
A Boy She Once Knew

Childhood fiends reunite to find themselves in very different circumstances. An heiress to a media empire and a hero-in-training are caught between power, control and attraction. ShotoxOC.

Valentine999 · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs

Basements, Bombshells, and Bioluminescence

The city lights twinkled through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Ren's apartment, she watched them absentmindedly as they danced and glittered in the distance. Her grey eyes lit up with small sparkles of their reflection but she was still heavy lidded with lust. The glow of sex still lingered on her skin, the intoxication of the boy next door still swirled around in her head. She caught sight of her reflection, her black summer dress still a little misshapen as she had tied the ribbon back together in haste, her hair was still a little unruly, her skin still pink where he had burned her. She smiled at all these little clues of what had just transpired between herself and Shoto.

Sex was different to how Ren had imagined it would be. It was a dizzying mix of pleasure and pain, a sinful venture into something they should have stayed away from. But all these opposites, merging into one, warring with each other, until they were indistinguishable, made it utterly irresistible to the two teenagers. A smile spread across Ren's face as she realised, in the heat of the moment, they had barely undressed, barely explored one another…there was so much more to see, so much or to do, so much more to taste. Just how far was Shoto willing to go? Was he still desperate, as she was, to do all of it until they were completely used up by each other?

Her eyes caught sight of him int he reflection of the window; he entered the living room and stood behind her, watching her. She turned to him slowly, before they both smiled coyly at one another.

"Hey," she whispered bashfully.

"Hi," Shoto replied. There was an awkwardness in the air, in the quiet aftermath, the doubts began to creep in. The weight of the outside world, the pressures and expectations that had always hung over them seeped into the room like a soft mist beneath the door.

"Do you think," Ren started slowly, unsure of how to address him now, "we just made the biggest fucking mistake we could have possibly made?" An awkward silence settled over the space, the air thick with unspoken questions and lingering tension. The boy next door was quiet for a long moment, watching the way a soft blush coloured her collarbone as she felt the weight of his gaze on her.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Ren continued, avoiding his eyes, knowing if she looked at him she would beg him to let them do it all again, "was this just…a rebellion? A way to push back against all the constraints and expectations we're both facing?" She asked before finally looking at him, "it makes things so complicated." Biting her lip, Ren wished she hadn't looked at his face, Shoto's brow furrowed, confusion and the barest hint of hurt flashing across his features.

"Are you saying you regret it?" He had this way about him, he was commanding and authoritative, he could always put the mischievous and playful Ren in her place. She glanced at him with a sweet frown, like a child being caught in a lie. She let out a sigh.

"To be honest, it's the only thing that has made sense to me in a long time," she said quietly. "Like the first time in forever someone actually saw me for who I was." Her father's machinations, her burgeoning career, the constant pressure of the public eye...it all faded away when Shoto looked at her.

At her words, Shoto nodded slowly, his movement barely perceptible to Ren. She was right. In a world that often felt like it was spinning out of control, where every decision was fraught with consequences and every action scrutinised under a microscope, Ren was the one thing that felt solid. Real. Unshakeable. "I feel the same way." As he spoke Ren had to stop herself smiling, as though showing him how much his words affected her would put her at a disadvantage. But he caught the curve of her lips, the tension drained from Shoto's frame, his arms falling to his sides as he took a tentative step forward.

"So," he stopped in his tracks as she spoke suddenly, "what are we, then?" She asked. "This morning, I wouldn't have even really called us friends. And now..." She trailed off, gesturing helplessly between them. The air felt charged, heavy with the weight of unsaid things, with the enormity of what had transpired between them. The lust and the want still stirred in both of them.

But Shoto, always so direct, so unflinchingly honest, didn't hesitate. "I don't want this to stop." He said simply, his gaze never wavering from hers. "I want to have days like this one, nights like this one…I want to be with you, like this…" His words were artless, a little clumsy, as the boy who knew very little of love or friendship, tried to make sense of the want that she brought out in him.

For such a clueless guy you sure know how to make a girl feel special.

Ren walked up to him as he spied her lips still a little swollen and pink from his bites. Tilting her head to the side, her dark hair falling away from one shoulder, Ren took his face in her hands. He was still, despite having been intimate with her, paralysed by her touch. Ren was bold in what she asked for, unashamed in her desire for him and it was something Shoto was unaccustomed to. With a small bite of her lip, her eyes misting over with the heady feeling of passion, she pulled him into a kiss.

She still tasted like peanut butter, still felt like heaven, he thought as he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. Their bodies began to to react to each other, and Ren had to muster up her strength to pull away from him. She smiled as she pushed him away, trying desperately to ignore the feel of his muscular chest beneath her hands.

"Okay," she breathed, "let's do this. Let's be together." She watched in curiosity as Shoto's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise and wonder flashing across his face. But then a smile was breaking over his features, bright and blinding and beautiful, and Ren was helpless to do anything but mirror it with one of her own. He went to kiss her again but once more Ren put a hand to his chest to stop him from coming closer. She took a step away from him, putting her chin between her thumb and index finger in thought. The reality of their situation hung over her like a spectre. Ren knew that if they were going to make this work, if they were going to build something real and lasting, they had to be smart about it.

"If we're going to do this," she said seriously, meeting Shoto's gaze with a determined glint in her eye, "we have to be completely honest with each other. No secrets, no holding back. Agreed?"

Shoto nodded solemnly, "agreed," he said, his voice ringing with conviction.

"So now we can actually admit to each other that the only reason we started speaking again was at the request of our fathers." She spat it out quickly with the same reasoning as ripping off a bandaid; done quickly enough, neither of them had to face the pain. To her surprise, Shoto let out a humourless chuckle.

"Yes," he confirmed and Ren nodded. He could see the way her eyes were darting around, putting the piecing of a puzzle together, trying to figure out how to move forwards.

"So we keep them from ruining this," she instructed him, "we play the game, give them just enough to keep them satisfied, make them think they're getting what they want." She grinned as Shoto smiled at her. A few hours ago she had told Shoto he was a far better person than her. That was true; Shoto was not a good liar, he was someone who always fought to do the right thing. Ren, admittedly, was so used to lying…manipulating…playing these games that this was nothing new to her. But for Shoto, it was the beginning of a rebellion the likes of which he had never known. It was a small thrill for him, a flutter of a new kind of adrenaline in his stomach and it was intoxicating to Ren, to see him bend a little for her.

Ren felt a thrill run through her as she noticed the glint of rebellion in his mismatched eyes. It was a dangerous proposition, one that could blow up in their faces at any moment. But it was also a chance at something real, something that belonged to them and them alone. Damn the consequences. Plus, she was yet to see him without a shirt on.

"Okay," she said, nodding decisively, both smiling broadly at each other, reminded of their childhood; Ren coming up with some scheme for them, Shoto taking instruction eagerly. "But we need to set some ground rules," her smile faded, she turned from him, her dark dress swishing around her gently. She sat down on her couch and began to rattle off some rules. "No one can know about us. We can't be seen together in public, can't give anyone any reason to suspect. So we have to be careful not to let this interfere with our other responsibilities, with school and training and everything else. And no staying over two nights in a row. We have to keep up appearances, no matter what-"

"Should I be taking notes?" Shoto asked dryly. "Or do you want me to sign a contract?"

Ren blinked, thrown by the sudden shift in tone, she finally looked up at him, watching as he leant against the sideboard. His hands in his jeans pockets, the smallest, practically non-existent smile on his lips, a playful glint in his eye.

"Oh my god," she laughed. "Did Shoto Todoroki just make a joke?" He looked at her with bored eyes, only making her laugh harder. Her smile faded and she looked at him seriously, watching the way his red and white hair covered his grey eye as he tilted his head. "This isn't going to be easy."

"Nothing with you ever is easy," Shoto murmured causing Ren to gasp dramatically in offence.

"I'm a simple girl, Sho." It was her turn to look over with bored eyes as Shoto began to laugh.


The basement of Musutafu University was a labyrinth of narrow corridors and dimly lit rooms, a stark contrast to the bright, modern campus above. As your move through it, down the stairs, further to the centre, it felt like you were travelling through time. Nestled in the heart of this subterranean maze was a hidden gem, a place where the past and present collided.

As Ren pushed open the heavy wooden door, she was greeted by a blast of hot, humid air, the temperature at least ten degrees higher than the already stuffy hallway. She stepped inside, her heels clicking against the floor, and let the door swing shut behind her with a soft thud.

The office of the university newspaper was like stepping into a time capsule, a perfectly preserved slice of the 1980s. The walls were lined with tall metal shelves, crammed with stacks of old newspapers and magazines, their yellowed pages rustling softly in the breeze from ancient ceiling fans. The low, golden light from the vintage desk lamps cast a warm, inviting glow over the room, softening the hard edges of the battered metal desks and filing cabinets.

In the centre of the space, a cluster of old computers hummed and whirred, their boxy monitors displaying a kaleidoscope of text. The air was filled with the buzz of an old radio tuned into some forgotten station, punctuated by the occasional beep or chime as the outdated machines struggled to keep up with the demands of their users. Off to one side, a narrow door led to the darkroom, a cramped, red-lit space where the scent of chemicals and the soft sloshing of developing fluids mingled with the hum of the enlarger. It was a place of magic and mystery, where images emerged from blank sheets of paper like ghosts from the ether.

Despite the heat and the claustrophobia, this was Ren's most favourite place. It was a sanctuary, a refuge from the cold, impersonal world outside. Here, amid the relics of a bygone era, she felt a sense of belonging, a connection to something larger than herself. the buzz of the machines, the sound of the radio, the chatter of the editors discussing what to print, made her feel like she was part of some time long forgotten, where a story was worth chasing, worth putting yourself on the line for.

As she shrugged off her heavy winter coat, Ren couldn't suppress a small sigh of relief. The basement's ancient heating system, fed by a massive boiler in the adjacent room, kept the office at a balmy, tropical temperature year-round. She draped the coat over the back of her chair, revealing a crisp white satin blouse that clung to her sweat-dampened skin.

She undid the top few buttons of her blouse, exposing the delicate hollow of her throat and a little more. The shimmery fabric caught the light as she moved, rolling up her sleeves. Her dark hair, usually so carefully styled, had begun to curl and frizz in the humidity.

The dark haired girl moved with a confidence she did not have the day before, something about being with the boy next door, of finally giving in to each other, woke something up inside of her. She felt more in control of herself, of people around her even. There was a purposefulness in her movements, as though she knew exactly how she could influence people around her. She felt more grown up.

And in a way, she had grown up. The memories of the previous night, of Shoto's hands on her body and his lips against her skin, were still fresh in her mind, still sending little shivers of pleasure down her spine. It was as if he had awakened something in her, some primal, elemental force that had lain dormant for far too long. She felt ready to take on the world.

"So," a high pitched, teasing voice chirped from behind her, "who is he?"

Spinning around in her chair, Ren's eyes became wide with surprise. Bubbles, the bubbly pink-haired girl who served as the newspaper's social media manager and resident gossip, was perched on the edge of a nearby desk. She was wearing an outfit that Ren thought looked like it was straight out of the 70's; angel sleeves on her blouse and bell bottom pants. Bubbles looked, as always, adorable. Her pink pigtails bounced with barely contained excitement as she cocked her head at Ren, a large grin spread across her face.

"I'm sorry?" Ren asked, trying to keep her voice steady and nonchalant. But she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, the telltale flush that would give her away.

"Or she?" Bubbles pressed, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's all love, baby."

Ren let out a genuine laugh, she had grown very fond of Bubble's infectious enthusiasm, her girly demeanour that did not make her any less of a formidable journalist. The media heiress shook her head in a convincingly casual manner. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Bubbs. "But Bubbles just smiled, a knowing, almost smug expression that sent a chill down Ren's spine. She hopped off the desk, her platform shoes sounding heavy against the floor as she sauntered over to Ren's side.

"You don't know about my quirk," Bubbles whispered, smiling as Ren's mouth opened in shock. "It's called: Bioluminescence."


Bubbles nodded, her pigtails bobbing. "I can make my skin glow, like a firefly or a deep-sea fish. It's mostly just for fun, but it also lets me see things. Things other people might miss." She raised a hand, and Ren watched in fascination as the skin began to shimmer and pulse with a soft, multicoloured light. It was like watching the Northern Lights dance across the sky, a breathtaking, miniature display of nature's beauty.

"But that's not all," Bubbles continued, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I can also see other people's emotions. It's like they give off this faint glow, this aura that changes colour and intensity based on what they're feeling." She fixed Ren with a pointed look, her eyes seeming to bore straight into the other girl's soul. "And you are practically a glow stick right now," Bubbles teased her, tilting her head to the side and smiling. "Like the sun on a perfect summer day. The unmistakable afterglow of a night of passion."

Ren felt her stomach drop, a cold sweat breaking out across her skin. She opened her mouth to protest, to deny Bubbles' claims with every ounce of conviction she could muster. But the words died on her lips as the pink-haired girl reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of glossy photographs. With a flourish, Bubbles slapped a few pictures down on Ren's desk.

"What the hell am I looking at?" Ren breathed as, from her desk, teasingly, as though fate itself was taunting her, the image of Shoto Todoroki looked up at her. His hair, that distinctive blend of crimson and white, seemed to glow under the light, and his angular features were set in a expression of fierce determination.

"Cuuuute, right?" Bubbles squealed, causing Ren to shut her eyes as though the sound would somehow go away. "And he's just the hot tip of the sexy iceberg, baby." Ren threw her head back and laughed, feeling it in her abs as she chuckles at Bubbles' completely unreserved nature. ren had not had many friends growing up and Bubbles was the last person she thought she'd ever make friends with. The slightly ditsy, overly friendly, pink haired girl was like a breath of fresh air to Ren who was so used to putting on airs with the girls she had grown up around.

Bubbles grinned, a mischievous glint in her eye, she reached out and moved Shoto's picture aside, revealing two more headshots beneath. One was of Katsuki Bakugo, his spiky blond hair and fierce red eyes practically leaping off the page. The other was of Fumikage Tokoyami, his dark, avian features somehow both intimidating and strangely alluring.

"They're all so gorgeous," Bubbles cooed, running a fingertip along the edge of each photograph. "The top three finishers from the U.A. Sports Festival. And our next story."

Ren shook her head, trying to clear the fog of confusion and apprehension that had settled over her. "I don't understand. What does this have to do with me?" But before Bubbles could answer, a new voice cut through the humid air of the office.

"Ren! Just the girl I was looking for." Kaito Nakamura, the newspaper's editor-in-chief, came striding around the corner. He had shed his usual tweed blazer in deference to the heat, and the sleeves of his crisp white shirt were rolled up to reveal toned, tanned forearms. His dark eyes glinted behind his glasses, and his mouth was curved in a smile that managed to be both goofy and dashing. Ren smiled over at him, blushing a little as the older man appraised her. God I hate myself, she thought as she forced her smile.

"I've got an assignment for you," he said, coming to a stop beside Ren's desk. "You and Bubbles are going to head over to U.A. this afternoon to interview those three." He nodded towards the photographs, still scattered across the cluttered surface.

Ren's heart seized in her chest, a rush of panic and excitement and sheer, unadulterated terror washing over her. You don't venture into hero territory, she thought. Not into the place where Shoto was forging his path forward; he did not need a destructive force like Ren Ishikawa flittering around that.

"But," she stammered, grasping for an excuse, any excuse, to get out of the assignment, "I thought I was working on that analysis of the university's budget. I just uncovered discrepancies in the allocation of funds for-" Kaito waved a hand, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"I gave that story to Ryu. His background in economics makes him uniquely qualified to tackle the financial angle. You have good instincts, Ren, but this is Ryu's forte." But Kaito sensed her awkwardness, he shook his head, his smile never wavering. "This is a huge opportunity, a chance to do some real field reporting. Most first-years would kill for an assignment like this."

Beside him, Bubbles nodded eagerly, her eyes wide and shining with excitement. "He's right, Ren. I think you'll find I've got a lot of wisdom to depart."

"Impart," Kaito corrected her.

"How many parts?" Bubbles blinked between Ren and Kaito who were staring at her, their shoulders shaking a little as they held back laughter. Ren looked back and forth between them, taking in Bubbles' barely contained glee and Kaito's cool, appraising gaze. In that moment, she realised just how much she enjoyed this dynamic, the push and pull of their little team. Bubbles, with her boundless enthusiasm and incorrigible nosiness. Kaito, with his quiet authority and unwavering belief in their potential.

She felt a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, a rush of affection and determination welling up in her chest. Maybe this assignment was exactly what she needed. A chance to prove herself, to show the world what she was really made of. And maybe it would be okay to see Shoto in his environment. Maybe it would be a risk, a thrill, to test the waters of their newfound connection under the watchful eyes of their classmates and colleagues? Ren, never been one to back down from a challenge, nodded at her colleagues.

"Okay," she said, her voice ringing with a newfound strength and clarity. "Let's do this."

Kaito grinned, clapping a hand on her shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie and approval. "That's my girl," he said, his voice warm with pride. "I knew you had it in you."

Bubbles watched, practically rolling her eyes as Ren's lips parted to speak but no words would come to her under Kaito's approving gaze. The girls watched him walk away, before Bubble's turned to Ren, twirling a pigtail between her fingers.

"This isn't the 80's you know, you can tell him not to say things like that." Bubbles said in another rare moment of perception and reflection.

"What?" Ren looked away from Kaito and saw Bubbles' knowing look. She grimaced at her own actions "oh, right-"

"Ew, you like it!? Ew-"

"Oh my, God," Ren said in annoyance, standing swiftly, "let's leave, please." She picked up the photographs on her desk and practically slapped them back into Bubble's hands. The pink haired girl was smiling in triumph as she knew she had hit a nerve in the usually calm and collected Ren.

"My dad's a dick, too," Bubbles said suddenly, causing Ren to freeze up completely and stare at Bubbles in shock. "You should see Kaito angry," the pink haired girl grinned, pushing open the door to the office so they could walk out, "you'll lose your mind," she winked.

I like Bubbles more than Ren, to be honest.

C'mon, throw me a bone and REVIEW.

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