
A Camellia [BL]

A sweet short story of a florist and a businessman

Sebastian_Ruth · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


After spending time with Kousuke and Ami at the cat cafe, Ryo waved them goodbye and went home. The rest of the way home Ryo was blushing and his mind kept thinking of Kousuke. He kept thinking about how big his hand was, ruffling his hair. He thought about his gentle smile. He thought about his stupid dad jokes and his unconditional love for his daughter. He loved everything about Kousuke. Ryo felt incredibly lucky that he was able to hang out with Kousuke on his day off. He happily opened the door and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After his shower, he flopped onto his bed and cuddled his pillow. He felt all giddy inside and rolled around. He suddenly stopped and thought to himself, The fuck!?! I ain't some high school girl. Let's just get some sleep. He stopped acting all cute and decided to get some sleep.

He woke up the next morning and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth. His hair was a complete mess and he had bags under his eyes. Fucking hell, I was way to excited about yesterday to even get any sleep, urghghh…he thought to himself. He went downstairs to the shop and put his apron on. He started cleaning up and setting up the shop for today. Ms. Iwai noticed the sleepy look on Ryo's face. She concernly asked, "Ah, Ryo dear, you look really tired. Is everything alright?" Ryo chuckled and replied honestly, "Ah ha, everything is fine. I was just too happy and excited to even fall asleep last night". Ms Iwai was shocked, this was the first time she saw Ryo so happy. Her heart warmed up a little and she smiled at him. She patted his head and told him, "Well, make sure to get some rest later then." Ryo nodded and continued to work happily.

Kousuke entered the shop with his daughter. He went to the register to ask for some coffee and cake. Ms Iwai was helping them as Ryo was trimming the flowers, "What would you guys like?" Kousuke said, "I would like a cup of coffee and a slice of lemon cake. And for the young princess, a cafe au lait and a slice of strawberry shortcake". "Hey Dad, stop calling me a princess, I'm not five", Ami said with pouty face. Kousuke laughed and patted her head. They went to sit down. Ryo stared at Kousuke as he usually does, though he wondered, does Kousuke see me as a kid too. Ms Iwai asked Ryo to bring the drinks and cake to Kousuke and Ami. Ryo happily did, though his question from before still lingered in his mind.

"Cafe au lait and strawberry cake for the beautiful lady. And coffee and lemon cake for the handsome man", Ryo said as he gave them their cake and drinks. Ami happily started eating her cake. "Don't forget to say thank you to our cute waiter here", Kousuke said to Ami looking directly at Ryo. "Hey don't go around calling me cute", Ryo said as he tried to flee. Kousuke stopped him for a moment and asked, "Ah Ryo, are you free after this? I wanted to ask you something". Ryo internally panicked for a second, Oh shit did he notice me staring?!? Or is it something else? Ryo nodded and said that he could talk to him during his lunch break.

During Ryo's lunch break, Ryo went over and sat with Kousuke and Ami. Kousuke asked him, "Are you free this weekend? I actually have an extra ticket to the aquarium and was wondering if you wanted to join us." Ryo nervously replied, "Really?! Wouldn't I be imposing on your time together?" Kousuke shook his head and said, "No, you wouldn't. Ami and I enjoy your company. So if you're free and want to, you can join us". Ryo felt super happy at that moment. He nodded and told Kousuke that he could go.


The weekend finally came and Ryo was extremely nervous. He sat on his bed with a bunch of outfits on his bed. He thought to himself, what should I wear? This isn't a date tho.. Maybe something casual. How casual?!? Super comfy or formal casual or neutral casual?? The fuck is neutral casual?!? He continued to panic to himself for the next fifteen minutes until he finally picked an outfit.

He saw Kousuke and Ami standing at the entrance waiting for him. Ami was wearing a cute dress with flowers. Kousuke was wearing a black sweat shirt and blue jeans. Ryo thought to himself, wow he looks super young in that outfit.. omg I overdressed again. Ryo nervously went over to Kousuke and Ami. Kousuke looked a bit shocked after seeing Ryo. Ryo was wearing a blue striped dress shirt that was tucked in his black pants. He also was wearing sunglasses. He looked extremely handsome in his outfit and Kousuke was shocked seeing this side of Ryo.