
Worldwide Handsome

"No need to pick her up. Pick her up tomorrow. She's staying here for the night."

Apple was stunned when the phone was grabbed from her, sh e just realized what happened. After the call ended. She looked up and saw a handsome face staring back at her. It was the guy with the gray hair, Jin.

Jin grabbed his handkerchief, and wiped of the tears from Apple's face.

"Why are crying? What's the problem? Do you feel unwell?" Jin asked.

Apple was too emotional to answer. So much happened to her today. She looked at Jin's beautiful pair of eyes. She wanted to say something but words wouldn't come out.

"Are you hungry?" Jin asked.

Before Apple could answer, her stomach answered it for her, it grumbled. She have not eaten for a long time. Feeling embarrassed her cheeks flushed red, and she looked away.

"Don't worry, it is fine. It is normal to be hungry. Come, let's go to the kitchen. I cooking some noodles."

Apple silently followed Jin into the kitchen. Jin instructed Apple to seat and he'll be serving the noodles soon.

About three minutes later, Jin went to the dining table with two bowls of noodles. After reaching the bowl, Apple started her digging her meal. It was delicious that she finished really fast. Then she stared at Jin's bowl of noodles.

"Do you want some more?"

Apple looked at Jin's beautiful eyes. Jin's cooking is really great. Girls usually eat little with guys they just met, but she couldn't lie to him. She couldn't lie because of his beautiful eyes.

So she nodded 'yes'.

After eating her seconds in noodles, Jin wiped her mouth with his handkerchief. Apple couldn't react. She wanted to push his hand away, because if she would not she might faint. A worldwide handsome guy, wiping her mouth!

Apple and Jin stared at each others' eyes for some time. Both of them drowning into the beauty of their eyes. Suddenly, Jin's phone rang bringing them back to reality. Then Jin declined the call and put his phone in silent mode.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Is it really okay not to answer that call?"

"It is okay."



"Okay. By the way, the meal is pretty good. I love it! How did you cook this?"

"Thanks! I'm usually the one who cooks the meal for the members of our group."

Then he went on telling her how he cooked the noodles. That's when he learned that also loves cooking.

A few moments of silence passed, then Jin suddenly asked Apple.

"What are you called when you live on a bubble?'

" What is it called?

"It is called unbelievable."

"Ahahahahahahaha!!!" After laughing so hard Apple said, "I don't trust trees."


"They seem kinda shady."

"Hahahahahahahaha!!! What do you call a bear without ears?"



"Hahahahahaha!!! I would like to put my grades for adoption."


"Because I can't raise them."

"Ahahahaha!! What do you call someone with no body and no nose?"


"Nobody knows."

"Whahahaha!!! Do you know why smart people are hot?"


"Because they got more degrees."

"Ahahahahahahaha! Do you know what my jokes are called?"

"What is it called?"




Then they kept exchanging some le'Jin'dary dad jokes.

After laughing for quite some time they just stared at each other for quite some time. Drowning in each others beautiful eyes. They drew closer and closer to each other.

For Jin, there's no reason for two not to get married quickly if they're in love with other. So he's analysing his feelings for her. Is she the one? She's attractive enough for him. She loves cooking. They have the same humor too. Maybe they need some more time to get to know each other.

For Apple, Jin's attractive for her. He's good at cooking, his jokes are kinda le'Jin'dary, she likes his laugh, and he's super attractive. That's when she realized his a super star that is out of reach for a commoner like her. And she also need to finish schooling. But she can't help but to get attracted to him.


Namjoon woke up. He felt really thirsty. So he got up and went to the kitchen and didn't expect what he would see in the kitchen.