
A Blind Man's Adventure (Multiverse Story)

There was once a boy whom was born without the ability to see. He experienced many hardships and carries heavy traumas. Follow the story of a blind man as he travels the anime multiverse. Hello There! This story idea has been stuck in my head for the last couple of days, so I figured I would just go ahead and write it. Why not right? Anyway, this is just a hobby of mine so don't expect a steady update schedule.

subarashi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

A Blind Man's Wonderful Demise

I hate people.

Every contradiction.

Every hypocrisy.

Every lie and every truth.

Every act, cruel or kind.

I hate them all.

I've carried this hate my entire life. From the moment I was born, it seemed like the world was against me. I was born without sight. Everyone talked about a beautiful world that I could not see. They lorded it over me as if it was the only trophy they had ever won. That's where it started. Thoughts of jealousy. Envy for the ones who could experience the wonderful colors and shapes that make up our world. But...it was not meant to be.

It didn't take long for me to grow up and realize that life isn't as simple as the things that can be seen. Human's see the reality that their brains can accept and comprehend in their own little bubble of existence. People are dangerous that way, they will accept anything that fits the reality that they have created inside of their minds. Anything.

I can't say that my life was hard growing up. Although my family was poor, we never went hungry. Although I could not see, living in the modern world with all of it's conveniences wasn't too much of a challenge. However, this simple life of mine didn't last very long. More specifically, until I was ten years old.

Most would say that being "Attractive" is a favorable trait, an honor even. Fate had other plans. One hot summer day, my father lost got into an accident at work and lost his job. He was paralyzed from the waist down. Unable to move on his own two legs, he grew bitter. He was angry at the world for his misfortune. I can understand how he feels, I used to be the same after all. My mother supported us as best as she could, but it was never enough. He would rant and rave on about how useless she was, how she should do better for his sake.

"What a worthless piece of garbage." I accidentally said out loud.

I heard the squeaks of an unoiled ball bearing coming closer to me.


I felt a hard impact on my face, my head hit the floor and my ears started ringing. I could barely make out what he said next.

"Speaking of....maybe...aren't...useless after all." I passed out after that.

The next time I woke up, I heard the sound of a car engine. I then heard someone speak...

"How much do you think the kid will go for?" an unfamiliar voice said.

"Look at his face! He'll go for a few million at least!" A feminine voice says.

I continue to pretending to be asleep until we come to a stop. He opens the door and grabs me like a sack of potatoes and walks towards a noisy place. While he wasn't paying attention, I squirmed my way out of his grip and attempt to make a get away, but I immediately tripped over a rock and fell over. I tried to get up but then I felt something poke me in the side of the neck.

"Next up, we have a beautiful specimen! The starting price is $100,000! Can I get a $110,000?" I hear a man talking really fast while spitting out prices one after another.

"Can I get a $1,000,000? $1,000,000! Any more takers? Sold to the woman in the red dress! Now for our next one..." the announcer seemed to finish up as I am dragged somewhere.

I can hear the sound of people clamoring all around, kids crying and the sound of....chains? Where am I?

"So, you're the one, are you? What a beautiful little boy!" another unfamiliar voice says.

"He's all yours, thank you for doing business with us!" the man says, pushing me forward.

"Now, little one, let's get going shall we?"

That was the start of the worst eight year of my life. I was sold again and again, from country to country. I was used as a plaything for everyone who bought me. This went on until I was eighteen years old when the the human trafficking ring was shut down by an unknown government agency.

Six years of therapy and schooling later, I became a phycologist. I decided to help those who went through hell as I did. I did as much as I could, carrying that kind of trauma is not something that can be easily dealt with. Everything was fine until I got one particular patient. Her father was a serial killer and he made his daughter help him in his endeavors. Obviously, this made her world views rather lopsided. Even after her father went to prison, she attempted to kill her classmates on multiple occasions, and I was given the job to be her psychiatrist.

"Hey doc?" the little girl asked.

"What is it?" I enquired back.

"How come you aren't afraid of me like everyone else?" she asked innocently.

"Oh? Is there a reason I should be afraid?" I ask in a playful tone.

"Yes! You always ask me those stupid questions, it makes me want to gut you and wear your intestines like a meat toboggan!" she says, like an excited little girl about to get a new toy.

"Hhahahah! Quite descriptive, I love the creativity."

"Answer me seriously!" she yells.

'How could I be scared? You're just a little girl that doesn't know what she wants, and her only emotional response is to make threats or react with violence. I can't tell her that though.'

"Haha, ok, ok, I'll tell you, but to do that, I'll have you answer one last question."

"Urg, fine, but you better answer me or I'll really kill you this time!" she said, irritated.

"What is the word 'death' mean to you?" I ask seriously.

"Uuh, my dad told me that it's kind of like the last stop on a bus ride, and that we were the bus drivers." the little girl says, confused.

"That's a decent answer, but what does it mean to YOU?" I ask again.

"...An escape...the one way to get off this planet for good...the only way to stop feeling this way...*sniff*"

She broke down in tears, not really knowing why. It seems she finally realized how much pain she was in. She never wanted to hurt those people, it was just her way of stopping the pain her father inflicted on them. An escape.

I got down on one knee and hugged her, something I rarely do. I wait a few minutes for her to calm down.

"So...*sniff*...why are you not afraid I'll kill you?"

"Because I knew from the beginning that you had no intention to hurt me."

"..liar." she whispered.


"LIAR!" she yelled and lunged towards me and....


She stabbed me in the heart.

"Why did you have to lie? I thought you were different..." she weeped.

She looked up at me again, expecting to see the usual face of despair, but instead, she saw a look of complete serenity. This confused her.

I knelt down once more, putting her forehead on mine and say, "It's ok, everything is going to be fine."

She broke down once more, realizing she had killed the only person that has ever cared for her. She sat on the cold floor as blood poured out of the wound, silently weeping.


"Hmm? What's going on? I should be dead?"

I "woke up" to the normal unexplainable darkness that wake up to every day.

"Welcome, mortal." a calm but excited voice said.

"Oh, thank you. May I ask what's going on?" I ask curiously.

"I'll get straight to the point...I'm going toooooooo...*drum roll* reincarnate you!"


"Aah, of course you would be confused, so let me explain. Ahem..."

"No, I understand just fine. Why am I here?"

"You 'understand' you say?" she said in confusion.

"Yeah, you're here to reincarnate me into a world with magic or something right?"

"Yes, but why do you know that?" she asked, disappointed.

"One of my patients was an avid anime watcher and web-novel reader. I watched it with him as a form of therapy. Anyway, why am I here?" I ask again.

"Haaaa, I prepared a whole speech you know? Since you're so in the loop, I suppose you know what cheats you're gonna wish for right?" she asked in a bored tone.

"How many of these wish thingies do I get?"

"You get three, let's hear them." she says as if she had lost interest.

"For my first wish....I would like to die." I say plainly.

"Hmm? You're already dead though?" she says, gaining interest again.

"I can still think, feel, and lament. In my book, that makes me very much alive...I wish to be dead."


(Goddess POV)

I remain silent for a second, wondering how I should respond. He wants to die? That's very odd, the usual bunch that come through here ask for a mind control ability for...well...yeah. Those incels are usually sent to me, so I can punt them off to some remote universe. However, this man is different.

He was a therapist that helped dozens of kids work through their traumas, but something is off. He hates people, all of them, that includes children, so why did he decide to help so many people? Was this his coping mechanism? I have to know.

I look at the man in front of me. He has long, black hair and white eyes, even though he rarely opens them. Another thing is that he has astonishing...beauty. I've never seen such a beautiful man. It seems as if every one of his facial features were placed by an ever higher divine being than me. I shake my head out of these thoughts as I focus on the man in front of me.

"Fine, but first, answer my question. I'll decide what to do with you after that."

"Sure, what would you like to know?" he said calmly with a smile on his face.

"How come you helped all those kids?" I go straight to the point.

He gives me a smile that makes even me blush a bit, "do I need a reason to help them?"

"I suppose not, but you have a hate for people that can't simply be looked over. So, I ask you again, why did you help them?" I ask again.


"Did you know that humans are the only organisms in the world that have to work and make money to survive?"

"Yes? What are you getting at?"

"People make kids, teach them their world view and throw them out into the world who then have to work for the the majority of their lives. Then they have their own family and the cycle repeats. Of course, that's only for the normal people of society. What about the rejects and the unfortunate few that get caught up in the underside of society?" he starts ranting with the same calm smile on his face.

"They have a much lower starting point than the 'normal' people of society. That still doesn't answer my question." I ask impatiently.

"Right, right, of course. The kids that manage to make it out of whatever mess they were thrown into, they'll never be able to live as normal people in society, and they never will no matter how much therapy they get. This is where I come in. I simply show them their options and let them decide which path to take...."

*Deep Breath*

"Stop beating around the bush and get to the point." I say, irritated.

"Hahaha, so impatient, I'm getting to it." damn, even his laugh is dangerous.

"Ahem," he continues, "What I do is not helping them, I just make them question everything they have ever known until they come to answer that fits their new reality. For example, what do you think my last patient is going to do with the rest of her life?"

"A serial killer?" I say with uncertainty.

"Close, but also very much wrong. You see, she is a very kind girl that doesn't want to see anyone in pain. From society's point of view, she has a sick and twisted way of showing that kindness, murder. I believe that she is going to become a doctor, or more specifically, a surgeon. I wonder just how many people she can 'cure' from their pain before she get's caught, kukuku." he laughs weirdly.

I froze in realization. Those dozens of students that he "helped" were never cured of their traumas, he just taught them a way to accept and validate their own twisted realities! Every one of them is a danger to society in their own way, and they'll sow discord and chaos wherever they go, whether it be intentional or not.

"You madman!"

"I know right? I wonder how much damage they'll do? I almost regret dying too early to see it. Almost. Now then, about my wish..."

"Yeah, about that, you aren't actually allowed to die." I say with a smirk.

How could I possibly let such an entertaining specimen die? Just the thought of it is pure blasphemy! The Goddess of Entertainment can't fail to entertain, after all.

"I thought we had a deal?" he said with the same calm smile.

"There was no deal, I simply said I would decide what to do with you after you answered."

"...." he remains silent.


(MC Pov)

It seems that humans and gods have a lot in common. Well, I say "Gods" but I don't actually know what they are. What I do know is that whatever happens next is entirely out of my control. Right now, I need information...

"So, what happens now?" I ask.


"I'm so glad that you asked!" she says excitedly, "Ahem, you are about to be sent to your first world. I won't tell you what that world is obviously, but you are free to make three wishes to help you with missions we will give you to complete."

"Who is we?"

"We, the gods of this side of the infinite multiverse! It's really boring up here you know? Any more questions?" she says impatiently.

"What are these missions you speak of?"

"That's a secret!" she said, making a X with her arms, "Now, hurry up and make your wishes!"

"I wish for information." I say flatly, losing my patience.

"You get one question, use it wisely."

"What happens if I die on that world?" I ask seriously.

"Why, you'll be sent to your next world of course. We can't have such an entertaining specimen die after all. Now then, what will it be for your second wish?"

"Haaaa, very well, I suppose I have no choice. For my second wish, I want the ability to speak any person or creature I come into contact with in their language." I say in resignation.

"Oh? All Speak? Quite the interesting choice, what else?" she said in an almost singing voice.

"Psychometry or the ability to see the past memories of objects that I touch."

"Alrighty then! Do you have any more questions?"

"Ah, of course. It's more of a statement really...I hope that you stub your toe on every doorway you walk through and that your orgasms are unsatisfactory." I say with the most refreshing smile I can muster.

"Hahahahahah, you cheeky bastard! This is why I like you!" she continues laughing.

"Ahem, anyway it is time for you to go."

I stay silent. Then, I hear a slight rumbling door opening behind me.

"Well then, this is goodbye for now, Charles, may the odds be never in your favor!"


AN: This should be a super fun project. I can't wait to finish the next chapter! I plan on changing the plot of the world we're going to first by quite a bit so look forward to that. Bye!

Next Chapter's title: The Blind Boy's Beginning After The Blind Man's End

Word Count: 2.6k