
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

(Led By The Wolf)

In the year of the Storms, in the land of Hawkvile. A male white wolf was trying to find shelter for his mate and ten wolf pups.

He came upon a cave, and he put his mate and pups inside. Then he turns to see if the storm would soon pass. All of a sudden lighting struck a oak tree!

It fell upon the wolf, crushing him. The wolf turns his head to see his mate one last time before he died.

The female howled for her loss, but she knew she must be strong for her pups. So she began to explore the cave.

She notice a strange sent about the cave, It was a mixture of a wolf, and man mixed, then the hair on he back and neck stood strait up as she stumbled on the skeleton of a creature, it's body had the head and feet of a wolf, but it's chest legs and arms was a man!

She backed up in growled. She have found the bones of the Old Werewolf Lord Dagar!

The body was dead but the spirit was still there.

And so our story begins.

(Led By The Wolf.)

Chapter 1. (The Beginning Of This)

In the Year of Shadows. It was a very sorrowful time.

There lives a boy fourteen years old name Jacob Cole Bodrick.

Jacob was a very smart boy a inventor he created things, and he was a little dare devil he was constantly in trouble he was scolded punished even whipped but that would not stop him he kept making things he was determined to make something to help the king.

He invented a boat that looked like a cherieot with two robot horses it could run on lad and sea he couldn't wait to get back home to show his mom and dad.

Jacob rode on his Black Mare heading home when he saw the smoke, he raced his horse toward the smoke his house was on fire and the barn and yard was a blazed with the fire his parents was no where to be found so he raced around the barn and he found his father who was dying with a sword in his chest.

Jacob: Father!!! Father!!!

Father: Save the Horses and go save your mother...

He said as he died, Jacob freed the horses and fell on his fathers dead body and he cried.

Later that night after bearing his father he went to his lab he was going to kill the one who killed his father, he made his weapons and created a long sword from fire and ice and alyrim steel he would get his revenge so he thought.

He made his way to where he saw the tracks of horses and he began to track down the killers, he passed a house where a tall dark haired man was standing watching him.

Jacob: Hey have you seen a gang of men with a women ride by here?

Stranger: Yes I did son you gonna take them on your own?

Without another Jacob rides off.

The stranger looks down at a picture that was in his hands of him and a beautiful woman and his heart jumped.

Stranger: No... he has her eyes.

From a distance he saw smoke and he drove his horse towards it and he saw them and what was happening anger hit him as he saw his Mother and the evil looking man, Jacops teeth clinched when the killer spoke.

Killer: I am Slaygar now tell me where is the boy!?! I want the boy!

Jacops mother spit in Slaygars face, Slaygars hit her to the ground with his cane, which was long and black with a gold skull handle, Jacop went the charge Slaygar when a hand clutched his mouth and he was pulled back he fought and fought.

Stranger: Easy kid easy!

Jacop kept fighting then the Stranger hit him hard knocking him out.

Stranger: Sorry kid but all you done was get yourself and your mother killed.

The stranger watched as Slaygar ties the women to the horse and got on his Black Horse it's eyes was red the man never seen such a horse then he saw Slaygar. His face was smooth, his hair long and black his eyes blue as the Ocean

Slaygar: I find you boy I find you!!!

He said that then looked at the boys mother.

Slaygar: Oh he find us over the momma heh heh.

The men that was with him laughed then Slaygar felt two presence the young boys anger he sensed it a wicked smile came to his hideous face.

Slaygar: Your Not Ready To Face me and Come On Save Your Mom!

He made a fire ball and said.

Slaygar: Naw! On second thought!

He threw the fire ball at the mother and the the horse setting them both on fire,

The screams of Jacobs mom and the horse woke Jacob out of his slumber from being knocked out.

Slaygar: Watch her burn!

Stranger: Bloody Hell No!!!

He fire two arrows one hit the mother in the head putting her out her misery the other for the horse.

He turns and saw the boy watching what happened tears filled his eyes he couldn't make a sound.

The stranger grabbed him he pulled back screaming at him.

Jacob: No! NO!!!

Stranger: Come on son she's gone I'm sorry kid but you can't avenge her death now come with me you can trust me boy!

The man picked him up got on his horse and took out running for the mountains Slaygar and his men hot on his heels.

Slaygar: Come on boys let's get them kill the man I want that boy alive!

The stranger kicked his horse making him run faster.

Stranger: Come on girl let's go yah yah!!!

He saw an elf behind a tree he was raising to, he whistled and mages witch's warlocks saucers Druids and minotaurs and centaurs Elves and Dwarfs came out to fight against Slaygar and his army.

Slaygar yelled.

Slaygar: Retreat they have an army!!!

This ain't over I'll have that boy!!!

Slaygar and his men left.

Jacob from shock was loosing consciousness the last thing he remember was a young Elf with black hair pulling him off the horse and carrying him to a cave.

When Jacob awoke he saw a centaur there.

Kane: Ezy now you need to rest you been through a lot.

Arthur: O shut up Kane let the boy alone and don't give him any of that mess to drink you kill him and he ain't even sick.

Kane: Oh and look who's talking joke all you want you know if it wasn't for me and that mess as you call it you be under ground by now that is if someone took the time to Barry you and not throw you in the creek for the sharks!

Arthur: Yea well if I didn't pull your big horse tail out the rocks when that mountain caved in you be a big bunch of warm food heh.

The Centaur walk out the room cursing. Jacob watched him walk out and his eyes was wide like he seen a ghost.

Arthur came and sit by him and said.

Arthur: He's a centaur yes I know I was shocked to I thought it was just some child's story but if it wasn't for him I be dead there's also minotaurs and High Elves Dark Elves Wood Elves Dwarfs and I heard there were dragons to but never seen them.

Jacob looked and seen the stranger that took him and killed his mother.

Jacob: You Killed My Mother!

Arthur: Son I'm sorry about your mother but would you rather have her burn alive because I sure couldn't!

Tears came down his eyes.

Jacob: My Fathers Dead. My mother's dead! she's!

Arthur: I know I'm sorry man I really am.

Jacob hugged Arthur, Arthur didn't know what to do he lifted his arms and said.

Arthur: Um Son. Um ok there now your fine everything is gonna be just fine.

Jacob Put his arms down and hugged him back and let the boy grieve his mother and father.

Jacob finally fell asleep in Arthur's arms.

Arthur: Um kid kid.... huuu come on kid.

Kane walked in and just a running his mouth and saw Arthur and the kid asleep in his arms.

Kane: Oooooo Arthur are you getting attached to the boy gonna take him in as your own, Ooooo you gonna let him call you daddy?

He gasped.

Arthur: Shut up Kane!

Help me!

Kane went over and helped Arther put him in a bed, then Kane looked at Arthur.

Then antagonized him as he watched Arthur cover him with a blanket.

Kane: My my Arther Morris is taking my job over a young blond headed boy.

Ooooo what would the other boys say O and what about Kiara she might feel jealous. Hehe.

Arthur: Shut up you fool!

He said very angry looking around trying to make sure no one else noticed.

Arthur: You keep your mouth shut about this you fool!

He looked around again then walked up to Kane and pointed his finger in his face.

Arthur: If you say Anything to humiliate me!

Kane: O give it a rest Arthur Morrison everyone knows about Mary I'm Sorry you had to take her life and everyone knows how much the children mean to you and how special this one is to you.

By the way Arthur here Mary told me to give this letter to you if the boy winded up in our care if something happened to her.

I thought I never see that.

Arthur graved the letter.

Kane: Read it Arthur don't burn it like the other one because it hurts too much over the choice you made read that letter!

Arthur looked at Kane.

Kane: I'm Serious Arthur read it!

Arthur unrolled the letter and read it.


Mary: Dear Arthur.

I'm sure you burned that last letter I wrote you so ima tell you again.

Arthur I love you and I always will, I want to be with you but you chose a different path and I cannot do that.

I heard you went back and took those children in and I want you to know that I'm truly grateful and I know their gonna be safe between you and Kane and Duke and Hosea.

Now if your reading this letter then something happened to me and Jacky.

I hate that y'all met on bad turns you would have liked him.

Like I said if your reading this then I'm dead and my boy is with you like the Wizard said all those years ago we were kids but it's true heh we made fun of him.

Take care of my boy Arthur Jacky wasn't the father but he tried to raise him like his own.

Arthur please take care of my boy.

I love you Arthur.

PS: He's your son Arthur. Your his father.

Always yours Mary.

Arthur swallowed hard tears filled his eyes.

Arthur: He's my Son?

Kane looked at him they went into a cave where no one could see or hear them.

Arthur: My son he's my son it can't be!

Kane: It's true Arthur I can tell y'all share the same blood, you know I can tell by the smell and looks I see and smell what others cannot that's how most my kind when we go on the full war path we don't stop till all their kin are dead the minotaurs are the same.

Arthur: I know I know you ain't got to give me a history lesson if y'all centaurs. I mean it's impossible we ain't there anything in over 14 year.

Hosea walked up and spoke to them.

Hosea: Hey y'all it's me Hosea.

Arthur that boy is Fourteen years old you know and he even looks like you when you was that age.

Arthur shook his head and was about to speak when Duke showed up in the cave.

Duke: Arthur! Hosea! Good Kane your here look y'all meet me at the entrance we got to talk.

Things are about to change and it's gonna be life and death.

I got to keep y'all safe so y'all come on now!

Hosea: What is it now Duke why hear and it better not be more of that prophecy mess.

Duke: Hosea think man think! Centaurs Minotaurs dwarfs Elves you think because they exist that magic don't look I have to do this now for all of you if I don't all of y'all will die a dark dark time is coming and Gabriel Bolton will not be able to fight it.

I dreamed about a Vampire again a good man drove to evil defiled the Temple Jirah And and the sacred cup filled with blood from the hands of the Wolf Statue his eyes glowed blood red and his mouth had fangs then the beast part man part wolf came their where twelve came to trap the monster the man became and Gabriel Bolton was dead!

Hosea interrupted Duke.

Hosea: Duke Holloway! That's just a bad dream Duke there's no such things as Vampires or Werewolves that's just an old story to scare children there's no such Thomas Dracula ether enough is enough.

Duke: Its not a story Hosea it's Prophesy it's going to happen we're here Kane please trust me put a little of your blood in this bottle.

Kane looked up and huffed and let him collect his blood.

Hosea: Oh my God this is so ridiculous.

Duke: Great! Now I need Hogan the minotaur.


Hogan came inside the cave.

Hogan: Yes Master Duke.

Duke: Hey big man look I need a little of your blood in this bottle.

Hogan: Um… Okay here... Um why do you need it?

Duke: To protect y'all.

Arthur: This is Crazy Duke have you lost your mind do you want some of the children's blood now?

Duke: No Arthur I I know you think I'm crazy I'm not and I got what I need!

Hogan: It's ok it's ok here Duke if it help take it.

Hosea: Duke we are starting to worry about you man.

Duke: I'm fine Hosea I'm fine you see.

Kane: Ok Duke now what are you gonna do with that.

Duke: I'm gonna combined it with this.

Duke pulled out a bottle that had dragons blood in it then a long white feather A small bottle of Angle water that's What duke called it but it was water from the crystal river in the Sunny Valley it had the power to protect and heal any wounds or disease most people called it Shalom's Grace.

Duke: The gift from my feathered friends.

Arthur: O what now you seeing Angels and they gave you what fairy dust? Come On Duke you know that's a load of bull!

Duke: Watch Arthur! Please!

Arthur shook his head.

Arthur: Duke? I....

Duke: Please Arther! All of you I know y'all think I'm crazy but I'm not Trouble is Coming and I got to do as I can to save you all Just Like Noah and the Ark but I don't plan on my friends dying and we sure got more then eight.

Arther: Duke I read the Sacred scrolls to man but you going to the extreme on this man.

Duke: Just Watch Arthur! You see something you would never dream of Arthur.

Duke stared putting everything together and when he had it in place he started to pray.

Duke: Jirah My God My Savior please provide us protection we are in need of it now we will be lost unless you have mercy on us please my Lord shine down on us the blood of the centaur minotaur the Angels feather the dragons blood and Angel water please except this and save us!

He began to call every name in the Camp and closed it.

Duke: John and Angela Morgan and me Duke Calloway.

They watched him pray and saw his tears Arthur covered his eyes and said.

Arthur: O My God Why Duke.

Then the earth shook and from the sky what looked like White fire started coming down!

Hosea put his arms on Kane and Arthur's shoulders He almost fell. The Minotaur Hogan kept him up Hosea became a believer at that moment.

Hosea: That was the fire of Salome!

Arthur: What are you Talking about Duke stop!

Duke: I tried to tell y'all. Arthur this is Gods Will.

What looked like a wall of stone was about to close the in except for a doorway That was hold on for John Morgan and his wife Angela they showed up and looked at Duke and said.

John: What is this and what was that bright light coming from the heavens?

Duke: Thats was the fire of Shalom now I'm going in so you can be safe.

John: Wow so you was right all this time!

Duke: It's all about faith my boys my brothers now we can be safe!

Wait a minute.

John who is this?

John: This is one of those Foreigner girls her name is Zoe She was on a chain of a slave master I killed him to save her if I didn't he would have beat her to death and this is Cole Morgan my cousin he's 13.

Duke put his hand over his eyes.

John: I couldn't let that just Happen to them Duke I stand by my decision.

Duke: No no you did what was right John you did what was right i'm proud of you son but I don't know how to save her I called all the names already.

John: Well we got to do something!

Duke: I know I know!

Duke passed back and forth then stopped and looked up at the Heavens again.

Duke: Dear Lord Jirah please hear my cry once again you see the situation of this young child and the little boy please replace my name with hers and add the little child so that she and he may be saved and I will fight to keep them safe!

The door opened for the Zoe and the child went through, The door started to close.

John: Duke no no way no Duke you take my place!

Duke: John you got a family get in there!

Duke pushed John and Angela in and the door started to close once they were in they couldn't get out Arthur John and Hosea was beating on the wall that was invisible they couldn't get through to Duke but they could see and hear him.

Duke: Hosea, Arthur, John, Angela, Hogan, Kane, I Love y'all and always will y'all are safe and when the time is right y'all be free from here I'm sorry for this but it's the only way y'all can live!

Duke turn and walked away the wall turned to stone, Arthur Passed back and forth and yelled:

Arthur: What just happened what just happened!!!!

Kane Hogan get it open get it...

Hosea graved him Arther.

Hosea: Calm down boy calm down he's gone and we're safe that what Duke wanted Arthur!

John: Oh my God Oh my God what have I done!

Hosea: You did what Duke would have done saved someone now you calm down Arthur go check on your son and....

Arthur: He not my....

Hosea: Hush Arthur go see your son Kane go with him John Hogan lets get her and and the child something to eat in fact it's time to get supper ready come on.

Outside the wall of protection Duke and a Angel with the name Gabriel talked with each other.

Duke: So they gonna die in the mountains.

Angel Gabriel: No they will live til the end of the protection which will probably be about a Thousand year form now there it move fast for them but they will notice they ain't getting older wile they in there their immortal now the spell breaks they will have a choice rather to be a vampire or a werewolf however the boys Jacob and Coke are Mages and they will be the key to defeating Wa"ya Der Dunkneth. The Wolf Of Darkness.

Duke: OK good so what now.

Angel Gabriel: Come follow me I'll lead you where you need to go next.

Arther and Kane went back where they left Jacob and saw him holding his mothers letter to Arthur in his hand.

Jacob looked at Arthur.

Jacob: So your my real daddy!

Why you didn't raise me why you ran off?

Arthur: Son I....

Jacob: NO!!! Stop you can't call me that you killed my mother and you was never there for me!

Arthur: I.... Your Mother would have burned alive Jacob!

Jacob: I was about to save her and you stopped me!

Arthur: You would have gotten yourself killed with your momma I didn't know you existed until yesterday and I didn't know you was my son until today!

Hosea: Hey!!! Y'all quit fighting!

Kane come over here Arthur look at this you to boy.

They came and looked.

Hosea: Duke gave me his Journal and look here at the last page he wrote it ten days ago, it says.

I got to get my boys and brothers and sisters safe I got to make sure they stay alive no matter what!

Arthur will soon bring his son up here and then we got to protect the children and keep them hidden from Slaygar we got to keep Slaygar away from our children.

The demon will soon be born his name will terrorize the world forever they will call him Dracula the Angel Gabriel cannot stop Gabriel Bolton one his wife is dead he will give in to evil and he will go too far may Shalom have mercy on Him.

Hosea hold this dear you need it when the wall breaks I probably be dead when you come out but this journal will lead you to my next Journal and you need that Journal to understand the changes you see.

Love Duke

Arthur: Ten days ago you mean he saw me bring my son home? and why keep them away from Slaygar?

Kane: Yes Apparently Slaygar wants to kill them for some reason?

Hosea: We got to keep these boys safe no matter what so until this spell where's off there's nothing we can do but survive we have a whole mountain so we can hunt so we got to survive, this is a magical place Arthur so we must be careful.