
Chapter five

Amber's pov 

The man in the white suit stayed in the car as I got dressed to go out for a run.

He came out and asked "madam should I call a personal trainer for you?

I replied I am only going for a run".

You can't madam".

"Watch me"

"Okay I am coming with you "

"No, you are not"


As I began to jog, the man in the white suit entered the limo and followed me at a distance,

I was not disturbed as I went round before going to the training center as I usually do.

Today was different as I trained thoughts and possibilities crept into my mind of how to use this opportunity I had refused.

Since I can be out then I have to be in deep it is a good idea,  and it would be better to work from the shadows too.

Yes, I will have the guy in the white suit seat in my chair he'd have to relate everything each time he attends any family-related business.

After I left the training center I spotted the limo a fair distance away.

As I was trying to open my door a voice came from behind startling me

"You train too hard these days"

I did not notice him as he walked close, I turned and there Mike stood.

"Oh, mike you startled me.

"I was waiting for a lift' he said curtly.

"Okay get in " I motioned

Mike was quiet today so I drove without uttering a word 

After dropping him off I called the guy in the white suit and asked his name

He said his name 

was Philip and then I told him what I had decided and he told me to tell my grandpa first and that he will do it if grandpa agreed.

I told him to take me to him tomorrow and he agreed.

Madam, should I bring the documents for you to go through them?

"Yes please Philip".

The next day I went with Philip to see grandpa and we discussed it,

He did not object, but specified that all Philip would do was carry out my instructions, and whatever he said would be treated as my words so I should be careful.

Later he had a word with Philip and they discussed it for some time while I checked out the suite he lived in.

It was so exotic I was contemplating using the credit card I had received, but I have to be careful and keep a low profile I reminded myself of my plans to work.

It went as planned Philip became my eyes and ears in the underworld while I lived my life as normal as possible.

But still, I was to handle disloyal underlings personally and also those who crossed the family in New york.

Tho Philip and the others did the torturing, I was always present to watch no matter how repulsive it was, I watched.

The family business was beginning to acclimate to my life, it was just like any cooperative business but the approach was the same.

I got to know Antonio was a business partner of ours for years.

He owns a lot of casinos and nightclubs and also a few white-collar structures too

I guess that's how he laundered his money, all other families do too 

But he has more power in New York than any family or organization.

So he was not to be crossed.

Tho little was said of Antonio  and other heads of family

My dad was one and my grandfather was pulled out of retirement when he was murdered.

I learned a lot fast and well as Philip was very informative.

I still went to training as usual and Antonio was still as cold as ever.

But still gives me butterflies" oh dear ".

He never found out about my new identity as Philip  posed in my stance

In all negotiations, grandpa never threw a dinner for my inauguration as his heir

But the word was passed around that a new heir has been chosen, they all thought carl was the new successor and the word passed round about his existence, even though it wasn't news, I had to protect him, I had to hide him close but away from here, away from all this 

I flew Carl out of New York to a boarding school in England, he had protested but I thought it best and uncle Dante had agreed to it.

Even tho it was also hard for us but his safety was paramount, and I won't be myself if I lol at him too.

It would be a short time thing because he is almost done with high school.

I and Philip researched the school before allowing him to school there, they had good security and taught well, the fees were high but my new credit cards were amazing I can't even say how much was in them as I just gave Philip the order and boom.

Life became easy as I slowly got addicted to the power I wielded but never misused it.

Philip was always around and he advised wisely and my reputation grew in New York.

Also, my grandfather called for a party but I did not attend.