
A blissful reawakening

Rody, an unemployed 29 year old man, has always lived his life with regret towards everything he has ever done. He had no girlfriend,still lived with his parents,and was said to have several mental disabilities . After he was poisoned by the people he held dear the most, he is pitied by the god of another world and gets reincarnated in a world of fantasy as Aaron lichten, a prodigy blessed by God himself. But one thing, he keeps his memories from his past life and with his experiences from games,fantasy novels and real world logics he tries to succeed in this world with hopes of getting what he could never get in his previous one….A blissful life filled without regret.

Dannyzooks · Fantasy
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3 Chs


29 years old,5 feet 2 inches, unemployed and I still live with my parents and yet, no girlfriend!. I know right,I mean we're all shocked,in a very balanced world like this I should be the center of attraction with every loli on earth and anime fighting for my sad hand in marriage. But life doesn't go that way does it?

Believe me I wasn't always the ugly, sad shit I am today

My life was uhm ,well ,how should I put it? Oh yeah….Blissful

My high school life could perfectly be described as one straight out of a fairy tale. The tall,handsome, smart, jock that everyone loved to be around

My teachers loved me and so did the ladies, you could just ask one of my many girlfriends at the time, you could call me the alpha of the alphas

But as we all know ,good things never last on this world. One day after grabbing some lunch I was called by one of my friends to join them on this special table that only those with a certain high status could sit on, "hey rody come over here man!. Jake tried to sleep with this girl last night and his story is hilarious, you gotta hear it ". After holding such a bright image, there were just some things that I couldn't pass down. Step after step, images got blurry and all sounds began to fade it all ended simultaneously as I started to get a grip over myself again "Guys, guys, calm down, look I'm all good ya know, nothing to worry about " I said after sensing how tense everyone was feeling after noticing I wasn't acting too good.

I raised my chin up with a bright smile and as I took the next step I instantly blacked out which made me crash right into the floor coughing up blood and shaking up as if I was having a seizure.

Next thing i knew I was awake in the kids hospital my parents just seemed to like for some reason. Bandages wrapped all around my blood covered body. In the hall, I saw my mom and dad discussing with the doctor, he said something in such a sad tone and after that my mom burst into tears while falling to my dad's embrace, My hearing was really messed up but at one point I heard a few words from my mom…." I'm so sorry rody"

Fast forward a few months later, I was a foot shorter than I was in the past month with an obese stomach and arms and legs with width no greater than that of a meter rule.

Doctor said I caught a rare disease from nigeria, he also stated that no one has been diagnosed with it for decades and it was assumed everyone just developed some kind of immunity towards it, Yeah my luck was truly godly.

I regained my ability to walk again and my dad thought it was a good reason for me to get out there again. He wanted me to go back to school even in my condition but the true idiot was me for agreeing. I somehow thought I could still be the alpha I once was even after looking like something straight out of a fairy tale.

I threw my backpack over my shoulders,took a deep breath and walked courageously through the gates. I could feel the negativity coming from everyone that caught a glimpse of me. "Is that really rody, ew!" Said mirabel who was once my girlfriend but broke up with me after hearing the consequences that came with the disease in the hospital . But you know what, all that didn't matter. All I needed was my click, I'm very sure if I keep my nice smile and attitude, I'll be back to the rody everyone once loved and admired.

I saw my best friends over the distance with my brother and immediately began to run as fast as I could to meet up with them but I closed up…" wait isn't that my locker" i thought, I closed up just to see my own friends taping the words " you're the one thing everyone In the world will agree not to be "on my locker…" sorry man,but I needed to" jake said. Everyone looking at me and my locker pointing and laughing I couldn't see anything and all I could hear were the laughs of those who once looked up to me. I couldn't take it anymore I ran back home with tears filling up my eyes, as I stormed into the house my dad asked "hey, why aren't you in school" i ignored him while running up stairs the fastest my feeble legs could go he called me again "Rod-" I cut him off shouting "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!". My mom immediately burst into tears.

You see my mom took me on a vacation to nigeria about two weeks before the incident first occurred, we tried local swimming pools, traditional wrestling,tours and exotic foods. Somewhere along the line I must've picked up this wretched disease at first I knew I was actually the only one to blame yet,after seeing my beautiful life being ripped away from me, anger took over me and those words started pouring out.

For the next ten years I did nothing but stay at home all day, no exercise, social interaction basically nothing healthy. Just games, anime,light novels and series. My mom, filled with guilt provided for all my needs even after being fully aware it was only worsening my condition.

My siblings got married and I got crazy,due to the lack of interaction I even developed multiple personalities . My brother got a PhD and I got the tenth edition of my favorite light novel series ;Falling of the spoon hero.

Everyone seemed to be bettering their lives in one way or the other except me,someone who was destined to die in a few more years, well that is after experiencing some more exclusive content from my dear friend pain.

it was that day again, a day to celebrate my pitiful existence it just doesn't make sense why someone would want to celebrate my birth,yes it was my birthday, yay. well it is not like we've celebrated it in the past 6 years anyways, I was just about to watch some anime until I heard a knock on the door " rody! rody! come outside rody we got something special planned for you" it was my mom calling me but for what? What could it possibly be it is not like they actually remembered me and wanted to do something, I was forgotten, disowned,left to rot,it is not poss- I was cut off by the words "Happy birthday rody!" Popped up by my family after I opened the door, so much food,decorations, games,light novels it was even anime themed.I burst into tears "so I wasn't forgotten? You still cared ?" I said while weeping softly. "Not everytime someone pops three decades" my brother, markian said, " we just wanted to show you we're still there and we still care about you" said Sarah my sister, following markian's comment. The sight was enough to make anyone cry but for me it was truly touching. As I wiped off my tears and took a deep breath I kicked it off with the words "let's have some fun!"

We singed and danced, drank and till we almost passed out and made beautiful memories, They decided to punish their phone cameras by taking some pictures with me, they made it the best day of my life.

The sun was about to set and it was time to call off the glorious day, my mom called everyone to the table and sat everyone down to celebrate me and have our dinner, almost instantly, the tone changed.

"We have gathered here to celebrate my boy's day, crossing into another decade isn't easy, especially for someone of his *clears throat* condition, happy birthday my wonderful child, I love you so much and trust me, look at me" (as she went directly to my face and told me) "every thing I do is for your own good and I truly do love you" while shedding a few tears, I also replied " I love you too mom".

As I took the first bite out of my food the mood got even darker, everyone shared some things they just wanted me to know, I tried cracking a few jokes here and there but nothing seemed to get through.

After clearing my plate I made a comment "What a glorious meal" the room got even darker as a few tears began to fall from my mom and siblings eyes,I thought the best way to go was motivation at this point

"You guys, this has been the best day of my life and I truly can't think of a way to repay you, as we go past this table I promise to try and get better, interact and treat myself better than before and I hope you all can support me on this journey of betterment…. cheers shall we?" I said with a sincere and honest, face because I really did want to get better. As they all brought up their shaky hands to clank I shouted

"Che-" before I knew it the glass slipped out of my hands, I couldn't feel my body anymore and heart was banging,I could barely breathe and blood was gushing out of every hole on my body, i quickly looked at my family my last hope and squeezed out feeble words "Help me, please. I don't want to die" while thinking someone was going to reach out to me my mom didn't even look at me as she said the painful words that lead to me end, "Go peacefully rody, it is for your own good" . They all proceeded to eating their food without even looking at me, without bothering to let my die peacefully, They poisoned my food. They poisoned me, They poisoned me!, my own family, whom I loved the most thought their best expression of love and care was putting an end to my already painful life in the most painful way possible, It wasn't noticeable because of the blood already coming out of my eyes but I was crying, more than anyone has ever cried before, I started to regret every moment I had spent up there, with them!.

Being my mom's tech support, teaching Sarah how to ride a bike, helping markian with his maths skills and hunting with dad. Memories flashed and I hated every bit of it and as I took in my final breath I raised my hands towards them with those peaceful memories fading off I asked a simple question in the softest tone, "why?", with that I my soul separated from my body and I was off

I woke up in a dark space, in it,a bunch of light rising towards a giant glowing circle "I could swear I was going to hell but that looks pretty heavenly, well why question it, so be it " I let myself get carried by the light and floated towards the circle until I was dragged aside to another zone of emptiness. Suddenly an entity, so beautiful it was almost indescribable. The form was similar to that of a man but it was hundreds of thousands of feet tall and emitted a sort of "transcend all"holy light. As it appeared that light brightened everywhere and I noticed I was floating in a space in between galaxies and as I waited to hear the voice of this all powerful being it crossed it legs and in a few seconds I heard the voice, it sounded nothing like that of a god but more like one of a 16 year old trying to mock someone, " gooooodddddd dayyyyy human! I am gahd your new supreme deity haha!"

New writer, if you have any suggestions at all please drop a comment also if you like what you see why not give a rating :}

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