
A Dark Journey

Lenin, a perennially drowsy and seemingly inept boy, grapples with a lack of close connections, his father deceased, and his mother immersed in work. However, his unremarkable life takes an extraordinary turn when he encounters a unique being – his grandfather – hailing from a concealed realm. Seeking Lenin's help for a crucial task, they forge a bond that, unfortunately, is short-lived as they are separated. This parting becomes a catalyst for profound change in Lenin. Transitioning from a lethargic and lackluster individual to a hardworking genius, he undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fueled by the desire to explore the unseen facets of the world, Lenin embarks on a journey that leads him to forge friendships, encounter worthy rivals, form strong alliances, and face formidable adversaries. His path unfolds with twists and turns, revealing a tale of personal growth and exploration into the unknown.

03Matot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Painless Death

Lenin and Polin stroll together on a quiet road.

"Hey, where do people like you live? I mean, normal folks can't see you unless you want them to, right?"

Polin, looking extra alert, responds, "A place called Okabi."

"Who are these bad guys? And what do they want from you?"

"Shhhhh. They are here," Polin warns.

He puts his hands on Lenin's head. This time, Lenin falls asleep for just a millisecond, and Polin takes control.

Two figures emerge in front of them from smoke.

One of them obediently says, "It has been a while, Lord Polin. I was not expecting you in this body."

Polin swiftly moves toward him and delivers a punch, which is effortlessly stopped with one hand.

"Master Gareth, I wasn't expecting you either. And I see you brought Rojo with you," Polin smiles.

Rojo retorts, "How dare you try to attack the master?"

"Don't get in our way, Lord Polin. That boy is not one of us, so he is not allowed to roam around spiritually within Okabi," Master Gareth says obediently.

Polin, with a serious face, replies, "I don't see his fault in any of this. Now you may leave."

"Such insolence," Rojo mutters.

Rojo charges toward Polin, punches him in the face, and sends him flying.

Polin stands up, looking straight into Rojo's eyes, "You are good, but I am always better."

Polin swiftly moves toward Rojo, and as he is about to punch him, Rojo blocks the attack. However, Polin's punch is too powerful, destroying Rojo's jaw and blocking hands in a single blow.

Coming from behind, Master Gareth puts his hand on Polin's head.

Master Gareth says, "Now, now, let's cool down."

This time, Lenin wakes up, asking, "Is it over? Can we go to school now?" But as Lenin looks around, he realizes it might not be the case.

In the next moment, he finds himself beneath Master Gareth's boot and loses consciousness.

"After all these years, you still can't block him. Now let's go," Master Gareth commands.

Master Gareth and Rojo take Lenin to an ancient isolated fortress.

Master Gareth asks, "How long will it take?"

"Please wait a little longer, Master."

Master Gareth remarks, "You didn't seem to like Lord Polin from the beginning. Why is that?"

Rojo explains, "He always acts like he is above the system and violates the rules and regulations. He gets away with it because he is the prince."

Lenin opens his eyes and finds himself tied up. "Where am I now? I was supposed to be in school and then kicked out of class. And what the hell is happening to my body? I feel cold."

Master Gareth observes, "But if you think about it, the boy is innocent."

"But we cannot deal with another Ronen situation," Rojo adds.

Master Gareth agrees, "Yeah. That is why I told you to prepare a painless death method for the kid. I think I should do at least that much."

"I think it is done, Master."

"Then you can leave," Master Gareth commands.

Rojo departs, and Master Gareth walks, pondering, "All I have to do is touch his head, and then an innocent boy will die painlessly, huh? Why the hell am I hesitating? I did many dirty works for the King before. So no point in being good now."

Lenin is unconscious, and Master Gareth walks toward him, saying, "I'm sorry, human boy. I know you are innocent, but you must die." Master Gareth puts his hand on Lenin's head.

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