
A Defenders Rage

When Eres wakes up with memories of another life that ended too soon, he decides to live this one to the fullest! With conniving family members, monsters, and magic surrounding him, he begins to train his Blessing of the Defender into fine art, but can this defensive skill carry him to victory? My first serialised work and a rather typical Isekai story, look forward to comfortable moments, romance, and high-stakes action as Eres learns about the world, himself, and the life he lived before!

NamelessOccasion · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


As the tall, broad baker stared at Eres with shock creasing the lines of his face, Eres tried so very hard to signal with his eyes. 

Don't say anything, just leave it alone so I can keep wandering around town without a worry, Eres thought, treat me like any other customer. 

The man was staring very intently and slowly placed the toddler on the floor behind the counter. 

"Go on Ifa, go wait upstairs for your Mother, okay?" He smiled as he talked, but a slight sheen of sweat glinted in the low light, "I am sure that when she and your sister get back they will want to see you are alright, so go change out of that muddy dress and get ready, okay?" 

"Alright Daddy! See you later, Mister!" Ifa called out over her shoulder as she scampered through a doorway in the corner of the room, the gentle patter of her feet climbing up stars echoing through the now very silent room. Freya had stepped back to stand near the door and give the man and the boy some space. 

"I am sorry for not greeting you properly sooner, My Lord, I just didn't want my daughter to -" the Baker said, as he hurried around to the front of the counter and began to kneel.

"Oh please Gods no, none of that!" Eres nearly yelled as he gripped the larger man's shoulders and tried to pull him to his feet, "I don't want any kneeling, no "My Lord"'s, no worry or courtesy. I snuck-, I mean came out of the estate, I came out of the estate to wander around with my friend and get some fresh air. That is all, okay? 

"We came for some lunch, we just wanted to grab that and go. I am sorry for causing you any distress, I really didn't mean to worry or scare you, I just wanted to help that girl." 

"Very well, My-... Well, what should I call you then, Sir?" 

"Just Eres will do, I am sure," Eres laughed, "And you?" 

"Apologies again, Mister Eres Sir, you can call me Harral. Myla, my other daughter, should be back soon, as should my wife Lyra. I will whip you and your companion up some sandwiches with this morning's bread, and give you a nice picnic basket to keep on with your day. How does that sound?" 

"Just Eres, Harral, no Misters or Sirs, okay? I am so much younger than you that you are going to make me feel awkward. A picnic basket sounds lovely though, don't you think Freya?" 

"That sounds wonderful, thank you, Mister Harral," Freya smiled as she spoke, before squinting at Eres, "Though do you know where we could even go for a picnic, Master-, ah I mean Eres. Neither of us really know anything about the town?" 

"Ah, we will work it out when we get there. You heard the lady though Harral, a picnic sounds just perfect." 

"Alright then, I will get started on that one now for you. Take a seat over there you two." 

Eres laughed at the man's jovial nature and wandered over to sit at a small round table next to the window, where Freya came to join him. They talked and joked around the table, waiting for Harral to come out from the back, his whistles and occasional grumbles echoing around the shop, until they were interrupted by the shop door swinging wide open and slamming against the wall with a thunderous BANG

"Dad! Dad! Is she here?! I saw Mum and she said that Ifa ran out, but I ran all up and down the street and not a single soul saw her!" the new arrival yelled as she ran into the room, breathing heavily. 

The girl who had run into the room was rather young, likely around the same age as Eres. She had a shaggy head of short blonde hair that didn't reach her shoulders, a soft white shirt, and a grey pair of shorts that barely reached her knees. Her boots were worn and grey with kicked-up dust from the road, and her legs were covered in partially healed scrapes, bruises, and other wounds, and if her voice hadn't carried out ahead of her Eres would have assumed she was a particularly mischievous local boy who couldn't stay out of trouble. Her head didn't turn to see Eres or Freya sitting in the corner, her focus solely on her father behind the counter.

"Calm yourself Myla, calm! She's alright, she is upstairs getting herself changed after falling in the road and getting all muddy," Harral held his hands up as if to slow a rushing animal, "The two behind you brought her back safe and sound, so no need to worry! When your mother comes back I am sure we will have to calm her down too, so for the sake of my sanity please, calm."

The young girl stopped, whirling around to see the two people sitting at the table behind her, face frozen between embarrassment at someone unfamiliar having seen her outburst, and relief her sister was safe.

Eres raised a hand gently and gave a wave.

"Hi, um, I'm Eres. Sorry to worry you and everything, we didn't realise anyone was out looking for her and she said she knew the way home so... Still, I am sorry you got worried," Eres' words tumbled out, trying his hardest to speak in the same manner Harral did, and failing somewhat miserably.

"Oh. Well. Urgh, fine." the tomboy, Myla, huffed, "You brought her back safe, and you seem nice enough. And I know you ain't trying to worry me so... look, thanks. I'm glad she got home safe, so yeah. Thanks."

Freya smiled and Eres rubbed the back of his neck, eyes down. He opened his mouth to say something when the wooden door once again slammed into the wall, hinges rattling.

An older woman rushed through the door, a dark grey dress and shawl clutched in her hands so not as to trip her steps. Her long blonde hair was tied in a thick braid down her back, and her face was marked with dirt and sweat.

Before she could even begin, Harral and Myla both started rushing their words out.

"Hey, Lyra, it's all okay, Ifa is upstairs getting changed out of her muddy dress, she came back fine thanks to these young people behind you, so you don't need worry, shes okay, okay? Take a breath love," Harral stepped around the counter as he spoke quickly, trying to calm the woman who seemed to be his Wife.

"Mum, Mum, it's fine okay! Ifa is safe and sound, these two brought her back and Dad said she was fine, so we don't need to worry anymore!" Myla bounced up and down as she talked, running up to her mother's side and tugging on her hand.

As Harral hugged his wife close to his chest and Myla tugged at her hand, Eres felt his chest tighten. He remembered Adrien loving his mother, and being this close to her. But as Eres, he couldn't remember the last time he saw his Father, and since their walk, his Mother had been as distant as ever. It hurt to think about it, and just as he was starting to bite his lip at the pain, a hand rested on his shoulder.

"Mas.... Eres. Are you alright?" Freya looked at him, her green eyes pinched at the corners with worry.

"Yes Freya, I'm fine. Thank you," Eres smiled at her as he patted her hand gently. He had someone looking out for him at least.

Just as he was regaining himself, a little excited firework rushed into the room.

"Mummy! Myla! You got back!" Ifa squealed as she ran from behind the counter and hurled herself at her family, Myla quickly grabbing her in mid-air and hoisting her into her mother's arms.

"Ifa, oh baby I am so glad you are safe," Lyra began softly before her tone switched, "but by all the Gods you need to be more careful! You can't run off on your own, no when one of us can't watch you! If these kind children hadn't found you, you could've been lost for hours before we found you! And that would have scared me to death, you understand?"

As her lecture continued, Harral chuckled before heading back behind the counter to finish up making the picnic, and Myla hurried a few steps out of her mother's grasp before slumping down in the other seat in the corner, right next to Eres.

"So... who are you two? I thought I had met most of the other kids in town, but I guess not," as Myla talked, Eres felt his palms sweat. He hadn't thought about how the other kids played together, it had completely slipped his mind that they would probably know all the other kids. "Oh, I know! You gotta be kids from some of those merchants who just rolled into town right? Especially with how clean you are looking there, Eres right? Yeah, that's gotta be it, merchant kids!"

"Yeah, that's right. Don't know how long we are going to be in town, so wanted to see the sights and have some lunch," Freya slipped into a more comfortable accent than the clear and clipped tone that she used up at the manor, covering for Eres as she saw him gaping like a fish. "I'm Freya, nice to meet you Myla!"

Myla grinned as she reached out and shook the older girl's hand, before doing the same to Eres.

"Well, nice to meetcha! Thanks again for helping out Ifa, just let me know if you need anything, alright?"

"Yes, please, let us all know if we can do anything to help," came a much calmer voice from the middle of the room.

Lyra seemed to have finished her scolding and was now rocking Ifa on her hip, seemingly not willing to let her out of her grasp just yet. Her eyes widened slightly when she met Eres' gaze, but a quick glance at her husband was the only sign of her knowing who he was.

Well, at least she is more subtle than Harral falling to his knees, Eres thought.

"Your husband is making us a picnic for our lunch, how could we ask for anything more?" Eres laughed a little as he spoke, just enough to be pleasant. "We found your daughter by chance and brought her back because it was the right thing to do, nothing more than that!" 

Eres paused for a second thinking, "Though perhaps you could also give us directions for where we could go and eat? We aren't familiar with the town after all."

"Well I can-" Myla started before her mother cut her off.

"Of course, if that is all then we would be happy to do so. Let me go ask my husband where he thinks would be best," Lyra smiled, but it was strained at the edges. She placed Ifa on the floor as she turned to her husband, "Go play now, little one, just stay indoors, okay?"

"I could've told you where to go, " Myla grumbled, glaring at her mother's retreating back, before swivelling her head quickly and staring at Freya, "So, what's it like where you come from!"

Freya smiled and started answering the barrage of questions Myla was firing out as honestly as she could, and Eres had to stifle a laugh. Who would have thought that coming into town for a day would have been so interesting?

As Harral wandered over with a wicker basket stuffed full of food, his wife behind him with a curious glint in her eye, Eres decided that living vicariously through others was all right. Sure his family wasn't quite what he wanted it to be, but the town probably had hundreds of happy families just like this, and if he could catch glimpses of them in their happiness once in a while? Well, maybe that would be enough. For now, at least.

As he gave his thanks, ruffled Ifa's hair and took the large basket from Harral, Eres felt lighter. This was nice, all of this was nice. Lyra looked like she wanted to say something else after giving them directions to a nearby picnic spot, but Harral managed to drag her back inside before she ruined Eres' cover.

Yep, Eres thought with a smile and a stretch of his shoulders, this is turning into a good day out of the house after all.

Sorry for the long gap in posting! Life became busy with illness and eventual funeral arrangements, and then the grieving process after the fact.

However I am back to writing when I can now and will aim for one chapter a week on on Saturdays, and an extra on Wednesdays when I can.

NamelessOccasioncreators' thoughts