
A Dark Journey

Lenin, a perennially drowsy and seemingly inept boy, grapples with a lack of close connections, his father deceased, and his mother immersed in work. However, his unremarkable life takes an extraordinary turn when he encounters a unique being – his grandfather – hailing from a concealed realm. Seeking Lenin's help for a crucial task, they forge a bond that, unfortunately, is short-lived as they are separated. This parting becomes a catalyst for profound change in Lenin. Transitioning from a lethargic and lackluster individual to a hardworking genius, he undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fueled by the desire to explore the unseen facets of the world, Lenin embarks on a journey that leads him to forge friendships, encounter worthy rivals, form strong alliances, and face formidable adversaries. His path unfolds with twists and turns, revealing a tale of personal growth and exploration into the unknown.

03Matot · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs


Nanak and the rescue team find themselves in the midst of a battle. Nanak is gradually slowing down, and the rescue team is visibly exhausted.

Punching Nanak on the neck, George receives a significant bite in his biceps. Despite the ordeal, George manages to release himself from Nanak's grip by delivering a powerful kick to his jaw. Subsequently, George falls back.

"Are you alright, sir?" Abram inquires. George replies, "Don't worry about me," but he is so fatigued that he nearly collapses. Costa, with a creepy smile, remarks, "You don't taste bad, hehehe."

On the other side, Costa faces Conor and Master Gareth. One of Costa's arms is immobilized, but he remains surprisingly calm. Master Gareth questions him as he attacks Costa, "Why do you want to kill Lord Polin?"

Costa, evading his assault, explains, "He gave away a life-stone to a human, violating the sacred rule of the Holy Empire of Odresha."

Hearing this, Polin is shocked and too exhausted to react, thinking, "What the heck is going on here? How does he know about all that? This is bad."

Master Gareth is stunned and completely freezes, exclaiming, "Life-stone! How can Lord Polin have a life-stone in the first place?" Conor attacks Costa, who evades a serious blow that was nearly fatal. Conor skeptically says, "What makes you think we'll believe your words?"

Costa, from a distance, replies, "It really does not matter if you believe me or not." In the next moment, Costa kicks Master Gareth in the chest, sending him flying. Then he attacks Conor with his sword, which Conor manages to block. Costa comments, "You are strong." Conor falls back. Master Gareth gets to his feet and is about to punch Costa, apologizing for being distracted. Costa evades his punch, thinking, "Nanak, you fool, why aren't you retreating?"

On the other side, Nanak is still standing, with only George left to face him. The other students are out of stamina, lying down at a little distance.

Nanak approaches slowly, stating, "It seems like this is coming to an end."

George is on the verge of collapsing but wakes up suddenly. He stops George from falling down, saying, "Sorry for being late, but I am thirsty right now."

Josef lies there, too exhausted to move but extremely mad at Pedro, "If you say you are thirsty or you want booze just one more time, I swear, I'm gonna kick your butt."

Rafid lies near Josef, muttering, "I hate Class 1997."

Nanak laughs, "You humans are full of surprises, hehehe."

Pedro stands before Nanak, remarking, "You don't seem like Julius Nanak right now." In the next moment, Pedro delivers a powerful kick to Nanak's face, screaming, "Aaaaaa." The punch throws Nanak away, but he gets back on his feet. After that, he attacks Pedro, who evades, saying, "Where is that kid, and Anna?"

George assures him, punching Nanak, "Don't worry about them; just do your thing."

Nanak is about to bite George's neck, but Pedro delivers a punch to Nanak's stomach, warning, "Watch out, George." The punch is so powerful that it throws Nanak away. Pedro then stands before Nanak, and Nanak stands on his feet, looking Pedro straight in the eyes.