
Chapter 18:

'There's only 40 minutes left until the rain starts', I thought to myself, I looked down the hill, there was 2 Moblins approaching followed by 4 Bokoblins, I frowned in frustration.

"Guess I can't do this the easy way." I said as I threw caltrops and a few daggers, "That should at least help me." I draw my sword and prepared myself for a head on battle against the monsters. The monsters were now within bow range, 2 of the Bokoblins shot arrows at me. I swang my sword near the arrows and redirected the arrows away from me, I heard a noise of confusion from the Bokoblins, and battle cries from the two Moblins. I pull out my eight edge blade and slash both my swords at the Moblins, causing them to sidestep away from my swords, which made them stand on the caltrops I placed on the ground.

I used the short buffer time that the caltrops gave me, and placed a decent sized gouge across one of the Moblins neck, I had underestimated the thickness of the monsters skin. The buffer was over, and the one that was gouged screamed on pain and anger and unleashed a small flurry of attacks, if I was to get hit by any of its hits I'd be in excruciating pain for at least a few minutes. I hurriedly dodged out of the way, one of the hits was lightly redirected by my eight edged blade, and the blade shattered, I launched the shards directly into the Moblins eyes, effectively decreasing my total enemies by one, as he is definitely not getting back into combat. I saw the Moblin start to walk off in a random direction, it tripped a few times on a few rocks.

I prepared myself to fight the rest of my enemies, I got hit on the arm by an arrow, it didn't pierce my skin but it did leave a light abrasion, my armour was slightly cut. I pull the arrow back to me and propel it straight into the body of one of the Bokoblins with a bow, I rushed over and picked up a bow, I pulled some arrows off the ground towards me.

I aimed my bow for the head of the Moblin, as I fired the bow, the Moblin repositioned itself and avoided the arrow, and then he showed an ugly smile of sarcasm. What he didn't remember was that I could basically bend arrows, I put up my middle finger, and then he felt an arrow go through the supple neck tissue around his spine, his smile disappeared and the colour drained from his face, as he felt all control for his lower body fade to nothing.

I watched as screamed in pain and terror, as my hunger started to rise into my throat, as I watched him squirm in horror, I walked over to him and ended his life with a simple thrust into his unmoving body, his life… faded, and his essence drew itself from his body and congealed into a small orb.

I drew my bow and put an arrow through each of the Bokoblins skulls, I looked around for the Moblin that I blinded, but he was not in sight, 'I hope that doesn't bite me in the back later', I thought to myself. I walked back to the outpost and then proceeded to harvest from all the corpses of the dead monsters and had the blue flame burn the rest of the corpse, I stared into the flame to calm myself down so that I can use my runes. I prepared myself for the contingency of if the Moblin alerts the rest of whatever horde is on the hill.

It wasn't long until it started to rain, and we didn't hear the approach of the monsters on the hill, then I looked down the hill and saw a horde of monsters walking up the hill slowly. I turned to Symin, "We might want to leave." He looks at me questioningly, but he noticed the direction of my gaze.

"Sweet mother of Hylia." He said with a look of horror on his face. "Want to give them a small gift to first?" He said not waiting for my answer he threw a small explosive, then he pulled me and started to run back to the tech lab, but just as he pulled me, I quick freeze the water on the monsters, so that if they get blown up, they would get maimed to near death.

I ran up the hill alongside Symin and after a few minutes of running we heard a satisfactory bam, and you could see body parts raining from the sky, and that put a cruel hunger-fuelled smile on my face. I silenced the rising hunger by looking directly into the blue flame, I calmed down within a few minutes and noticed that Symin and I were standing in front of the tech lab.

I quickly made a makeshift barricade, to cover the path down to the village, I pulled out my bow and stayed in position for any possible attacks from monsters.

"Now then, I think you should rest a bit, you've been fighting non-stop for the past several hours." Symin said to me after walking out of the tech lab, he came carrying food, "I think you need to eat, to keep up your strength, so here." He offered me a sandwich that was cut in half, I happily ate what was offered to me. "What should we do next?" He questioned me.

"We need to place more defences around the place, I wasn't expecting there to be such a big horde coming otherwise I would've handled it differently. *sigh* I bet it was that Moblin that tipped them off." I said, sighing in exasperation while I wallowed in disappointment.