
Chapter four

Amber's pov 

The hospital called and the nurse on the other end said" sorry to inform you but Mr magnums passed yesterday night and he had left a note for you"

I was shocked I saw him yesterday at eleven o'clock.

With so much brewing on my mind, I rushed up depressed and drove straight to the hospital 

Magnums were covered in a white sheet and had been taken to the morgue.

He had told the receptionist to hand me his belongings as he was getting better the instruction left a confusing message.

And later he died that same night in his room.

The cause of death was a heart attack and the doctors were satisfied with it and the police too

But not me.

In the note, it read

" you are being watched as I was, and the killer is not a stranger 

I was not fortunate to find the person but from all indications 

You do know the person very well and yes find M..r Kay he is my informant

And if he is not already dead then show him this note,  he knows my writing."

I was perplexed by the sentence " he is not a stranger".

Immediately cold fell upon me as beads of sweat gathered on my forehead

And I thought deeply about what is known stranger would be.

As I walked slowly out of the hospital tears ran down my cheek my I was close, very close

But fate had played me, but I will not lose to my parent's killers.

I left the hospital and went straight to the training center and went down straight to the basement.

I started to train harder like yesterday but today was different I hit the bag with clear punches that threw out my anger on the bag

When everyone finally arrived they were all shocked as to how I was training and had been here earlier and to top it most I made the basement k normal

As I turned to look at the crowd watching everyone was there except Antonio

And As I turned they dispersed and some moved to the training ground while others stayed in the basement and everyone continued raining including me.

Yes, I needed an outlet for my emotions and this bag just seem to handle it well.

As I trained into the night tired and sweaty I called my uncle and told him I was coming over

For dinner.

I first stopped at mine and then went to his place.

Greeted rosa my uncle's wife and joined her to set the table.

Carl was happy to see me as ever and after dinner, we played monopoly.

Then, uncle, Dante told me my grandpa wants to see me.

I have not heard from him since my papa's death.

"He ghosted and now he is trying to see us? I asked.

"No not us just you".

He says Carl is still young and you need to take your father's place in the family business.

"I am not interested,  you tell him that,  I don't want to see him", I yelled.

Uncle Dante said" tell him yourself he is already in New York.

I took my stuff and left,  without saying any goodbyes.

Carl came out and was asking Dante why we were yelling.

Before he called my name I have already driven off.

The next morning there was a limo parked in front of my house

The driver stood outside it in a black suit and tie and waited.

When I got up to make coffee I saw the limo and just when the driver noticed the curtain shift

He came to the door and knocked,  I knew who it was instantly.

Reluctantly I went to the door and opened it, and the tall man in a white suit said "good morning madam, your grandfather would lie to see you now".

I slammed the door and went back inside and then I heard a second knock, I went back to open it and there I saw my grandpa standing in front of my door

With no remorse for ruining my morning,e said "good morning ", and walked passed me.

The tall man in a suit followed him in and stood by the door.

I walked back to my living area and sat as he had already made himself comfortable.

And he began "my dear I will like you to start the family business from where your dad left off,

I have allowed you to grieve enough it is time you take your daddy's seat ".

"Grandpa I will not be a member of what killed my father leave me and Carl alone as you have done all these years."

"Then it is decided then I will tell Carl to do it".


Yes it is his rightful seat after all

You can't do that to him he is still young".

I am not the one doing anything here it is you who has refused and so it falls on your brother naturally he said with no emotion and calmness that sends a chill to my body.

I said" fine I will do it."

Then he said to the man in suit " call Gustavo to come and pick me up".

"You stay with her, she is now your boss, and yes grant her full access to all the family business here in New York ."

Yes boss he replied 

And when a Chevy came around grandpa got in and left.

I sat down and waited to catch my breath, what is happening I asked myself.

I can't allow Carl to go near grandpa, even tho I know he abandoned us, I know he did it for a good reason.

I can't understand why he is here now, why he wants me to be in the family business now.

Madam" the guy in the white suit cut me from my thoughts 

What is it I asked 

Your new credit cards are here, and also the ledgers and deeds and documents are all in the c, would you like me to go bring them to you?

"No, not now take the day off ".

Okay, he said with a smile and closed the door behind him As he went straight to the car and waited.