
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 14 (Rebulding.)

Alvin stood over Vandeulculas headless body, He looked up and saw the rest of the guards had surrendered and some ran out the broken walls.

Mara picked up Vandeulculas head and lift it up and showed all the warriors and the defeated army of Vandeulcula. 

Mara: See this all of your kind who follow Scar will receive the same! 

The Guard Captan came up to Mara. 

Guard Captain: Ma'am you have won this battle but Scar and Wa"ya are stronger then ever they have released Econdire the evil werewolf god of Harcarsh and Wa"ya and Econdire are now as one this world is in great danger.

Mara: Do you hear this Alvin? 

Alvin: I do for the second time, 

Logan: What he said is true. 

Logan said weakly Alvin turned saw Logan he ran to him. 

Alvin: Logan hang on you be ok.... His voice trailed off as Logan spoke. 

Logan: No it's too late my time has come, Listen you are to raise a army up and prepare the coming of Jirah y'all are to destroy the Hakens and to kill Wa"ya but First you must raise the army, Alvin you are to take my place as Keeper of the snow elves. But... No the great White Wolf told me that the one legged man is to take my place as Keeper. Lead them with pride and with honor and victory the will follow you every step you take…

Those were Logans last words before he died. 

The Guard Captan went to Alvin. 

Guard Captain: My Lord Alvin I want to join you and defeat Scar and restore the city of Ashagag when y'all attacked I went and set the slaves free they never should have been slaves or even captured.

Alissa: It is True he did set us free.

Alvin: What of the rest? 

The Guard Captain Stood up and spoke loud. 

Guard Captain: Who will cease being a follower of Scar and evil and will join the army of Alvin Bull Tarvando! 

They all spoke as one. 

Guards: We will serve Shalom and follow Alvin! 

Alvin shook the guard captains hand.

Alvin: You are welcome here, What is your name? 

Guard Captain: I'm Javen Lukas. 

Then the tall Golden rat and the twelve turtles all walk up. 

Malachi: Aye Alvin my name is Malachi leader of well what's left of the Turtle likens these are. Mathew, Simon, James, John, Paul, Peter, Philip, Bartholomew, Thaddeous, Andrew, Thomas and Mattihas.

Alvin looked at the rat and the turtles they were a Rogue a warrior a Mage and a archer, Each of them were a followers of Shalom, The rat was a mage warrior and rogue.

Alvin: What happen to your clan and the Turtle likens.

Malachi: Well it started on the night of the red full moon and Scar and Zohar came and fought us we were many and we had dwarves elves of each kind and Faes and we fought well. Then he came. 

Mara: Who came? 

Malachi: Wa"ya he has a power then none other he has became Econdire but goes by Wa"ya he turned to the werewolf and came up a army of Hakens hokers and dragons and other creatures of Harcarsh, I don't know if anymore survived Master Handieya the master of my kind died by Scars hand after Wa"ya struck his back, Jonna Horne Stone he was a Alligator Snapping turtle the leader of the turtle likens fought violently with Wa"ya. Wa"ya took his head off with a slap of his werewolf claw. Me and this twelve barley escaped. I don't know if any is still alive.

Alvin: You are welcome here help us rebuild and grow an army. 

Malachi: Thank you We will follow you Master Alvin.

They all rebuild the fort but instead of a fort they built a village and Alvin was to become the Jarl of that place he named it Logan after the snow elf Keeper that died in battle with Vandeulcula, The village grew and became a town, A school for mages and homes for every family and warrior.

Alvin looked at Mara.

Alvin: You and your clan go and rebuild if you wish.

Mara: No there's nothing left and my duty is to be by your side as your personal body guard for you and your family and I will guard you with my life my army is yours to command. My Jarl. 

Alvin: As you wish Mara but know you are my friend and equal Mara. 

Alvin: Malachi what do you wish. 

Malachi: I wish to be your steward and your house manager and offer you advice when needed. 

Alvin: You may be my steward. 

Finras and Alissa approached. 

Alvin got up and walked to her.

Alvin: Are you ok Alissa. 

She hugged and kissed him tears fell from her cheeks. She was finally grieving over her fathers death.

Alvin: It's alright it's alright.

Nick showed up with Alice Shelly and Morgause.

Alissa: Nick are you ok.

Nick said nothing just made fire and lightning form from his hands. Nick shook hi head no.

Alissa hugged him Nick began to cry. Alvin confused asked why was he tore up about being a mage.

Finras: His mother was a mage and his family was attacked by a group of templars that gone rogue they cut his mothers hands off and burned her alive.

Alvin: Man I hate that. He will be ok and will learn to control and use his power we will make a school for mages and all magical people and even creatures.

One year passed from the battle and the town was completely built and Alvin and Alissa got married on that year anniversary of Alvin's rule in that town. Alvin renounced a feast and celebration. Simon, brother of Alissa, Malachi, Amend, Leo, Mira, Finras, and Michael Hallicke a captain of Alvin's Guard and Javen Lukas, The Captain of Alvin's army there were three the third one was a Mage Like his father Nathaniel Hallike his little Brother Haytham was sixteen years old and he wanted to be a soldier like  Nathaniel and his father but he felt seance he was not a Mage he could not be a soldier so he learn the way of the long blade and double head axe. His twin sister Bethany Hallick was a Mage and she wanted to go to the school and learn how to master her powers. So she sought the Jarl and he allowed her to go learn her magic. It was a time of joy and happiness in Logan but it would not last.