
Chapter 19:

I looked towards Symin, with a questioning look on my face, then smiled and then said, "The rains going to end soon, so we need to place a few more magnetic tools." I looked around, "The wind is coming from the… East. We can use this to our advantage, the monsters sense of smell is powerful, if we put the weapons on the other side of the monsters, not on the wind, then they shouldn't be able to smell rust on your tools." I said trying to make a sound argument. "We really should put up better defences around the lab. *Sigh*, That's going to be so time consuming, I guess if I use Octorok balloons platform, I could place the weapons on them for monster raids, wait but then… then we'd effectively have a lightning magnet outside our lab *Sigh*."

I looked around the hill, to see if there were any stragglers that happened to get up the hill from another direction. I spotted two Bokoblins walking around on the hillside, I quickly put them down and extracted their essence, and their bloodless corpses were left lying on the ground. I waited but there seemed to be no more monsters coming up the hill, so I waited longer, all the way up until the blood moon happened, and the monsters bodies all revived and they walked back down the hill.

There were a few that didn't wise up and had to be crippled, an arrow through each of their unarmoured kneecaps, we just chose to roll them down the hill, but I'm not going to lie, it is pretty quick. As you watch them barrel down the hill, gaining more bruises and cuts, it really gets me HUNGRY. *Cough* but other than that they all walked down the hill, I waited until there was without a doubt no monsters on the hill that could be seen as a threat for the tech lab. After that i went straight to my room and slept not even bothering to change out of my adventuring gear, I slept like a wee babe.

I woke up around midday, I felt like I had been hit by a car, and I was still tired. I got up out of bed and walked down the stairs, I saw Symin and Purah sitting at the table, pouring their mind over another piece of ancient tech. I stood at the door for a few minutes, enjoying the closest thing I have that is comparable to family, with that thought I was absorbed into my mind. There was a visible mental and emotional scar, it had appeared after my appearance in Hyrule. I've changed, and not in a positive way. I went from a normal human, to a human that been fused with an advanced piece of technology that wouldn't appear on Earth for 100's of years. I was forced to leave all I cared about for nothing, all because of an accident that shouldn't have even been possible, and then I found out that I'm the only human that people have seen on Hyrule in years, if not the only one to be seen in for as long as the records say. How could I not be upset?

"Joseph, are you okay? You've been standing at the doorway for a good ten minutes." Purah said, knocking me out of my focused state, with a worried look on her aged face.

"I'm okay, I… was just thinking about home, and all the progress I've made since I came here." I said playing off the thoughts that were in my mind, "So what are you guys researching?" I asked changing the topic.

"Okay then… well, we were looking at ancient records for useful tools that were used by past incarnations of the wielder of the sword that seals the darkness, we were making amazing progress except... we've hit a road block." Purah said, taking the hint that I didn't want to talk about that topic, "Most of the tools mentioned, required a lot of either extremely rare materials or magic to function properly, without maiming the user."

I watched with a questioning look on my face, "Okay then, where would you even get the magic part of the list?" I asked.

"Well you see over the entirety of the land of Hyrule, there are supposedly 4 Great Fairy fountains, there are several legends, all having them in different areas. But we have reason to believe that there is one just outside the Sheikah land, Kakariko village. It has always been a place that was magical, there are even sightings of Blupees in the forest on the hill. Almost no one goes there because of all the bad rumours that have been spread about by the impressionable." Purah practically let out a dam of words, "We are thinking of sending you there to show you off to the villages elder, and while that is happening, have you search the surrounding areas for the Great Fairy fountain. What do you think?" She posed the question to me, I looked at her with a frown on my face.

"You are aware that I just spent almost a month on a trip for your materials, I haven't gotten to sleep a proper sleep, one where I don't have to fear for my life, for weeks." I said clearly upset.

"Okay then, will 1 week be enough time to get yourself back into the swing of things? If not we can always expand the time you have to rest. Also we do expect you to do chores, they shouldn't affect your rest too much, and it would help you to get into the swing of things." Purah said, not giving up on the chance to spread the workload between all of them, now that I was here.

"Fine, *Sigh*, I'll inform you in a week if I think I'm fit to go on another journey." I said excusing myself from the table and prepared myself some food, ate then went back to my room to meditate. I sat at the end of my bed and pulled my lantern to beside me, grabbed a glass of water, and an arrow, and then I proceeded to close my eyes. I then started to practise my ability to sense water and metal.

I'm thinking of trying to make another fanfic on the side, but I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain stable chapter releases.

What do you think?

Also I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day as always, and bye.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts