
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 15.(The Twins.)

The Dragon flew over the land of the country Zachariah, The Dragon flew low and dropped the two boys Cory and Josiah, Fell to the ground on top of each other Cory struggled and pushed the pirate boy off of him. Then they got up they saw a town six miles from here and they started towards it neither one spoke to each other just watched each other's movements Cory notice the pirate did not have any shoes on and the sand was burning his feet Cory thought I got to make him some shoes then A deer was sighted Cory killed it with a spear he built when they landed from the strange sea dragon And he began to skin it and cooked it.

As they ate Josiah looked at Cory 

Josiah: Why do you hang around and feed a pirate? Don't your kind try to kill and hang us.

Cory: I never knew who my kind were, my mother had twins all I remember was seeing her then someone graving me and running that's all I remember. 

What about you? 

Josiah never answered he just looked then went back eating, Then he went to sleep as he slept Cory measured Josiahs feet then made him a pare of shoes out of the deer skin and put the shoes by him then he went to sleep. 

Cory awoke early looked at Josiah and he was still asleep Cory got up and went to hunt for food a rabbit ran by Cory drew his knife fast slung it, it hit the rabbits head,

He went and picked it up. 

Jasper: Great hit there Ol lad! 

Cory Huh? 

Cory turned and saw a great big cat stood on two legs and was armored made with the ebony steel. 

Cory: What are you?

Jasper: I am a kajiet lad as for my name I am Jasper leader of the Black Claw Mercenaries. 

Cory: Do you always sneak up on people?!?

Jasper: I'm sorry I meant no harm lad.

Cory: Ok well do you know were we are? 

Jasper: Aye yes you are in the land of Zachariah. 

Cory: Do you know were me and my friend can find shelter. 

Jasper: Aye six miles from here there's a town called Logan that's were we are heading you are welcome to join if you wish. 

Before Cory could answer a war cry went out loud. Hooooooolabraaaaaakie!

Cory: Josiah!

Cory and the Kajiet ran towards the camp thirty creatures was fighting Josiah, Jasper's ears flatten.

Jasper: Hakens. Heyaaaha!!! 

Jasper charged in both swords in hand he fought like a mad dog even tho he was a five foot eight talking cat on two legs,Cory charged in back to back with Josiah and Jasper they fought with all they had. Not one of the Hakens lived.

Josiah: What in the Black sails is that?!?

Jasper: That my friend is a Haken creatures from the dark deep place of Harcarsh do not let it's blood touch your wounds nor let it's blood go in your mouth some are Immuned some are not and it will slowly kill you and turn you in to those creatures.

Cory: Ok That is so weird.

Josiah: Hey Cory thanks for the help Cory and the shoes whos your cat friend. 

Jasper introduced himself. 

Jasper: I'm Jasper Leader of the BlackClaw Mercenaries. And you are? 

Josiah: I'm Josiah First mate to the pirate Captan Bartholamu Bendedeck. 

Jasper's ears jump up.

Jasper: Captan Bandedeck that Ol Sod Pine Bottom. Aye it be nice to see that old raccoon again. Well come on we must get back to the others cause there be more Hakens after us. Follow me. 

They followed Jasper to his mercenaries and they started towards Logan, darkness fell upon Logan and Hakens attacked the mercenaries. 

Jasper: Alright Cory you and your brother and go with Death Claw, my second in command and body guard fight with him.

Cory: Josiah is not my brother he's a pirate. 

Jasper: Aye but he is he's your twin Brother. 

Cory/Josiah: What!? 

They both said together. Jasper, laughed ate at them both.

Jasper: You mean you don't know? your are identical twins the only difference is one has black and short hair and the other has blond and long hair.

Jasper seen their look.

Jasper: I will explain later now go fight. 

Death Claw was a wight kajiet decked out with the dragon armer. 

Death Claw: Now my friends lets fight the war has began.