
12: The game of eternity

"What shall you become in order to win"

Anireto · Action
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7 Chs


In between the alleyway of two buildings the freezing breeze of the morning blows gently through it as always.


Sekaitsu crash lands onto the ground as he slams another trash bag into a dustbin.

"Is that all," asks Sekaitsu as he pants to catch his breath tired from what ever activity his been doing.

< Just 5 more trash bags that need to be filled >

"Aaaaaagh," screams Sekaitsu flailing his arms trying to summon up the energy to continue his simplistic task.

He let's out one visible breath into the air before setting off to acquire his goal.

"Well I better not waste time," says Sekaitsu who then rushes off haphazardly to fill the empty trash bags.

Quests page:

- Fill up 15 trash bags and dispose of them properly x 8 stat points

Hours later Sekaitsu is on his bed, dead asleep. Laying in a very weird manner. Left leg hanging off the bed, other leg bending forming am acute angle while his stretched far apart encompassing the bed. Snoring loud enough that an irritated roommate would've have heard his aggravating noise. Luckily Sekaitsu lives alone with the exception of his 'master' Author.

"Raugh! Phoomp!"

Sekaitsu is woken up to his newly adopted dog jumping on him.

"Raugh! Roof! Rawf!" barks Sekaitsu's dog.

"Would ya stop barking, you don't even know how to do it properly, damn pest," Sekaitsu shouts trying to communicate with the dog.

"Rowf, Rrrrrifrif, Raeuioooo!" continues the pet barking incorrectly.

"Was that even a bark! Your making noises that shouldn't be possible to make."


Sekaitsu's face turns blank and is filled with horror with what he just heard. Disgust and grief crossed his face. Confusion also transformed Sekaitsu's face. His face hardened with terror.

In this moment Sekaitsu's face showed all types of disarrayed emotions and he finally lost it speaking.

"Your hopeless, too much shit is coming from your mouth, that should not even be a sound that's possible for dogs to produce, fine then since you don't know how to let me teach," Sekaitsu says as he finally lost it

"Woof, Woof, Bark, bark, woof woof,"

"Owoof, awoof, brark, brark, iwoof, uwoof,"

"Your almost there but more like this woof woof bark bark,"

< kekekekeke, hehehehe, hahahahahahh



Author burst into non-decent laughter at the stupidity of the scene unfolding before him.

"Hey, what are laughing at, you can't even laugh," interrogates Sekaitsu's as his voice becomes a bit more edgy and dark. His face with a tan of seriousness shifts crookedly toward Author.

< My laugh may be improper but I'm not the one trying to communicate with dogs, uhuhahauhah >

"Ahahahahahahahahahhahhahah, it's like that, that's how you laugh you overgrown pile of royal shit. If I don't communicate with the dog how will it learn not to bark like that,"

< uhuhrururururpupupupuporaoraoraoraoraoroaoroaora >


Author and the dog burst into a sequence of improper laughs and barks.

| Ah I've lost it, the people I live with are weird, crap I even started to refer to them as people |

Int. Hours later

Ahma Aya is at a Café sitting at a table on the outside area of the place.

"What's taking him so long," Ahma says as he taps his wristwatch.

"Hey, you got here early." Says an unidentified voice from a close distance. Ahma looks around and sees Sekaitsu standing outside beyond the barriers of the Café.

"Why aren't you inside yet, stop standing and staring at me from the barrier, it's creepy."

"Okay let me just jump-"


Minutes later after Sekaitsu takes the proper way to reach Ahma, the two of them are finally seated together. Although are with each other a weird vibe is going on between them, who could be the source of this? Sekaitsu is seated with his expressions normal. Ahma on the other hand is grind his teeth, sharpening his nails with his other nails and a single vein popping in his forehead, it's clear now his the source of this weird ass energy floating around.

"What do mean I got here early?" Ahma poses the question that's been on his mind since Sekaitsu arrived.

"Weren't we suppose to meet up at half four?" Sekaitsu responds with another question.

"No, we said half three."

"Your lying that can't be it. Are you sure you didn't forget what time we were suppose to meet came here early, decided to wait and hatch this plan as a way to put the blame on me so I would pay the bill as a way of apologizing to you?"

"Why the fuck were you so descriptive?"

"Cause I'm right."

"No your not, you texted me to meet up at half three on Line."

"Show me the chat then."

"Eugh," Ahma scoffs as he then pulls his phone. Switching it on his fingertips directly got to the Line app. Locating the messages between he and Sekaitsu, he faces the phone toward Sekaitsu and his smirking face quickly turns into one of dismay.

"It seems I owe you an apology Ahma."

"You do jackass."

Sekaitsu bursts from his chair standing up catching everyone in the café and outside's attention. Ahma's face crossed over from annoyance to horror as to what was about to happened as his eyes widened eyebrows raised and mouth slowly opening.


"Please sit down your embarrassing me."


"Yes yes so may you please sit down."

"THANK YOU!" one final scream as Sekaitsu quietly sits down.

"You did that on purpose, didn't ya?"

"Yea of course."

"Why did you want to meet up?"

"Just to talk."


"I missed you I guess."


"So are you still thinking about doing it."

"Hey I heard there's going to be a trip for our year around June, are you going to attend?" Sekaitsu changes the subject dodging showing clear signs of discomfort.

"No I won't, how about you?" Ahma decides to go along with it.


"Nah I don't think I'll be there."

"Cause you'll be dead?"

"Hey come one we had such a good conversation without bringing that up.

"I'm not going to help you stay in your illusion, have you even thought about it since we our talk? Now answer the question."

"Yeah I did and I'm not gonna," Sekaitsu says, he then lifts up his thumb and drags it across his neck "You know."

"I see, so what'll you be busy doing during the break."

"I'm going to be on the grind trying to improve my physique."

"Physique huh? You know you say the most stupidest of shit at times."

"What's so stupid about it!?"

"It's just your totally not fit, way too skinny can you even do a pushup?"

"Look who's talking."

"At least I know my limits, I will be focusing on more productive work."

"Well I guess l you can never know what can surprise you."


"Hey Ahma I wanna do something but before I can I need to make sure my ideals aren't all wrong."

"I see, go on."

"If you could become GOD what would you do or if you had the power to change the world what'll it be."


"I already have my answer although I wouldn't be something to call a GOD."

"Are you sure, make sure think careful about it."

"Yea I'm pretty sure."

"What is it?"

"I'd become a devil and make everyone feel the pain I suffered."


Sekaitsu's eyes widened and horror collected on his face. He quickly tries to hide his expression of disgust so as to not make the conversation awkward.

"Why would you do that?" questions Sekaitsu in an attempt to try understand his friend's grotesque response.

"Cause they deserve, once they understand what it means to suffer then they too will stop."

"Not everyone deserves that."

"False, if you and I were born more fortunate do you think we'd care about those who suffered, the answer is no. People who don't deserve are just unhatched devils, cruelty disguised as innocence."

"Why not make a world where suffering and pain doesn't exist."

"Humans aren't made to be like that, if you were to do that your not correcting humanity your just making a whole new race of beings."

"But still don't you think it's a-"

"Humans don' deserve such kindness they are only worthy of burning in hell."


"Your wrong in all regards of your statement, just cause a couple treated you wrong doesn't mean the whole-"

"Let's change the topic, this conversation is getting a bit too heavy for me."

"A bit?"

"hehe I guess 'A bit' is a bit of an understatement."


The two friends continue their talk as if their argument didn't just happen.

Int. Hours later

Ahma and Sekaitsu are walking down a dimly lit street.

"Today was fun."

"Yeah it was, thank you Ai."

"We should this again some time."

"Yea," Ahma gives out an unsure answer to Sekaitsu's statement. He then squints his eyes and straightens his glasses. "About that I think this is the last time I will see, I have some stuff going on with my life and I might move but I'll try my best to stay."

"How long will this go on for?"

"I'm unsure but It'll take a long time I estimate about three months."


"If your correct your gonna be done around when our year goes for the trip, makes sense why your not going but I just realized I want to go with you on the trip."

Right then a stream of lights flashes on the roadside of the boys as the traffic flow starts to pick up. They stop walking and face each other.

"Ai Sekaitsu, I promise you I will do my best to get back to you."

"Ahma Aya you better not break your promise."


"Sure but why did we just call out our full names like that."

"I don't know I guess were too weird."


"Well this where we part ways."

"Don't die until we meet jackass."

"Right back at ya four eyes."


As Sekaitsu is crossing the road distracted talking to Ahma, didn't notice the truck behind him. Sekaitsu turns his face and then.


"Bwam!" The truck collides with Sekaitsu but he is unscathed with only a few minor scratches, instead the impact of hitting Sekaitsu crushes the front of the truck.


"Shit, I better go before people notice."

|Wait did Ahma see that|

Sekaitsu turns his head to check if Ahma is there but to his surprise his not. Completely gone from where he was.

|At least He's gone. Sorry truck-kun but I'm not going to get isekai'd today|

Sekaitsu then sprints fleeing the scene and heading home.
