
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


[ Chapter VIII (8): "THE CONTAINMENT BREACH OF SITE-63." (2) ]

[ Volume I: "GODS & DEVILS." ]

"Nah, fuck that." Felix holding an Pistol saw the door on the other side of the hallway he's in opening up, so he made an split decision to again turn around.

And run at the door where an giant Spider is currently near, eating? Probably, some guard that he can use to distract that thing. And he'll just find an way out after that, he don't want hundreads of bullets through his body after all.

He's strong as fuck, not bulletproof as fuck. So he runs aways, away, and away as the personnel face-guard, bulletproof vest wearing fuckers behind him notice him running.

As they shout something which he couldn't hear amidst the blaring, and seizure inducing lights the alarms are giving out. But he knows they're firing at him, as multiple bullets fly pass him and hitting the wall in front of him.

Felix's thoughts are incoherent at the point that he can't even curse out loud inside his own head, he feels like an fish on an barrel being shot at by 100 black dudes with machine guns; and it don't feel good.

"Fahkkk, pigs!" He screams out loud behind him as he looks at the guards, guards who all look the same and is wearing the same outfit. Which made Felix run faster.

Fast enough that he jumps pass the door, seeing the back of the gigantic Spider he've saw earlier, as that thing eats the still alive guard's intestines. The same guard he briefly saw shot at that thing earlier.

"S-shit, that's disgusting what the fuck?!?!" He thought to himself as he watches that Spider eats the guard in gruesome manner, which for Felix and the guard that is being eaten felt like an eternity.

So instinctively Felix shot the back of the gigantic Spider, at the place where it looked like an shell; or something equivalent of that is supposed to be at. That shot caused the Spider to release an inhumane growl that scared him more than the alarms.

As the Spider stop feasting on the guard under Felix's watchful eye, and turns around to face him. Which caused Felix's already quick beating heart than normal to almost feel like it's leaping out of his chest.

"I've done fucked up." He thoughts to himself as he didn't waste a single fucking time and quickly run away to the opposite side.

As the other guards far away watchs Felix being chased by an gigantic Spider through the doorway. An SCP being chased by another SCP, it almost feels like it's an cartoon.

Seeing this one of the guards at the front radio something to the radio attached to his vest, as no sooner than later fires rings out from Felix's gun; followed by the Spider's groans.

"Parry this you filthy casual." Felix looks behind him while running in an backwards manner, both eyes open as he fires at the Spider's many-many eyes as it chases him. Oftentimes missing, and shooting the walls or the floor in the process.

Until his gun runs out of ammo, "Fuck, I didn't thought about thid through!" in which case made him threw the gun at the floating Inventory flying beside him, and run.

"I really, really, really didn't!" Running away from an gigantic fast chasing, hunting, hungry Spider isn't fun as he yells out loud and turns to his right.

At the cafeteria where tons of more gigantic Spiders are located at, this ones looking smaller than the one chasing him as he sees them eating thankfully dead guards.

With the Researchers, Doctors and a few Guards behind an bulletproof glass on the other side of the cafeteria watching this all go down, scared. "What the fuck."

Felix absentmindedly thought to himself as he looks to his right, at the gigantic Spider far away, but close enough to scare him approaching him. So with hesitation he threw himself at the cafeteria.

And runs to the nearest gun he could see while the shell-less Spiders are distracted, which is to his right as he curve stump one of the smaller sized Spider eating an Guard.

Stumping that thing through the floor, and through the carcass of the unnamed Guard that it was eating; flesh showing, blood splattering, blue and red mixing and all amidst the chaos as Felix made sure it's dead, never stopping the stumping even after seeing the notification pops up.

[ "Lvl 4 Gigantic Shell-Less Baby Spider killed, 342 EXP gained." ]

[ "Level-up." ]

"It was a fucking what?!?!" He thoughts to himself as he looks at the notification, still not stopping from stumping that thing as he realized what he's doing and stopped stumping. And then grab the gun beneath him.

As he scans it, before realizing something and looking up. And seeing thousands of red eyes, and sharp fangs staring at him throughout this huge cafeteria he's in; most making that inhumane Minecraft Spider noise that always have hunted Felix's nightmares.

"O-oh shit." He looks down at the gun he's holding, not even bothering to know what type of gun it is. He just know that it's an semi automatic before firing it at random.

Firing 1, 2, 3 bullets at a time as he jumps pass the carcass of the Spider he've just killed, pass the blue and red blood splattered around everywhere; as he thinks for a moment about that corpse exploding, and releasing thousands of small Spiders.

That thought made Felix eerie as he tries to refocus at the Spiders that's surrounding him, as he tries to think of an way to zig-zag pass them.

Running as he thinks of an plan. Everything slow-motion for him as he looks and scans everything, the estimate size of the cafeteria his in; it's huge. How fast the Spiders are, the small ones are fast, the bigger they are the slower they are, etc...

As he scans, calculate, and predict what he'll do next. Feeling hopeless a little bit as the system notification pops up, disrupting his frontal vision on the Spiders approaching him.

[ "Blue Bloodied God." (6) ]

[ Objective: "Kill all 76 Shell-Less Spider of any variety, and without dying." (1/76) ]

[ Rewards: "Spider Killer," (Title) "Job Change." ]