked giving the Alpha a peck on his cheek.

"Guess they aren't Ivy" he answered back feeding his curious taste bud with the wine in front of him.

"oh really.... what of Inayah" Ivy asked pointing directly at one of the ladies in blue skirt and yellow bra revealing her shoulder, belly and part of her cleavage.

"she is been too obvious" Zero answered scoffing innocently without trying to hide the fact Inayah was been shameless trying to seduce him in particular.

"Why not take her to bed" Ivy stated smiling as her employee swayed her hips and seduced all the men except for him, Zero Damon Quinn.

"No thank you!".

After two years the very same Zero had become an hero in his brother's territory, he had turned tall, with his hair still oackedvin the pony tail little longer than the one of two years ago. He had improved in his agility and he was a man desired by all the women in the territory.

He brushed through his hair slightly and caressed it for a low growl to come. He sighed heavily and steered at his elder brother.

"Am leaving this night Christopher"

"Sure, stay safe"

"Hmmmm" he hummed in approval. He was leaving for a very important mission and he couldn't wait to spew blood again. A year ago he had discovered something he could only shared with his adopted brother.

He had a weird system that was different from everyone's, he was different from the whole five creatures in the territory, both him and his system. He needed blood every days yo charge as something said to his ear often, the first time it had happened he was laying on the bed tired as ever, no food went through his mouth as he couldn't digest it to his system, but later a strange smell seemed in inviting, it tasted like metal and it looked red, he thought it was wine but found out it was blood, be also needed skinship contact from women just to charge up and this Inayah wanted to get to his bed badly after seeing how he took ladies every month to his bed. A lady every month and she had tried to get with him on several occasion but it was always futile.

He steered at Inayah that blushed with the gaze he sent at her... he then moved to Christopher and nodded with that he left 6he brothel for his own room, he was leaving for the town in the East side, it was Lowa Valley but some called it valley Lowa.


"Why can't he take her to bed, she is everything and she is still a virgin", Ivy complained as she tugged on Chris' button

"Do you want to keep talking about my brother during our intimate time?" Chris asked disappointed

"Awwwn, am sorry honey!!!", Ivy exclaimed tugging harder on Chris' button causing it to remove at the same time. Chris smiled seeming unbothered as he raised his hand to untie the rope holding the dress covering her front part.

Ivy removed his shirt and thre it to God knows where, then turned to press her back against his chest, he removed her gown and dropped it on the floor before guiding her body to the bed to start the strenuous exercise.


"Sir Damon!" Inayah yelled as she ran behind Damon trying to see his face since he was leaving for about two months. Zero cursed and stopped abruptly before trying to face her. "Good evening sir Damon", ahe greeted with face flushed pink.

"Lady Inayah, how may I help you"

" It might be rude but i only came to see your face before you leave"

"*chuckles* am flattered lady Inayah..... Get yourself ready, I'll be taking you to my bed when am back", he declared without shame, Inayah screamed internally and bowed at Zero before running back into the the mansion. "Fool" he muttered getting into the carriage.

He chose wisely when it came to skinship contact, If it was about that he knew he had inkt taken Sixteen women to his bed no addition nor subtraction. Though this Inayah had everything he wasn't attracted to her, she seemed too plain for him, his system just didn't like her, it was against any contact including talking so about skin to skin he would like to see how she would react when he doesn't touch her, a nice plan to see if she was a mole.

Hours passed and Zero was still on his way to Lowa Valley.

"Where are we coachman" he asked trying not to be nice nor rude.

"This is Lowa valley's market sir Damin, we are almost at Lowa Vally itself the coachman nodded tugging the rain tighter on the horses that were distracted by colors in the market.

"Alright just get me to the inn House" Zero added tilting his head backwards

"Of course sir Damon", the coachman answered.

"Cohkd you get me something to eat and for yourself too" Damon requested and the carriage came to halt, the coachman took his purse to buy food for his master.

Damon kept thinking about the time he had found out about his system, he could not help but praise his brother more in his heart. His mind was not at rest as it kept moving here and there trying to discover how it got his system. He couldn't help but suspect himself.

The coachman came back and handed Damon the flat bread and Yougurt to Damon before directing the horses out of the market for Lowa valley itself.

He tilted his head backwards and four to five hours later, they were finally in Lowa smvalleg and the inn stood gallantly in front of Damon, he could help but lick his lips as there would be a huge massacre into the beautiful inn house

He brushed his hair and walked into the inn while his coachman carried his suitcase behind Him, he registered and entered the room given to him.

He dropped his luggage on the bed then dismissed the coachman, he took a long shower and tossed himself to the bed, he had travelled for nine hours and it was already 9:00am, he would leave the people till the next night, closing his eyes he let the darkness take over.

Author note; I know I write different from other books involving system but this is my own inspiration don't judge thanks