
12: The game of eternity

"What shall you become in order to win"

Anireto · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Deck of Cards

Int. An Apartment building in Hamamatsu

"Hey Artagnan, I'm heading out to buy more bullets."

"I can't allow that it's too risky, send Yuka instead."

"No way man, what if someone recognizes me?"

"Well you're the least wanted between the three of us so it'll be easier for you to move around."

"I still ain't doin it, plus I'm not the one who wants it just let Arima go."

"Tch useless bastard."

"There're here."

"Damn priests don't they know how to take a break."

"See why I wanted those bullets."

"If you had gone you've might been caught by now."

"Well I guess we have your danky security cameras to thank but I wish they had spotted them sooner."

"Well there's no time to argue now we better get going."


Three grown man wearing black and grey coats burst out of an apartment building. They land onto a sidewalk.

"Let's split up and we'll meet together at Nagoya."



Int. Sekaitsu's house

Sekaitsu is in the kitchen cooking on his stove wearing an apron. An unusual sight and activity you'd expect from him but today he has decided to treat himself.

"Hey Author."

< Yes >

"Your clothes."

< What about them >

"They're still gone. So when the hell are you gonna get them back."

< I told you I need something in order to get them back >

"Geez how did this even happen in the first place, I guess a lot you wouldn't expect happen in this game. "

< Speaking of wouldn't expect I never begged you to be the cooking type >

"I'm not I just decided to take rest for today."

< Well then allow me to judge your meal >

"Sure but they're not the prettiest sight."

< I'm sure they'll be better than expected >

"I was trying to make pancakes."

Author leans in to see what Sekaitsu had been making and as you'd expect from a person who usually doesn't engage himself in cooking, his pancakes looked detestable. They were the incarnation of all bad dishes. Some were burnt, others weren't even cooked and the dough was oozing out. Truly a piece brought out of a horror film. Despite the disaster he had just cooked he was still smiling through it all covering his disappointment and grief towards this huge embarrassment of a dish.

< They say one should learn before they try anything new >

"I know how to cook okay, it's just that I didn't have the proper supplies." Sekaitsu says telling lies to Author and himself.

< Couldn't you have told your parents to buy the supplies >

"I live alone, my parents stay in another city."

< Oh really >

"You've followed me around for the past days and you still didn't know I live alone."

< I just assumed kids stayed with their parents >

"Well your assumptions are wrong."

< So about your parents >

"Enough about my parents let's talk about the game."

Sekaitsu dishes his awful pancakes on to a plate and sits down on a black wooden chair.

"Author, last night I was researching on the game."

< Yeah I remember >

"In this game there are 12 players who receive 12 cards, each of this cards inherit a name of the knights of the round table. The number of the knights stated by this game are 12 but according to other sources the number varies, from 12 to 13 and some even say there up to a thousand knights. Do you know the exact number."

< I can't recall the exact number as tiny parts of my memory have long been forgotten but as far I remember the game just choose 12 of the countless knights I once had, it never strictly said there were only 12 knights >

"So they weren't just 12 or 13."

< The 12 or 13 your refer of are most likely the original knights I appointed >

"Thank you I needed some clarification, Author there's a theory I've come up with concerning the game. I'd like it if you can help confirm with me some stuff."

< Sure let's hear it >

"12 players receive 12 cards, I think the game is trying to reference a deck of playing cards here, there's about 3 court cards, 9 number cards and an ace which equals to about 13. Author would you care to further elaborate for me."

< Your right there are about 13 types excluding suits and the black and red cards, we have an ace, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, ninths, tenths, the jack, the queen and the king. Since there are about 12 players and 13 cards that leaves a 13th player remaining >

"This '13th' player being the joker."

< Yes, the joker is considered to be an extra and not a true playing card, therefore if a player is to win the game and choose to be a joker then the 13th player would be set >

"Your actually quite smart, what you just said is in line with what I've theorized but how does someone like you know about cards."

< My past servant from the previous game was well knowledgeable in many cultural practices, he taught me a lot about this world which has changed sinced my time and your theory is one he also thought of, he once told me about it >

"I see. This is all speculation though. Perhaps you could tell me why the knights of the round table are even involved in this and why this game exists."

< I can't explain why the knights were chosen but the reason for the game is most possibly that the deities of this world were bored and were looking for a source of entertainment >

"Your joking right?"

< Over the years it is what I came to believe after all this game has no value or purpose. My own theory of this game >

Int. Somewhere outside Hamamatsu

"Ahh finally I've reached Hamamatsu, just a few more kilometers and I would've reached Kyoto. But while I'm at it lemme take a rest then I'll continue. I hear Hamamatsu has some interesting places. Hmm I wonder what I will see here."