
A blissful reawakening

Rody, an unemployed 29 year old man, has always lived his life with regret towards everything he has ever done. He had no girlfriend,still lived with his parents,and was said to have several mental disabilities . After he was poisoned by the people he held dear the most, he is pitied by the god of another world and gets reincarnated in a world of fantasy as Aaron lichten, a prodigy blessed by God himself. But one thing, he keeps his memories from his past life and with his experiences from games,fantasy novels and real world logics he tries to succeed in this world with hopes of getting what he could never get in his previous one….A blissful life filled without regret.

Dannyzooks · Fantasia
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3 Chs

“Heaven and Hell”

My entire life has been a disappointment but this has to be the worst. A god, an actual god right in front of me but with the voice of a playful adolescent boy.

"You? You're God? The God?" I asked the being.

"Well yes,but also no.I'm gahd the supreme ruler of this universe we are in right now." Gahd replied

"What do you mean then? On earth,people believed that there's one ruler,one creator that knew all and did all.If someone saw God it will be with an Indescribable vision or the very voice of the lord, I never expected you to be like this" I told him that while trying to buy time just so my judgement could be lengthened

This "gahd" then reduced his size and went from being tall enough to see the heavens to about seven feet tall. He decided to enlighten me on what was happening.

"Well how do I explain this,in your universe you believe in a single deity, the one who created the heavens, earth and the countless other celestial bodies."

"That is God. But the only thing that existed even before God was the concept of time. The concepts of timelines flourished and flowed perfectly for countless eons before we were born."

"We? What do you mean by we?" I asked

"God" gahd replied , " the god in your universe is the supreme ruler, the one above all, yes but that's only for your timeline. At one point simultaneously in each and every timeline God was born"

"Supreme beings directly equal to yours in every manner, although we can be distinguished by personality we are very much the same."

I couldn't believe it, there are countless other gods like God? It didn't even make any sense the entire concept of many religions just doesn't make sense anymore, How!, gahd then cut me off by saying

" Oh yeah! that's right, your god especially is rather stiff. he made so many religions worshiping him and allowed you all to believe in this glorious concept of heaven and hell." He laughed so loudly and rolled around while floating. A truly painful laugh like he was mocking every soul that believed in religion

"Heaven and hell don't exist?" I asked gahd

"Not really, heaven does but it is no place for human souls, instead one God created it as a place for interaction between other Gods. The heaven and hell you believe is more like a concept, your souls don't go to a place for suffering rather it is all based on reincarnation "

"You see ,your God found a way to make everyone on your planet believe that if you do bad on earth, after death you go to hell, a place with painful ever lasting flames where you will suffer for all of eternity and if you do well, you go to a peaceful place beyond the stars were your desires and dreams will be given unto you and you can worship him forever. When all that happens is that he rigs your rebirth event. If you failed to praise him well, you get the hell class reincarnation and live a terrible life, poverty, a serious deformity anything he feels befitting as your punishment. But if you did praise him well, in your next life you get a heaven class reincarnation and come back again as a wealthy person, a smart person or even sexually blessed as well. It was based on whatever God wanted, reincarnation rody."

"Reincarnation?" I was completely surprised, a concept carrying modern day light novels was actually real? In this very short conversation so many unbelievable things happened, the fact that I was talking to God or a God i suppose was amazing , but reincarnation!, real?.Based on what he just said i was simply about to get reincarnated…but no, I don't want to go back to that cruel world just to suffer once again. I rather let my soul disappear from the flow of time.

"Yes, if I were you I won't want to go back to that world too" gahd said

" wait how did you know what I said in my mind?"Rody asked gahd

He giggled and replied " as i said before i am the same with the God of your universe even though I may not act like it, I'm all knowing and all powerful with strength only rivaled by other Gods."

Yes, I can't underestimate him he may seem childish but he is an all powerful being. So he has been hearing all my thoughts?

"Yes" gahd replied

He flew up to me and explained what I was doing with him " rody, being all knowing means I know and see everything, even things beyond my timeline. I watched your life from beginning to end and honestly I felt pity right to the end. But in those ten years you didn't do anything to please your God, you were destined with a hell class reincarnation and knowing your God I didn't bother trying to reason with him, instead I met up and told him I wanted you to come to my timeline, i feel like my timeline is something you might enjoy. So as you were about to enter the cycle of reincarnation, I dragged you to my timeline to enter my universe's cycle of reincarnation so you can experience a class of reincarnation beyond that of heaven class becoming my apostle"

"Your apostle?, what do you mean by that, gahd?"

"You will have blessings and special godly abilities, that I will grant you specially in order to help you succeed in this world, and in my timeline, earth is different from the one you are coming from so it will help you a lot in this journey" gahd replied

I was absolutely thrilled, happiest I have ever been my prayers of living as an overpowered prodigy in another world has finally been answered, but being reasonable i wasn't sure if it was safe, " gahd, do you think it is safe for me to have even a small percentage of your powers? The other Gods might disagree" I asked gahd with a worried face

He smirked and stood directly in front of me " Gods have being doing it for thousands of years!What do you think jesus is ?. You're simply going to be my jesus and my first one if I may add. You will go into this life with all the true blessings of God and will live perfectly as my image, all I need is a promise"

"A promise?"

"Yes rody, a promise. A promise to live your life to the fullest, with cautions towards everything you do and live out all your dreams rody, you need to prove to me that saving you was worth it" gahd said

A promise like that seems impossible to me, all I ever did throughout my life was regret, even before the disease there were somethings i wished I did differently or didn't do at all…No! This was a new life, a damn respawn button !. A chance to try again better than before with experiences and knowledge from my last try and with all that there was no way I won't prosper!. I put my hand on my chest and told gahd with full sincerity "I promise!"

Gahd smiled and told me " okay!" While flying like a playful child. Finally he was back to normal

He told me to put out my hand and as i stretched it towards him the galaxies began to shift. He then told me " rody, in every timeline there is a carbon copy of every creature, looks, destiny, everything is almost perfectly the same….well that is except you, rody. There are countless timelines and there isn't anyone like you, that is why you cannot just go, your life can't be wasted like this. Show me your purpose, rody

No one like me,i-i was special,Me? Special ?,I wanted ask gahd what he meant by that but instantly I zoomed away from that zone and it looked like my soul was making its way to earth.

As I got closer my vision got obstructed by a bright light, i gave gahd my final message for the time being, " I promise"

As I woke up, I could see my self in a room.

Hey guys, I’m austin author of a blissful awakening

If you have any comments, anything at all, painful or good, anything you want to criticize at all please drop a comment and review and tell me exactly what you want me to know, it will help me in my growth and make me a better writer which will help me to produce better content for everyone .

If you liked it, drop a review telling me what you enjoyed as a form of encouragement ;)

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