
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Start of Lougetown and Hand holding how lewd!

Nothing much has happened in the last three days to Lougetown. Sanji joined in our training after he saw Nami and Usopp up theirs. I do have one good piece of news though, my observation is finally starting to show some improvement. I can feel about 4/10 and dodge 2/10 strikes thrown at me. But now that I'm thinking of it, maybe it's because of my dormant Hyper Intuition. Ehh I'll figure it out eventually, but I'm pretty sure I'll unlock my Sky flame when I do so with Conquerers Haki.

Speaking of training let talk about what everyone is up too shall we. For Sanji I have him trying to do geppo constantly, I mean if he could do it by just running away from people who want his ass. Then he can do it with a basic idea of how it works. He got soru down almost on his first day. Talk about some leg muscles, damn.

Zorro, now that she is mostly healed, is working on raising her time limit for her breathing techniques. So far she has gotten it up to 9 minutes before she has to stop. Since she can cut through rocks with ease we've been working trying to get her to cut steel. She is getting close, I think she will have it done by 'little garden' if not before. Lastly she has been able to manifest all of her named attacks, which makes them that much stronger.

I would separate Nami and Usopp but since the Baratie she has practically adopted him as her younger brother. So they pretty much train together anyway. They both are mostly working on their foundations, trying to get them up to par. When not doing that Usopp is working on weapons for them both, he is currently designing a version of the Climitact as well as different ammo for himself. Nami on the other hand has been training with Zorro, when they both have time, to work on her staff fighting skills.

Luffy on the other hand has been trying to figure out a way to use all of his attacks without having to stretch in the opposite direction first. So far he has made good progress with his gum gum pistol, being able to contract his arm before throwing a punch. The only downside to this is that the range is a bit smaller, and until he fully figures it out it would still be slower then the normal way. He also mostly keeps himself in his contracted state to make sure he can fight freely when the time comes. But the best part about his developmental fighting style is how fast his wounds heal when he lets them shrink.

Now for me I suppose. Well I've already told you about my observation so I'll go to something else. For one, I can now shoot any bird I see in the sky with both my 1911 or my Dueling pistol if I need to. Don't worry I didn't kill all the birds I saw while training. Just the edible one which I gave to Sanji to cook after I got them. Second I worked on my sword technique with Zorro, combined with my flame of course. I'm sure my Frontal Shield can redirect or slice through almost any attack in paradise. Except the high tier fighters on Sabaody. Or maybe Enel and Crocodile, but that's only because I don't know if my Lightning flame acts like armament yet. Heh I'll hit Luffy later to see.

I also changed up my offensive sword move. Now it's in two parts, the first is Quick draw.' Lightning strike' for one or two enemies in a straight line. Then it changes to One sword style. 'Chain Lightning' sounds cool but in all honesty I'm just drawing a sword that looks really fast from different perspectives. Mostly I'm just trying to fake people out with my offensive skills. Now for my flames, I can now coat my bullets with them as long as they're within 20 feet of me. I'm working on a way to just shoot the flame,but that will take a while. I can coat my sword to the point Zorro couldn't scratch it if she tried. And myself to the point I can barely feel a punch to the face from my captain. So we're all improving slowly but surely.

And yes I did my weekly Gatcha, it wasn't anything good if that's what you're asking. Just a extra pair of shoes and 2% on my luck. So trip summarized, now we are currently looking for a place to dock, once we do some real fun can begin.

"Alright everyone come here. Tell me how much cash you need and what for, because I may already have it in my inventory. Nami there is one thing you need to buy no matter what. It's a small green glass ball with a hanging needle in the middle. It's called a log pulse, and without it we can't sail in the grand line. Also see if they have any eternal pulses, if they're to much come find me and Zorro and I'll check it out." I had to take a breath there, that's a lot of talking.

Anyway when I saw saw her nod and Luffy about to spazz out I turned my attention to him. "Alright captain nothing you really need to buy, so have some cash and get some food if you want it. If you get into any trouble make a bunch of noise and we'll come running. And have some fun I hear there's something really cool in the middle of the town."

"Shishishi thanks John, don't worry if something happens you'll probably know. Bye guys see you later." He laughs out as he jumps off the boat and running into the city.

Before I can jump right back into it Usopp stalls me. "John do you think I can get enough berries for a snail and some clothes. I've got plenty of materials so I don't think I need anything but I would still like to take a look." He must be really excited to talk to Kaya again.

"I was just about to get to that Usopp, I want you to buy three more snails. As well as a book on how to take care of them. Also get them fitted up with a rig, if they have a intercom system get a extra snail fitted with it. 2 million should be more then enough but, if it's not come find me as well." I say handing him some cash before him and Nami leave.

Sanji in a hurry to catch up with them cuts in next. "John, most of what we have in storage are all nonperishable so I just need to buy some fresh food. I only need about 50 thousand, but I'll probably buy clothes with the excess."

"That what I had planned Sanji, if you need help carrying stuff find Nami and Usopp, but wait until they buy their stuff. What they're getting is really important. Ohh and if you can get a few chickens I want some chicken dumplings. I haven't had any in a long time."

"Sure thing, see you both later." He says jumping off to catch up with Nami.

"You ready to head out. I'm pretty sure about where we need to go, I just don't know the name of the place." I say turning to Zorro.

"Huh, sure. Let's go, I'm certain something will happen so let's try and be quick." She says while turning down an ally.

Turning her around real quick, we head down the main road. As we pass by the many stores along the way m, we grab a bite to eat before asking some locals for some help. They gave us the directions to a few sword shops in town. After Zorro's fifth time walking in a random direction I grab her hand. She doesn't seem to mind, she just went a little quiet for a moment before we carried on like before. After we checked the first three, finding nothing to buy. I sold a good bit of my excess weapons. Hopefully I can sell the rest buy the time we leave.

Coming to the second to last store, I know it's the right one. How you may ask. Well it's because Zorro froze when she saw the only other customer here. It didn't last long before she rushed to her.

"Kuina! How are you here. Are your legs healed. When did you leave the dojo.!" She exclaims while looking at the lady in a bunch of different ways.

Pulling away from Zorro's grip she looks around for a moment before frowning. "Sorry my name's Tashigi. Nothing is wrong with my legs and I'm not sick. I also haven't been in my old dojo since I joined the marines at 15."

Zorro looks upset for a brief moment before switching to confusion. "Sorry you look identical to my best friend back home. She was hurt when we were kids and has been bedridden since. So when I saw you I thought she had gotten better in the time I left home. You wouldn't be related to the Shimotsuki clan would you."

"No sorry, your not the first to ask that though. I have been meaning to visit their village but I haven't had the time." She just laughs out.

"If you ever do, go to Isshin dojo, I'd bet money they would be shocked. Anyway do you know if they have any good swords here. I need at the very least one more." Zorro asks changing the subject.

"How dare you, I'll have you know this is the best sword shop in Lougetown." It was then that they both noticed the owner of the shop, which I had just made a deal to sell the rest of my goods to, was standing at the counter waiting for them to finish. "Marine girl your sword is ready for you to pick up. As for the green haired one, the man you brought made a deal with me. If you can find the best sword in display in my shop, and win its allegiance you can take both it and the best sword I own."

All I had to do was sell the rest of my stuff at half price to him, and give him a bit of the talk no jutsu. So I lost nothing and I get to see a show, how fun.

"Huh, sure sounds fun. Knowing you John, you probably saw it when we came in, and just wanted to see me find it." Tsk' she's starting to see through me. I'll have to change it up next time.

Anyway as you can expect, it didn't take her long to find the cursed sword. When she grabbed it the shop owner seemed to fidget, Tashigi recognized it and I just grinned. I always did like this moment.

"Huh, it's this one right. It feels like it wants to and will cut anything in its path. And has a smell of iron, this is one of those so called cursed swords right?" She asks while pulling out the blade partially.

After flipping through her book to be sure of which sword Zorro is holding Tashigi suddenly exclaimed "Ahh that is the Sandai Kitetsu. Other wise known as Kitetsu III, it is a graded sword, you should definitely try and get it."

"Normally I would've tried and convinced you to leave the sword be. But your friend here has convinced me to have some faith in you, prove to me that you are someone who can wield such a sword. Because I have firmly believed there to be no such people in this world." The owner said in a solemn voice, gleaming at the sword in Zorro's hand.

"Huh, well lets see which is stronger. My luck or this thing's curse." Zorro grins while tossing the sword in the air. As it spins downward it barley misses her arm before planting itself into the floor boards nearly to the handle guard. "Looks like I win. Huh, I'll take it." She grins while pulling it out of the ground and sheathing her new sword.

Seeing the scene in person is on a whole different level. And I can't help but burst out laughing. "Hahahaha Zorro that was fucking awesome. Old man what did I say, I told you that would see the strongest swordsman in the making. I'm not a liar am I." I keep my 'manic' grin in place place as I pick him up. 'Damn it I have a perfectly normal grin thank me very much.' "Go grab that other sword, I feel like we need to leave soon. Our captain has a tendency to get in trouble often." I say patting him on the back.

"Ohh. Yea, it's right here behind me. This is Yubashiri, it's been in my family for generations. Thank you for showing me such skill and courage, I hope these swords help you reach your goal. I'll be sure to keep a lookout for your name in the future." Ipponmatsu said bowing to Zorro. Respect shining in his eyes. Looks like Zorro gained a new fan.

While me and Zorro turned to leave she stopped for a moment turning to Tashigi. "It was nice to meet you Tashigi, I hope we can be friends next time we meet. You may not think so but seeing you here has helped me out a lot."

"It was nice to meet the both of you as well, and I'm sure we will be great friends Zorro. I have to get going as well but I hope we meet again soon." She said grinning before taking her sword into a hugging position and running towards the direction of the marine base.

"You know you'll probably end up fighting her before we leave right. The world works in weird ways and I'm sure this will be one of those times." I tell her not wanting her to be unprepared later on.

"I know John. I already had that feeling. I just hope things will work out in the end." She says gripping tightly to Sandai. "Well how was your show. There isn't any complaints are there?" She asks with a strong snark at the end.

"No, it was good easily an 8/10. I wish I had some popcorn though, you sure do put on a good show when you're serious." I tell her ignoring her sarcasm.

"Huh, damn bastard get back here. Where'd you go I wanna punch that grin off your face."

Of course she loses her way the second I turn forward.

Turning around and putting her hand in mine we started walking to the exicution stand. "Don't let go this time, we're almost to the center of town, if Luffy is anywhere it's probably there. As for punching me, wait until we are training on the Merry." I say while giving her hand a squeeze before pulling her a bit closer to me.

"Huh, damn bastard. I'll get you for this." She growled out. And normally you should be scared of an angry Zorro, but with her face the darkest red I've ever seen. I really can't take her threats seriously, shit that is cute.

Well I'm sure she will forget about it in a moment. If things pan out the way they are supposed to we will have to fight soon. And those clouds don't look to friendly either. I do wonder how this will all turn out. 'Heh, after today my name will spread even further. And one day soon I'll never be forgotten.' Unbeknownst to me, a small yellow flame with sparks of lightning flashed for a moment in my eyes. And those nearby felt a sudden feeling of fear for no reason.

Next chaper will be a big fight scene with the monster trio making their improved debut. John will also have a few bad ass moments himself. If you see anything I need to fix or have any suggestions let me know, and I’ll do something about them.

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