

Yueying ran out of the room to check on Gu Ni. Gu Ni was in the living room drinking tea. Lu Quing had instructed her to keep an eye on Yueying.

Sakura_17 · Urbano
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14 Chs


But he knew she slept late. She packed her things into her bag. She wanted to prepare for the party.

When she got home, she took the black dress . It was 6pm at as that time. The party had already begun.

She heard a knock on the door. Gu Ni came inside the room. She helped Flora dress up.

" You have a Chinese name?" Gu Ni asked

" Yeah, Feng Yueying" Flora said

" Okay ying ying "

Flora laughed. Gu Ni was already calling her by her Chinese name.

" Wow, ying ying you look so beautiful" Gu Ni said with eyes opened. Flora was just so pretty.

Gu Ni was happy that Yueying was like a big sister to her . She wanted Yueying to stay longer in the house. At times she feels lonely and Yueying had been her companion since she came into the house . Gu Ni was 19 years old. Though she was from a rich home she worked as a maid in Lu Quing's house . Her father had disowned her after she got pregnant at the age of 18 but unfortunately she lost the baby. She had told the doctor to show her the child's body but the doctor couldn't provide it .

" Gu Ni, what happened? " Yueying reached out to her

" Nothing big sis Ying " Gu Ni said

She didn't want to disturb Yueying with her problems

" Let's hurry up" Gu Ni pointed out

Yueying had a bad feeling that all was not okay with Gu Ni. She would find out later. Right now she has to concentrate on the party . The black dress hung beautifully on her body, her hair was curled and she let it down. She wore her shoes. It was a bit tight, so she changed the shoe to one Gu Ni's shoe. It was a red color just like the handbag.

" Should I wear a necklace?" Yueying asked Gu Ni

Gu Ni gave her a nod. Yueying walked towards her wardrobe, took out a necklace from a box.

At the sight of the necklace, Gu Ni mouth dropped. They was only 5 originals in the world.

" Who gave this to you?" Gu Ni asked with eyes wide open

"My mom " that was all Yueying said.

" This necklace has only 5 originals in the world. It was designed by a woman named Moon Ni. After that, I heard she was shot during on my event ." Gu Ni said

Yueying thought of her mother. She didn't know why she kept feeling restless after what Gu Ni told her.

Gu Ni have seen so many jeweleries. She could tell a fake from an original.

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Hi fans! I was thinking I should change Flora's name to her Chinese name Yueying .

I don't want you to be confused cuz I'm a bit confused myself lol .

Yueying is Flora

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