
A certain Marvel Fanfic

What do you get when you take a guy with the worst luck in the Omniverse and put him in one of the most dangerous universes In all of fiction? Follow our protagonist as he tries to get his full powers back and become overpowered enough to escape this universe.

JOSEPH12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


( the truck speeds closer and Timmy realises that he won't be able to get up and out of the way in time. he closes his eyes and gets ready to die again. he waits for few seconds but doesn't feel anything)

Timmy: huh? why am I not dead? ( he opens his eyes and touches his body. he then looks in front and sees the truck stopped 5 cm in front of him )

???: you okay kid?

Timmy: huh? the truck can talk?

( the door of the truck opens and a man no a giant walks out of it. he was 1.95 metres, had arms the size of people's thighs and a thick bushy beard)

Man: hey kid. I asked if you're okay

Timmy: um yes I'm okay Mr uhh?

Man: the names Edward. what's your name kid?

Timmy: my name is Timmy Mr Edward

Edward: well Timmy what are you doing all the way out here for ?

Timmy: "what am I going to say now?"

Mai: "I would advise you not to lie you are a terrible liar"

Timmy: " then I'll just tell a really convincing truth" ( Timmy starts crying) someone took me away and when I woke up I was in the forest. it was so scary.

Mai: " wow if only you were as good as thinking as you are at acting then half of your problems would be solved"

Timmy: "thanks I think"

( edward strokes his beard in deep thought then looks at Timmy who is still crying unaware of his thoughts)

Edward : tell you what kid? I'm on my way to New York City right now. you can come with me and I'll help you find your parents.

Timmy: really ( Timmy stops crying and looks at Edward excitedly)

Edward: sure why not? get in the truck

( Timmy walks to the truck. before he enters he notices his reflection in the side mirror)

Timmy: " wow I'm really cute now. it must have helped convince him to help me"

Edward : what are you waiting for get in the passenger seat I'm on a tight schedule

Timmy: sorry ( Timmy opens the door then sits down. edward opens the glovebox and pulls out a bunch a clothes.)

Edward: put on some clothes. you look like a mess.

Timmy: why do have so many clothes here Mr Edward? ( Timmy chooses a white shirt with black stripes down the middle, brown cargo pants and black and white sneakers. all of which are a little bit bigger than him)

Edward: my friend lives in this truck when I'm not in the road.

Timmy: your friend? but these look like they could fit children.

Edward: you ask way too many questions. he's a short guy.

Timmy: I guess that makes sense.

( after 15 minutes of driving, Edward starts eating potato chips that he got from under his seat. while Timmy stares at him while drooling. Edward finally notices Timmy but doesn't stop eating)

Edward: you want some ?

Timmy: yes please ( Edward puts the last of the chips into his mouth)

Edward: sorry I'm all out ( Timmy stomach starts growling ) . there might be something to eat under the seat. ( Timmy checks under the seat and finds a newspaper and a bar of chocolate.)

Timmy: yes " I've got clothes, transportation, food and soon to have a roof over my head. maybe this world isn't so bad after all" ( Timmy opens the chocolate bar and takes a bite. he then starts reading the news paper. ) "the date is the 27th of November and it's the year 2008"

Mai:" I can't determine how old the newspaper is. so we can't be sure it's up to date "

Timmy: "we need all the information we can get so I'll read it anyway" ( Timmy starts reading the newspaper and notices the picture on the front page. a picture of a man laughing with five women) "I think I recognize this guy. isn't he an actor or something."

Mai: "you are correct. he closely resembles the man known as Robert Downey junior from your first life."

Timmy: Mr Edward

Edward: what now?

Timmy: this news paper is it an advert for a movie or something? " this way I can confirm how old it is"

Edward: you probably can't read. that's yesterday's newspaper. it just talking about that Playboy Tony Stark.

Timmy:did you say Tony Stark?

Edward: yeah. that bastard was probably flirting with those models. he changes women more often than he changes his clothes just because he's rich.

Timmy: " Tony Stark equals Ironman and Ironman equals Avengers and avengers equals the marvel universe which is full of villains with nothing to do except blow stuff up, interdimensional monsters, magic, aliens and cosmic entities. which all sums up to pain, destruction and death. especially when there's an alien purple grape who can erase half the universe with a snap if his fingers. Mai remember what I said about this world being not so bad. I take it back I'm Doomed."


JOSEPH12creators' thoughts