
A Boy She Once Knew

Childhood fiends reunite to find themselves in very different circumstances. An heiress to a media empire and a hero-in-training are caught between power, control and attraction. ShotoxOC.

Valentine999 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Yeah, Not Happening

The winter sun hung low in the sky, its weak rays barely penetrating the thick blanket of clouds that covered the city. Inside the sleek, black luxury car that Ren's father insisted she use, Ren and Bubbles sat in comfortable silence in the back, their breath fogging up the windows as they watched the world outside pass by in a blur of muted colours and hazy outlines. As they drove, the radio hummed softly in the background, a comforting white noise that suddenly sharpened into focus as a news bulletin cut through the music.

"Breaking news: The hero killer known as Stain has claimed another victim," Ren looked up, her eyes focussing on the radio in the front of the car. ""Pro hero Ingenium was found severely injured late last night..." Almost unconsciously, Ren brought her thumb to her mouth, biting down on her nail as her brow furrowed.

The news of Stain's attack brought Ren's fears bubbling to the surface. Her mind raced, conjuring images of Shoto facing off against the notorious villain. She could see him, determination etched on his handsome face, half of him on fire. But in her mind's eye, that determination gave way to pain, to fear, to defeat...

Ren shook her head, trying to dispel the dark thoughts. Why did she have to fall for a hero? Of all the people in the world, why did she have to choose someone whose very profession put them in constant danger? And it wasn't just the physical danger that worried her. Ren was all too aware of the toll that being a hero could take on a person's psyche. The pressure to always be strong, to always make the right decision, to be a symbol of hope and justice even when the world seemed determined to crush that hope... How long could anyone bear that weight before it broke them?

"Everything okay?" Bubbles, ever perceptive despite her seemingly carefree demeanour, noticed the change in Ren's expression. Ren startled slightly, pulled from her reverie by Bubbles' voice. She quickly tried to school her features into a neutral expression, not wanting to burden her friend with her worries.

"Yes," she replied, her voice not quite as steady as she would have liked. "I mean, it's worrying news, right?" She nodded towards the radio, her dark hair falling over her shoulders as she did so.

Bubbles contemplated Ren's words, her head tilting slightly to the side as she considered her junior. There was something in Ren's tone, a undercurrent of emotion that seemed at odds with her usual composed and polished exterior. "I'm surprised you care," Bubbles said finally, with a small shrug. "Given your particularly anti-hero position."

Ren felt a flash of annoyance, both at herself for being so transparent and at Bubbles for misunderstanding her position. She took a deep breath, trying to organise her thoughts before speaking. "I'm not anti-hero, I'm…" she searched for the right words, "anti-the-system." Ren looked out of the car window, watching the billboards depicting hero's selling hairspray, depicting hero's sponsored by a milk tea brand, depicting hero after hero after hero. "The system we live in," Ren began, her words coming faster now, "it's built on the worship of those with quirks. It ignores those without them, treating them as if they're less than human. Our entire lives are dictated by heroes and their actions." She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before she turned to Bubbles whose blue eyes lit up, watching Ren intently. "Government funding is completely dominated by hero-related issues. Education, healthcare, social services - they all take a backseat to maintaining the hero system. And I'm aware," she added, a note of bitterness creeping into her voice, "that the only reason I have any kind of voice or power in this world is because my father is so wealthy." Ren's eyes blazed with determination as she continued. "But I'm going to use that voice, that power, to stand up for what's right. To fight for those who can't fight for themselves. To challenge a system that values flashy quirks over basic human dignity."

Bubbles listened intently, nodding along as Ren spoke. When the younger woman finished, Bubbles broke into a wide grin. She raised her fist in the air, the faux fur of her coat rustling as she moved, her voice taking on a playful, rallying tone as she shouted, "Power to the people!" The sudden outburst, so at odds with the serious tone of their conversation, startled a laugh out of Ren. The tension that had been building in her chest eased, replaced by a warm affection for her eccentric friend. Bubbles had a way of lightening even the heaviest moods, and Ren was grateful for it.

As their laughter subsided, Ren noticed that the car was slowing down. Looking out the window, she saw the imposing gates of UA High School looming before them. The school grounds stretched out behind the gate, a sprawling campus dotted with modern buildings and training facilities. Even from a distance, Ren could see students milling about, their colourful hero costumes standing out against the drab winter landscape.

The car came to a smooth stop, and Bubbles began gathering her things, preparing to exit. Ren reached into her coat pocket, pulling out her phone. Her thumb hovered over Shoto's contact information as she debated whether to text him that she was at UA. A mischievous spark ignited in Ren's chest as she considered her options. The thought of surprising Shoto, of seeing his usually stoic face light up with surprise, was too tempting to resist. With a small smile playing on her lips, she slipped the phone back into her pocket without sending a message.

The classroom that was home to Class 1-A, with its tiered seating and large windows, was a familiar sight to the students who had spent countless hours within its walls. The desks, arranged in neat rows, bore the scuffs and scratches of daily use, silent witnesses to the triumphs and struggles of the aspiring heroes.

As the door slid open, Shoto stepped into the room, his dual-coloured hair slightly tousled from the winter wind outside. His uniform was impeccable as always, the crisp lines of his jacket a stark contrast to the casual disarray of some of his classmates. His eyes, one grey and one turquoise, scanned the room with their usual aloofness.

Iida, the class representative, was already at the front of the room, his glasses gleaming as he adjusted them with a precise motion. His tall frame was rigid with the importance of his task, and his voice carried clearly through the classroom as he addressed his peers.

"Good morning, everyone! I have an important announcement to make," Iida began, his hand chopping the air in his characteristic manner. "We will be having a few reporters visit our class today. They'll be interviewing Todoroki, Bakugo, and Tokoyami, as well as getting to know our whole class." As Shoto made his way to his seat, he passed Iida who turned to him with a bright smile. "Good morning, Todoroki!"

To everyone's surprise, Shoto's usually impassive face softened slightly as he replied quietly, "Good morning, Iida." There was a moment of stunned silence before the classroom erupted into a flurry of whispers and shocked gasps. Shoto Todoroki, the usually cold, distant and unnervingly quiet member of Class 1-A, had just voluntarily engaged in small talk. It was as if the laws of physics had suddenly been rewritten.

Mina, her pink skin blushing fuchsia at this surprising and delightful shift in Todoroki's character, watched him walk by, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Did... did Todoroki just say 'good morning'?"

Uraraka nodded, her round cheeks pink with excitement. "Maybe…maybe he's been body-snatched by aliens?" she suggested, only half-joking.

Across the room, Denki's golden eyes lit up with mischief. He nudged Mineta, whose small frame was practically vibrating with curiosity. "Dude," Kaminari stage-whispered, a grin spreading across his face, "you think Todoroki finally got laid?"

Mineta's eyes grew to the size of saucers, his imagination clearly running wild. "Of course! It would explain why he's so chill all of a sudden!"He exclaimed, purple balls bobbing as he bounced in his seat. (A/N: And that's the kind of imagery you get for not reviewing, reader.)

From the back of the classroom, Bakugo's explosive voice cut through the chatter, silencing everyone immediately. "Shut the hell up, you extras!" he snarled, red eyes flashing dangerously. "Who cares why Half-and-Half said good morning? You're all acting like a bunch of gossiping hags!" As the class dissolved into a mixture of laughter, speculation, and Bakugo's continued grumbling, Shoto made his way to his seat, seemingly oblivious to the commotion he had caused. However, beneath his calm exterior, a storm of emotions was brewing.

Shoto's mind wandered to the reason behind his uncharacteristic greeting. Perhaps the memory of Ren's smile, the warmth of her touch, the way her eyes lit up when she looked at him - all of it had left him feeling... different. Lighter, somehow. As if the walls he had built around himself for so long were starting to crumble, brick by brick.

A small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of Shoto's mouth as he remembered the softness of Ren's lips against his, the way her body fit perfectly against his own. It was a new experience for him, this rush of emotions, this desire to be close to someone. Part of him wanted to retreat back into the safety of his isolation, but a growing part of him yearned for more - more of her. Shaking his head to rid himself of the image of Ren, Shoto sat up a little straighter as their teacher walked into the classroom. There was plenty of time to think about Ren later, besides, it's not like he would be seeing her any time soon.

Their scruffy-looking teacher shuffled into the room, his capture weapon draped around his shoulders like an oversized scarf. His perpetually tired eyes scanned the classroom, taking in the excited chatter and barely contained energy of his students.

"Settle down," Aizawa drawled, his voice carrying a hint of warning despite its monotone delivery. "The reporters will be here soon, and I expect you all to behave professionally. Remember, you're representing UA."

The class quickly quieted down, though the air still buzzed with anticipation. Midoriya's hand shot up, waving frantically in the air. Aizawa sighed, bracing himself for the inevitable barrage of questions. "Yes, Midoriya?"

"Aizawa-sensei," Midoriya began, words tumbling out of his mouth at breakneck speed, "will these interviews be broadcasted? Should we prepare statements? What if we're asked about our quirks? Should we demonstrate them? What if-"

"Deku, shut up!" Bakugo interrupted, a vein pulsing in his forehead. "It's just some dumb interviews, not a fucking interrogation!"

Before Midoriya could respond, or Aizawa could reprimand Bakugo for his language, there was a knock at the classroom door. The students straightened in their seats, an air of excitement and nervousness settling over the room.

The door slid open, and a head popped in, crowned with a riot of colourful pink curls that seemed to defy gravity. The woman's face was bright and warm, her blue eyes sparking from the doorway.

"Hello, darlings!" the woman exclaimed, her voice unnaturally high pitched. "I'm Bubbles, from Musutafu University's newspaper. I'll be conducting interviews with the top three finishers of the UA sports festival, along with my colleague." The class stared in fascination at Bubbles, taking in her vibrant 70's outfit and infectious energy as she walked into the classroom. She was unlike any reporter they had ever seen, more like a character from a psychedelic dream than a journalist.

Before Bubbles could introduce her colleague, another figure appeared in the doorway. Ren Ishikawa stepped into view, her presence immediately commanding attention. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, emphasising the sharp lines of her face. She wore a crisp white blouse and dark trousers, the picture of professional elegance. If Bubble's did not look like a reporter to the class, Ren looked like an actress playing one in a movie.

"Good morning, everyone," Ren said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement as she took in the shocked faces of the students. The classroom erupted into chaos. Gasps of recognition filled the air as students realised who she was.

"Oh my gosh, it's Ren Ishikawa!" Uraraka exclaimed, her hands clasped together in awe.

"The heiress to Ishikawa Industries?" Tokoyami asked, his usually composed demeanor slipping in the face of his surprise.

"Dude, she's so hot," Kaminari whispered to Mineta, who was practically drooling.

"They both are," Mineta replied dreamily.

Amidst the commotion, Shoto sat perfectly still, his face a mask of controlled emotion. Inside, however, he was reeling. Anger, surprise, and a strange sort of elation warred within him. Why hadn't Ren told him she was coming? Was this her idea of a surprise? Did she not understand the implications of her presence here? She was the one, wasn't she, who put in place the rules that meant they would not interfere with each other's lives?

He could feel Ren's eyes on him, could almost sense the mischievous smile he knew would be playing on her lips. Part of him wanted to meet her gaze, to drink in the sight of her. Another part, one that he'd never paid attention to before, wanted to push her into a wall and discipline her. She absolutely revelled in the attention, but more than that, she revelled in unnerving him. It was an unfair double standard where, if the tables were turned, he was sure Ren would feel this way. He chose to avoid her gaze, to maintain the facade of indifference he had cultivated for so long. For fuck's sake, Ren.

At the front of the room, Aizawa cleared his throat, bringing a semblance of order back to the classroom. "Alright, settle down," he said, his voice cutting through the excited chatter. "Ms. Ishikawa, Ms... Bubbles, welcome to UA.

Bubbles, meanwhile, was practically bouncing on her toes. "Oh, this is so exciting! Such young, vibrant energy in this room. I can practically taste the potential!" Aizawa raised an eyebrow at Bubbles' enthusiasm but said nothing. Instead, he turned to address the class. "Todoroki, Bakugo, Tokoyami - you'll be interviewed individually. The rest of you will have a chance to speak with Ms. Ishikawa and Bubbles as a group. Behave yourselves." And with that, their teacher slunk into a corner to get into his sleeping bag.

As Bubbles ushered Tokoyami out of the classroom, her vibrant pink curls bouncing with each step, she instructed Ren to get to know the class while she conducted the first interview alone. Bubble's wink did not go unnoticed by a startled Tokoyami. Once Bubbles left, the remaining students turned their attention to Ren, waiting with expressions of excitement. The young heiress stood at the front of the room, a small notebook in hand, her pen poised to capture the essence of Class 1-A. The winter sunlight streaming through the windows caught the chestnut highlights in her hair, creating a halo effect around her head.

"Well then," Ren said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement, "why don't you all show me what you can do?" She said it with quiet confidence, a hint of a challenge in her voice.

The classroom erupted into a flurry of activity, each student eager to demonstrate their unique abilities. Ren found herself genuinely amazed by the display before her. Uraraka, her round face flushed with concentration, made several desks float effortlessly in the air. Kirishima's skin hardened, a grin spreading across his sharp-toothed mouth as he invited Ren to test the strength of his quirk.

"Go ahead, punch me!" Kirishima exclaimed, flexing his hardened muscles. "I promise you won't hurt me!"

Ren laughed, shaking her head. "I'll take your word for it. That's…really impressive!" Kirishma's cheeks turned the same colour as his hair following Ren's compliment.

Nearby, Denki was showing off his electricity quirk, small sparks dancing between his fingertips. "Check this out," he said with a wink, before letting loose a larger burst of energy that lit up the room. Unfortunately, he overdid it slightly, leaving him in his "whey" state, thumbs up and a dopey grin on his face.

"Is he... okay?" Ren asked, trying to stifle a giggle.

Jiro, rolling her eyes, used her earphone jack to poke Kaminari back to awareness. "He'll be fine. This happens more often than you'd think."

As the demonstrations continued, Ren found herself genuinely enjoying the company of these young heroes-in-training. Their enthusiasm was infectious, their quirks fascinating. She watched as Sero created intricate web-like structures with his tape, as Ashido slid gracefully across the room on her acid, as Ojiro demonstrated incredible agility with his tail.

In the midst of the excitement, Ren's eyes were drawn to the back of the classroom. There, slouched in his seat with a scowl etched on his face, sat Katsuki Bakugo. Unlike his classmates, he seemed entirely disinterested in impressing her. His spiky blonde hair seemed to bristle with irritation, red eyes glaring at anyone who dared to look his way. It was an interesting contrast to the eager participation of his classmates. For someone who so clearly wanted to be the number one hero, he was not very good at winning hearts.

As her gaze swept across the classroom, she felt a pang of disappointment as she saw Shoto, stood over her left shoulder, at the front of the classroom, clearly uninterested in her too. She frowned to herself, had she overstepped into Shoto's world? Was, what she had considered a harmful surprise, actually overstepping a significant boundary to him?

As she watched the students, Ren couldn't help but reflect on her own place in this world of quirks and heroes. Her eyes widened as Uraraka floated up the middle of the room, as the students around her cheered each other on. Ren was beautiful- like a movie star from the silver screen or a porcelain doll, with her classic features and elegant poise. She was smart and charming…but in this room full of vibrant, powerful individuals, she felt... outdated, like a relic of some forgotten time. What use was there in being a porcelain doll when everyone wanted an action figure?

Even the medium in which she worked, a printed newspaper, felt old-fashioned in comparison to the high-tech world of heroes. Ren's mind drifted back to Shoto, and a pang of insecurity hit her. Why would someone like him, someone with such incredible power and potential, ever be interested in her? It was like she was from a different time, a different world entirely.

Her musings were interrupted as Yaoyorozu approached, a small object forming from her exposed skin. "Ms. Ishikawa," she said politely, "I can create inanimate objects with my body." In her hand was a delicate porcelain ballet figurine, its details intricate and perfect. Ren was a little taken aback; had Yaoyorozu read her mind? But as she handled the small figurine, her eyes widened in amazement.

"That's incredible, Yaoyorozu!" She carefully took the figurine, marvelling at its craftsmanship. Looking around at the class, a genuine smile spread across her face. "You're all so amazing!" The students blushed at her praise, murmuring amongst themselves, smiling at her bashfully.

"You are so nice," Hagakure whispered, her floating gloves gesticulating wildly. "Do you have a quirk?" From behind her, even Ren could feel the air grow cold as Shoto stirred as he heard the unasked question he always had, the one Ren never wanted him to ask.

"No," Ren said confidently, smiling thoughtfully, "I'm afraid I don't." The class exchanged thoughtful glances; for some reason it seemed strange that someone as famous and glamorous as Ren Ishikawa did not have a quirk.

As the chatter died down, Mineta sidled up to Ren, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, Ms. Ishikawa," he said, his voice dripping with what he clearly thought was charm, "why don't you touch the balls on my head? I promise it'll be an... interesting experience."

Ren, caught off guard by the request, hesitated for a moment before reaching out her hand. The rest of the class, realising what was about to happen, began to call out warnings.

"Wait, don't-" Midoriya started.

"That's not a good idea-" Iida interjected, his arms chopping the air in alarm.

But before anyone could fully articulate their concerns, a figure stepped out from behind Ren. Shoto moved with fluid grace, his left hand gently but firmly grasping Ren's outstretched arm, preventing her from touching Mineta. He leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered to himself, "not happening." The moment Shoto's skin made contact with Ren's, a familiar jolt of electricity passed between them. Their eyes met, both widening in surprise at the intensity of the connection. Neither noticed the thin layer of frost that began to form around Shoto's left foot, spreading outward across the classroom floor.

The ice raced across the ground, encapsulating Mineta before he could react. The small hero-in-training found himself frozen in place, only his eyes able to move as he looked around in panic. The icy path continued its journey, erupting in a jagged line that stretched to the far end of the classroom.

But Shoto and Ren barely registered the commotion around them. They remained locked in each other's gaze, their minds reeling from their first contact, first interaction in the public eye. Shoto felt his heart racing, the warmth of Ren's skin against his hand a stark contrast to the chill emanating from his quirk. He was acutely aware of the point of contact between them enhancing his quirk against his will. He watched the slight flush creeping up Ren's neck, of the way her pupils dilated as she looked at him.

The spell was broken by a collective gasp from the class. Shoto and Ren jumped apart, both sporting matching blushes as they suddenly remembered their audience. The classroom was a scene of controlled chaos - Mineta still frozen, a path of ice zigzagging across the floor, and every student staring at them with a mix of shock and fascination.

From the corner of the room came a rustling sound, followed by a tired sigh. Aizawa emerged from his yellow sleeping bag, his bloodshot eyes taking in the scene before him. He fixed his gaze on Shoto, one eyebrow raised in a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

"Todoroki," Aizawa drawled, "it's unlike you to use your quirk unprovoked."

Before Shoto could respond, Tsu's blunt voice cut through the tension. "To be fair, Sensei, Mineta is provocation enough." She placed a finger on her chin, her large eyes blinking innocently. "Ribbit."

This comment elicited a round of laughter from the class, breaking the tension that had built up. Even Bakugo, still slouched in his seat, let out a begrudging snort of amusement.

Shoto and Ren, still blushing furiously, took a step further apart. Shoto ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, trying to regain his composure. Ren smoothed out non-existent wrinkles in her blouse, her eyes darting anywhere but Shoto's direction.

Midoriya, ever the observer, looked between Shoto and Ren with growing curiosity. He leaned over to Uraraka, whispering, "Did you see that? When they touched, it was like Todoroki's quirk activated on its own! "I wonder if Ms. Ishikawa has some sort of quirk-enhancing ability," Midoriya mused, his analytical mind already racing with possibilities. "Or maybe it's a quirk that affects other people's quirks? That could explain why Todoroki lost control for a moment..."

"Deku, you're muttering again," Uraraka said gently, snapping him out of his trance.

As Midoriya continued to mutter theories under his breath, the classroom door slid open, revealing Bubbles and Tokoyami. The dark-feathered student looked slightly dazed, as if he'd just emerged from a particularly intense therapy session rather than an interview.

Bubbles took in the scene before her - the path of ice, the frozen Mineta, the blushing Shoto and Ren - and her face lit up with delicious delight. "Oh my! It seems we missed quite the excitement!" She clapped her hands together, her colourful bracelets jangling. "Todoroki, it's your turn for the interview. Ren, why don't you join us?"

Ren nodded, grateful for the excuse to escape the curious stares of the students. Shoto, his face a mask of calm once more, followed her towards the door. As they passed Mineta, still frozen in place, Shoto waved his right hand, using his fire quirk to melt the ice just enough for the small hero to break free.

Mineta shook himself like a dog, sending droplets of water flying. "That was so uncool, Todoroki!" he whined, but his complaints fell on deaf ears as Shoto and Ren exited the classroom.

In the hallway, Bubbles led the way to an empty classroom that had been set up for the interviews. As they walked, Shoto found himself hyper-aware of Ren's presence beside him. The silence between them was charged with unspoken words and lingering questions about what had just happened.

The unused tutorial room they entered was a stark contrast to the lively classroom they had just left. The walls were a muted beige, adorned with outdated motivational posters that had seen better days. A whiteboard at the front of the room bore faint traces of hastily erased equations, ghosts of lessons past. The fluorescent lights hummed softly overhead, casting a harsh glow that seemed to emphasize the room's emptiness.

Ren and Bubbles settled into chairs opposite Shoto, the scratching of chair legs against the thinning carpet echoing in the quiet space. The desk between them was scarred with years of student doodles and absent-minded etching.

Bubbles, her vibrant outfit a stark splash of colour in the drab room, shuffled her papers with an excited energy that seemed at odds with their surroundings. Her wild curls bounced as she looked up, pen poised over her notepad. "Alright, Todoroki, let's start with something simple. What inspired you to become a hero?"

Shoto centred himself, he was slowly getting used to interviews but talking about himself was always a strange experience. His eyes fixed on a point just over Bubbles' left shoulder. The incident in the classroom was still fresh in his mind, the feeling of Ren's skin against his, the surge of his quirk responding to her touch. He took a deep breath.

"I've always wanted to help people," he said simply, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his mind. "To use my quirk for the benefit of others, to help those in need."

As Shoto spoke, Ren found her eyes would not leave her notebook. She was suddenly hyper-aware of his presence, the way his two toned coloured hair fell across his forehead, the subtle shift of muscles beneath his uniform as he sat up straighter. Following their brief physical connection in the classroom, it was as though her senses shifted into overdrive She kept her eyes on her notes, her pen moving across the page in a desperate attempt to maintain professionalism.

Bubbles nodded enthusiastically, seemingly oblivious to the tension between the two. "Wonderful! And how do you feel your experiences at UA have shaped your path as a hero?" The interview continued in this vein, with Bubbles asking standard hero-related questions and Shoto answering with measured responses. All the while, Ren's pen scratched against paper, the sound becoming a sort of white noise in the background of the interview.

Then, Bubbles asked the question that could potentially shatter the carefully maintained equilibrium. "So, Todoroki, where will you be doing your work placement?"

Shoto's posture stiffened almost imperceptibly. "With my father," he said, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. The scratching of Ren's pen suddenly ceased, the silence that followed as jarring as a thunderclap as her note taking had been so clear and controlled a moment before. Bubbles turned to look at her, concern evident on their faces.

"Ren, are you alright?" Bubbles asked, her head tilted to one side.

Ren blinked, realising she had let her mask slip. "I'm fine," she said quickly, forcing a smile. "Please, continue." But inside, Ren's mind was reeling. Shoto was going to work with Endeavor? After everything he had endured, after years of crying to her from the other side of the fence? After the years of abuse and manipulation? She wanted to say something, to object, but she knew it wasn't her place. Not here, not now.

Shoto, for his part, had caught the flash of concern in Ren's movements before she had hidden it.

"Well," Bubbles said in a tone that was clearly wrapping up the interview. "I have one last question for you, Todoroki." Shoto sat up straighter as the pink haired girl appraised him with a small smile, she jabbed her pen towards Ren. "Why can't you two make eye contact?"

Ren's head snapped up, her eyes narrowing at Bubbles in annoyance. "Of course we can," she said, her voice carrying a sharp edge.

Bubbles' smile widened. "Okay," she said, leaning back in her chair. "So look at him. In the eye."

Ren felt a moment of panic, her heart racing. But she was nothing if not stubborn. Steeling herself, she turned to face Shoto who felt equally apprehensive but was desperately trying to hide it. The memory of what had happened in the classroom was still fresh, the feeling of his quirk activating at her touch. But he met her gaze steadily, bracing for whatever might happen.

Their eyes locked, her stormy grey eyes meeting his heterochromatic grey and turquoise. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. But... nothing happened. No surge of power, no uncontrolled activation of Shoto's quirk. They both let out a small sigh of relief, turning back to Bubbles with triumphant expressions.

But their smiles faltered as they took in Bubbles' expression. The woman was staring at Shoto with unabashed awe, her eyes wide and filling with tears. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time, or perhaps seeing something no one else could see.

"Bubbs?" Ren asked, a note of concern in her voice. But Bubbles didn't seem to hear her. Instead, to their shock, Bubbles slid off her chair and began to crawl towards Shoto. Her movements were slow, almost reverent, her eyes never leaving his face.

Shoto felt rooted to the spot, alarm bells ringing in his head. But he couldn't look away from Bubbles' gaze, couldn't break whatever spell had fallen over the room. "What...?" he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

Bubbles reached Shoto's chair and stood up slowly, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She leaned in close, her hand reaching out towards his face. "So…beautiful," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. "Silver and red," her eyes shimmered, drinking in Shoto's face, her gaze travelling all along his body, seeing something no one else could. "... right down the middle."

Realisation dawned on Ren. When she and Shoto had made eye contact, it must have triggered something in Shoto that Bubbles' quirk could perceive. He was glowing, divided down the middle by two colours. Shoto's eyes widened as Bubbles' hand drew closer. He felt paralysed, caught between the instinct to move away and a strange curiosity about what Bubbles was seeing.

Suddenly, there was a flash of movement. Ren appeared as if from nowhere, her hand shooting out to grasp Bubbles' wrist, stopping it mere inches from Shoto's face. "Yeah," Ren said, her voice low and firm, "not happening."

Is it interesting? is it fun? Is it cute?

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