
(old version) Spirit - The Sage Of The Iris

Kazuki, who has always lived alone with his master, will have to face multiple tragedies that will turn his life upside down in this world filled with magic, martial arts, corruption and lies. During his adventure he will have a series of encounters and separations, guiding him until he discovers who he really is. (this is an old version. Read the one not labeled "old version" as this one will be discontinued. Some chapters will be reworked and maybe split in two or more after developpement)

DrDrackoAlasdair · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


A month passes between the intrusion of the masked man and the current time. The medicine was very efficient to numb the pain and make it more bearable. Kazuki is now healed enough to go back to training. 

As usual, Kazuki is sitting in the pond of water. His Master is sitting on a nearby rock. Both of them close their eyes. And as both of them extend their inner world, they meet like the last time. 

"Alright. You seem to be strong enough to learn the 4 basics of the Art. We'll start with the most simple one because it helps with others later. Do you remember the sensation of your inner world?" 

The young boy nods in silence.

"Great. So, you need to focus on this sensation. Once it's done, I want you to project this feeling on your fists. Imagine this feeling on your hands, concentrate this vision on them."

As Tian-Han says so, Kazuki reminds himself of the sensation of himself. The water, he remembers it. The sensation of drowning. The water on his skin. The depths and the darkness. The feeling of the water getting in his vein. It seems like the water is still running under his skin. He focuses on this sensation. He leads it to his hands. The whole phenomenon is in his hands, so condensed that it seems it's about to burst. But like in the depths of the inner world, he feels nothing but warmth and comfort. However this sensation is weak compared to the other one. It surprises the young boy that with everything he gathered he feels almost nothing. 

Kazuki looks at his hands. There, a white aura surrounds them. The surprise on his 

"Wha- What is that ?"

And as he loses his concentration, the white energy disappears in a little explosion. Kazuki looks at his master.

"- What ? What was it ? What happened ?

- It's your spiritual energy. You gathered it in your hands. But you lost focus and it made it unstable. You have to remain calm in order to use it easily.

-A-alright. I'm going to try again."

He looks at his hands. He tries again. The same feeling of the water mixed with his blood. His mind is being flooded with the sensation of the water's soft touch. It runs through the flesh of his hands and the white energy starts to emerge from his skin, like a thin glove expanding and taking a chaotic shape. Kazuki looks at it and turns to his master.

"I did it ! I did it !"

The white aura starts to move as Kazuki is getting excited. The young boy immediately calms down, remembering the advice of his Master. 

"Ah, yeah! I have to be calm, that's right.. It's like when I had to blend with my inner world.." 

The old man nods, as an agreement to his student's statement but also as an approval of Kazuki's success to this first exercise. 

"Very well. Remember this exercise. Keep your focus on this feeling and open your eyes."

Kazuki executes the order. Slowly, he opens his eyes and the inner world fades to the yard of the domain. Kazuki remains calm and turns his gaze on his master.

"So, what now?" 

As he gets up from the pond, he feels something on his hands. He looks at them. To his surprise, they are surrounded by a transparent white aura. The emotion starts to disturb it, but Kazuki quickly calms down in order to not lose it once more. Tian-Han gets down from the rock and shows his own hands to Kazuki. A golden aura appears around them, bigger and faster. 

"- Now that you know how to materialize it, you should be able to use it, as your body and your mind are linked to your spirit. What you just did is the start for two of the basics. We'll start with the first one, the Língjī.

-What is it? 

-The Língjī is the ability to use your spiritual energy to enhance your physical abilities. It allows you to throw stronger punches, be faster, jump higher, resist stronger hits or whatever requires a physical effort. However, it is an addition to your physical strength. You can't use it to become stronger physically by lifting heavier weights. But you can train your Língjī this way. Now, I'll show you a tiny bit of mine.

-Why not show me what you're fully capable of, Master? 

-Do you remember when I told what you could happen if I went into a fight with my full power?

-Yeah, I do.

-So you do know why. Stop asking pointless questions. Now, come with me. I'll show you what a powerfull Língjī is. 

Tian-Han leads Kazuki to the training ground. And there, the old man puts himself in the middle of the field while Kazuki looks at him.

"Get ready, my boy. Try to keep with me."