
A Camellia [BL]

A sweet short story of a florist and a businessman

Sebastian_Ruth · Realistic
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8 Chs


Ryo was walking in a park peacefully and looking for a place to relax. He suddenly bumped into someone and they fell down. Ryo apologized and reached his hand out to help the little girl out. She appeared to be around 10 years old. She was wearing shorts and a pink tank top. She had a small bag with her as well. She was about to take his hand, though she instantly was shocked after seeing his face. She felt scared and nervous, so she tried to get up and was ready to make a run for it. "Ouch", the little girl said, wincing in pain. Ryo could tell that she was extremely scared because he looked like a gangster. He calmly said, "Let me help you up to that bench. You've hurt your ankle and knees on the concrete. I can go to a convenience store to get some ice and bandages. I'm not suspicious or a gangster, so don't worry". The little girl obediently listened to him and Ryo helped her to the bench. He went to a convenience store and got bandages and ice.

He took some alcohol wipes to clean the wound on her knees. He said, "This might sting, so bear with me". She nodded and winced in pain. "Sorry about that. I'll put a bandage on it now." After he put a bandage on her knee, he asked, "What's your name? My name is Yoshino Ryo." She replied, "My name is Miyazaki Ami, I'm waiting for my dad to get me at this park". Ryo gave her the ice in a ziplock bag and said, "I can wait with you till your dad comes. Put some ice on your ankle for now." "Thank you, Mr.Yoshino", she said with a smile on her face.

They waited and it was awkwardly silent. Ryo decided to break the silence, "I actually work at the flower shop over there". Ami's eyes widen and she replies, "Really! My dad always gets me cake and flowers from that shop. He said that the staff are super kind and very helpful". Ryo laughed nervously and said, "Wow! Tell your dad I said thanks". "You can tell me in person", Kousuke said as he walked to the bench.

"Dad!!" Ami exclaimed from the bench. "Kousuke..", Ryo said with a shocked expression. Kousuke went to the bench and gave Ami a hug. He noticed her knees and ankle. He asked what happened and if she was alright. Ami replied, "I actually bumped into Mr.Yoshino by accident and fell down. He helped me up and put a bandage on my knee". "Ah, thank you so much Ryo. My daughter can be extremely clumsy." "No problem", Ryo replied nervously. Kousuke ruffled his hair and asked Ryo, "I know it's probably your day off today, but do you want to come with us to the cat cafe". Ryo smiled and nodded.

They got to the cat cafe and found a seat. The cats start to come around Ryo. Kousuke couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like they all really like you. You're like a cat magnet". Ryo blushed and said, "Most of the cats here were strays, so I used to feed them in the alley". Ami took a cat on her lap and told Ryo, "Aww, that's so sweet Mr.Yoshino. Dad, can we get a cat?". Kousuke freaked out and told her, "No way, if you bring the cat to your mom's, she would kill me. She's allergic, remember?" Ami sighed and sulked with the cats. "Your daughter is super cute", Ryo said. "Right, she looks like me, so it makes sense", Kousuke replied with a smirk on his face. Ryo laughed and Kousuke stared at him with a smile on his face. "This is the first time I saw you laugh so loudly. It's cute". Ryo stopped and his face was beat red as he thought, holy shit he called me cute.