
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 2. (Dracula)

Three hundred years later deep deep far in the the Shadow Forest in the black castles the kings chambers a beautiful black haired blue eyed woman named Isabell Bolton was travailing in pain as she was giving birth to her first born child, the queens maid that was there helping deliver the baby held the little child cleaned him up and wrapped him in the blanket.

Isabell: Is the Baby ok Sara?

She spoke exhaustingly.

Sara: Yes it's a boy!

Sara said excited, and gave her the baby.

Isabell: He's So Handsome. Luther come quick see our boy!

King Luther Bolton came in and grabbed his son hugged him.

King Luther: My boy Oh my baby boy.

Suddenly a dark and evil witch named Festus appeared in the room with them she was pure evil.

Festus: Oh! what do we have here aww how sweet the Dark One was finally born He will be called Dracula he will be a terror of this world he will be known all over the nation and he shall live till the end of time his power will come on his thirtieth birthday when he drinks from the cup of Shalom that's full of blood of the wolfs tears no one will stop his destiny he is a warrior of Econdire!

King Luther drew his blade and pointed it to her as he gave the baby back to the mother.

King Luther: You will not take my child and he will not become what you said!!! You will die this night!

Festus: Hahahaha you can't kill me mortal and you can't change what is to come I'm just here to worn you if you don't want that to happen then you must kill the baby you can change prophecy Luther Bolton! Or seek out the skull face man named Slaygar he will gladly take the child and the Prophecy will not come true!

Or should I say. "Your Majesty" hahahaha!

In ten years a day before your wife gives birth to You fourth son you will die and Dracula will be crowned King then time will count down. Hahahahahaha!!!

The said laughing as she disappear.

Luther went to his wife who was weeping and crying out of fear

King Luther: Honey shush it's ok!

Isabell: We'er not calling him Dracula we'er not his name is Gabriel Luther Bolton!

King Luther: Yes That's Beautiful, Gabriel. I like that name. Gabriel.

Years passed and Gabriel had three more brothers Drakeul, Nathen, and Samuel, Then his father got sick Gabriel was ten years old and he was trying everything he could to heal his father he was a mage a healer and he put all his herbs and couldn't stop his father from getting sicker was only able to take the pain away for a wile.

But King Luther got worse and worse.

The King grabbed Gabriel by the arm as he coughed and said.

Gabriel: we got to get you better father I....

King Luther: Gabriel listen it's over there's nothing more you can do.

I feel my body shutting down before I go...

Gabriel: No Father!

King Luther: Shush! Gabriel be strong for your mother and your brothers she's in labor now so you got to be Strong your a good man and you be a good king but I got to tell you something and you got to fight for what's right no matter what!

Your hear me son?

Gabriel: Yes sir.

King Luther: Ten years ago when you was born a witch came and told us that you was the Dark One and you was to be the terror of the world til the end of time and you had a different name but I'm not at all going to speak that name and she said you was to be the warrior of Evondire.

Gabriel: Econdire? The evil prince?

King Luther: Yes son and....

Luther told him all what had happened even to the point where they searched for the good witches mages sorcerers and wizards.

King Luther: They said Love is the first thing that change this fate and they said have more children as many as possible before My death and to surround you with Love and train you to be the best of yourself that love and good will overcome evil.

Gabriel looked at his father he didn't know what to say but he swallowed and said.

Gabriel: I will live to the best of my ability to Love and be good to all.

King Luther: Good now go be with your mother and the child they need you. Huuh....

Gabriel: Father! Father! No Father come back! Father!!!

King Luther died, Gabriel put his head on his fathers chest and wept the tears fell from his face on to his fathers chest.

One of the Priests of Shalom walked up his name was Dagon Gibbs.

Priest Gibbs: My son he's gone I'm sorry for your loss I will prepare his ceremony but you mother gave birth to a son you need to go to her.

Your to be Crowned King after the ceremony Gabriel you have a lot of priorities and obligations that Have to be done be strong King Gabriel.

Gabriel walked to the room his mother was and heard the cry of the baby he opened the doors to see his mom holding the baby boy.

Isabella: Gabriel come see you baby brother! I named him Logan!

Gabriel held his baby brother.

Isabella: He's so handsome and healthy, take him Luther must see his son.

Gabriel looked at his mother and shook his head no words came out his mouth.

Isabella: What? Gabriel what happened?

Gabriel put his head down.

Isabella: No! No! He can't no he can't!

She began to weep, Gabriel gave the baby to Drakeul and hugged his mother as she wept for her husband.

They had the beautiful ceremony for king Luther they buried him in a tomb under the castle.

Seventeen years passed the palace grew and the people where happy everything looked great Gabriel had a beautiful women they got married his it was so beautiful they had two sons identical twins Trevor and Alucard.

The year started off wonderful but then an man named John Bayn a wicked king from the deepest part north he was full of rage and sought nothing but power he attacked Transylvania and declared war against Gabriel, the king caused Gabriel to loose his source for food and he cut his supply of water king Bayn got some men inside Gabriel's city who turned some of the people against Gabriel.

Drakeul: Gabriel my brother what is your plan we have to do something we have to fight against these basters or we going to loose the city!

Samuel: Easy Drakeul getting angry at the King won't fix this.

Nathen: He has a point Samuel we got to do something!

King Gabriel: WEARE!!!! We are.

Gabriel turned around and looked at his brothers.

Gabriel: Tonight we will gather the most faithful soldiers and we will attack and kill that king.

I will not loose this city I will destroy my enemy!

The Priest Gibbs walked up to the war table And looked at King Gabriel.

Priest Gibbs: Your Majesty. Think before you act I pray you. I dreamed of you last night, you was dark cold bitter your eyes were as red as the blood I seen you drink from the cup of Holy water from Shalom's Temple but it was filled with blood blood that came from the wolf's tears.

Gabriel looked at the Priest as did everyone in the room.

Priest Gibbs: King Gabriel I beg you sir be patient don't go wait the Lord will make away and give you Victory!

Please Your Majesty stay they will come to you and the witches prophecy won't come to pass!

If you go out there, My King. The curse will happen three years early!

King Gabriel: Master Gibbs. I will not give in to a witches curse I will not let a curse stop me from protecting my people I will do what has to be down and show them I am not to be played with they will know not to come against me! Like they knew not to come against my father.

Priest Gibbs: My King...

King Gabriel: No Master Gibbs! They killed your son today! It stops now!

The Priest swallowed hard, tears fell from his eyes he didn't know he lost his son last he spoke he sent him to the market to get bread.

Priest Gibbs: How...

He asked his voice shaky.

King Gabriel: They skinned him alive and put him on a spike right out the gate I'm sorry.

Tears fell down his cheeks he walked towards Gabriel. One of the knights put their hand on the Priest shoulder to push him back, the king lift his hand stopping the knight, Gabriel walked to the Priest.

The Priest put both his hands on Gabriel's cheeks.

Priest Gibbs: Gabriel please I beg you my son is dead please heed my warning don't make me loose another son. Listen to me don't go out there bad things will take place if you do!

Gabriel hugged the old priest as he wept over the lost of his son, not knowing that the old man was weeping over him that night was the last night of Gabriel would be a human king.

Later that day just before the king and his twelve knights were going to fight for their land he kissed his wife Hope, and his two sons Trevor and Alucard.

Queen Hope: Here Sweet Husband.

She put a letter in his hand.

Hope: I will be waiting their.

Gabriel: Ok I'll meet you and the kids there.

Logan came running up.

Prince Logan: Brother!

Gabriel: Logan what are you doing?

Logan: Let me fight I can fight!

Gabriel: No Logan you must stay here!

Logan: Brother I can fight I'm not a child I'm seventeen! I killed a Lion and stopped a thief and help put several prisoners back in jail!

Gabriel: I know! That's why I need you here protect my wife and kids stay with them ok!

Please Logan do this for me brother.

Logan didn't like it but he nodded and went and stood by Hope.

They walked out the city Drakeul, Nathen, and Samuel walked side by side with their king brother Gabriel tonight was the night for Victory!

The 12 Knights walked behind them as well as fifteen thousand of the faithful soldiers.

The war began the fight was harsh side by side the Bolton brother's fault side by side and backed to back fighting the enemies as well as the twelve knights who was protecting them they fault and killed many, then faced the face King Gabriel and King Bayn began to fight each other it was a hideous battle Gabriel took a lot of wounds but before it was over King Bayn was on his knees.

King Bayn: You Won but I have brothers and friends they come and avenge me!

You will not stand!

Your own people don't even trust your leadership! Hahaha!

Gabriel swung his sword cutting Bayns head off, he picked up Bayns Crown and handed it to a red haired knight named Andrew Archer, who seemed to loose his helmet during the battle.

Gabriel: Take this that will be one of my trophies.

The Red head Knight Spoke.

Andrew: What about the rest any prisoners?

Gabriel looked at the village that bust still burning and relived walking through and seeing again what they did to those poor people.

He looked at Andrew and said very coldly.

Gabriel: Show no mercy they all will die but slow hang them on a spike and point the towards the village the destroyed and the people the murdered so they see why the dying so painfully!

Andrew Swallowed hard and they all did as they were told and the left back to the city the screaming and pleads for mercy echoed in their ears.

Back at the castle of Transylvania a war broke out Gabriel's soldiers was fighting for their lives against some other soldiers who was turned by the King Bayns men.

Hope Trevor and Alucard was in the Temple of Shalom and the Logan was fighting to protect them Hope was a Mage she used her magic to destroy the last few guards that turned against her, she looked at Logan.

Hope: Logan You Ben and Cole take my Sons and go!!! Go Now!!!

Logan: I can't just Leave you!

Hope: You must Logan protect my babies please!

Logan Ben and Cole took Trevor and Alucard and ran them out of the city they got on their horses and headed south.

Gabriel came and saw what was going on they went and fought killing every betrayer and every last one of Bayns men.

Then Gabriel remembered the note and ran to the temple and when he Got there he saw the Priest Gibbs knelt down by Hope her stomach was carved into with a knife her hands cut off her throat slit.

Gabriel fell beside her.

Gabriel: NO!!!! MY BABY!!!! HOPE!!!! NOOO!

He stood up anger and raged filled him he cursed cursed the temple and the wolves he cursed everything that the temple represented and he pointed at the Priest and yelled!


He cursed the priest.

All the 12 knights stood around him his brothers got between him and the Priest.

Drakeul: Gabriel! What are you doing! It's not his fault!

Samuel: Gabriel calm down you....

Oh My God!

Gabriel turn to see what everyone was looking at and saw the statue of the Wolf of Shalom from its eyes were tears of blood that dropped into the Holy Water cup.

Gabriel was then immediately A trance he walked to the cup.

Priest Gibbs: No! Stop him!

His brothers ran to him and pulled on him he sent them flying back with a wave of his hand.

Nathen: That ain't no magic I ever seen.

Gabriel picked the cup which was full of blood and began to drink it the priest and Drakeul yelled!

Priest Gibbs/Drakeul: Gabriel!!! Noooo!!!!!

Gabriel drunk the cup all of the blood in the cup then the curse happened but three years early.

Gabriel yelled as his body changed and his face went pale and fangs grew in his mouth and his eyes went from a beautiful blue to crimson red.

An Angel of the Lord appeared.

Angel Gabriel: My name is Gabriel I am the Messenger of the Lord you have defiled this temple of the Lord and you cursed the God that created you and came against the church of the most high God you our forever cursed to walk this earth as a monster til the end of time you will bring fear and terror....

The Angel stopped when Drakeul walked up to him, Drakeul look the Angel in the eye fear filled him he trembling knelt down grabbed the Angel by his feet he felt the Archangels Power he spoke his voice shaky.

Drakeul: Please I inquire a audience with the Lord!

Angel Gabriel: You cannot see the Lord you will not survive.

Drakeul: Then please tell him applaud him to have mercy no he didn't show mercy and he did the most worse thing but please I beg you don't let him be damned take me instead give him another chance! Please don't let him be damned!

Drakeul began to weep at the Angels feet,

The Archangel looked at Drakeul was a little fascinated how he a soldier who Stern and cold would be weeping over his brother who did such terrible deed.

Then the Lord Spoke to the Angel.

Angel Gabriel: Gabriel Bolton will still be cursed but there is away that he can redeem himself but he will have to find it but he is forever bound from the temple of the Lord until he redeems himself and only you Brothers can help him find the boy that can change him the boy must become Him and he must become the boy and the certain deeds must be done, only then shall the spirit of your Brother be redeemed however the curse of Your Brother will be on a innocent Christian who will battle to redeem the Spirit of Dracula. Your brother Gabriel's name will change this day he will be known as Dracula the rest of this worlds time!

The brothers looked at each other confused.

The Angel looked at the twelve knights.

Angel Gabriel: From this day till the end y'all are the wolves of Shalom there shall be many of warrior wolves through y'all and y'all will fight against Dracula and all that becomes as he is that choose evil over good and there will come a time where Vampires and Werewolves will join together to fight an even. Greater foe an evil that has been locked away. There will rise a dark mage who will set the dark lord free and become the dark lord this will be the road that may redeem Dracula. But as of now your fight is to get and keep Dracula out of the temple this day!

The twelve Knights became Werewolves the first ever to walk on earth.

The Angel looked at Gabriel.

Angel Gabriel: Take him Out!

The Angel disappeared!

Gabriel attacked the Werewolves and the fight was extremely hideous the werewolves gave a beating but each place they clawed open healed instantly, Gabriel beat them till the turn back in human form his blood was ragging but the. The power hit them and they arose again as the werewolves and begin to drive him out of the temple.

As Gabriel taught them he saw himself in a mirror the monster he became the crimson red eyes sharp fangs pale face the sharp claw like finger nails and at that moment he saw what he done and he saw what he did to the knights and as he saw them in wolf form walking towards him wounded even but still coming he didn't want to hurt them they were his men his people and he was hurting them and he defiled the Lords Temple. He ran out the temple his brothers followed him.

Drakeul: Gabriel! Gabriel.

He turned around quickly he put his hand around his brothers shoulder and with that same hand lifted him off the ground like he was paper without the help of his other hand.

Dracula: My Name Is not Gabriel!!! I am Dracula!

He threw his brother into his other brothers Nathen and Samuel caught Drakeul and the impact knocked them three feet back they pulled themselves up off the ground and they saw his face pale as the dead his eyes which used to be beautiful blue was now bloody red, he spoke again.

Dracula: My name is Dracula every King every army will never dare to attack my country or my family I will crush them and they will know the meaning of fear!!!

Dracula said his blood boiling hot as things were transitioning in his body.

And so the prophecy was fulfilled but three years before the time.

And so fear filled the land the terror of Dracula spread through each city of Transylvania and Castlevania where Dracula's Castle was the place which was beautiful and full of light was now darkened and full of fear.

Three days later at the docks of Dragons Bridge Logan asked Ben and Cole to take his little nephews to a safe place he was going back to his brothers to help fight.

Cole: Logan! Are you crazy man Hope asked you to get Alucard and Trevor to safety man come on with us.

Ben: Yea man we're young we got to get to Safety I must go back make sure it's safe and and send for y'all. And no y'all can't come with me y'all thirteen and fourteen

Ben: No I'm fifteen.

Cole: And I'm two days from Sixteen. And your not seventeen yet your three days from seventeen and Hope asked you to save her nephews!

Logan: And their safe and I know y'all keep them safe now please go!

I will not hear anymore.

And with that Logan turns away from them in the boat and went off towards home with his friends calling for him to come back and to not be stupid, but Logan kept on walking.

Ben spoke.

Ben: Come on Cole he's not gonna listen to us.

They set out for the other side which lead to a country called Albion and to a city called Camelot where King Constantine Pendragon III ruled and Uther Pendragon was a young mighty Prince who had a Amethyst who used a spell to keep him young for a thousand years.

The children would be safe there the Ben and Cole thought.

As for Logan three days passed it was his birthday he turned seventeen and he was not happy for the things he was seeing and home the enemy that attacked the city was outside the gate dead hanging from a spike he heard on of them groan he drew his sword and thrust it through the dying mans heart to end his suffering he heard more, and saw a whole line of them he went by killing them ending their suffering.

Dracula stood in front of his brothers and spoke.

Dracula: No one will dare to attack me now unless they want to die which I'm more then happy to oblige, brothers with this power we're unstoppable I can give you this gift and you can be stronger.

Drakeul: Brother! Listen to yourself this is insane! look at you! this ain't no gift it's a curse! The Father Shalom Cursed you made you a monster, I will not become this thing you are!

Dracula looked at his brother with a elite shock look the laughed mockingly

Dracula: O dear Brother you actually think I'm giving you a choice that's rather cute.

In a flash he grabbed his brother he moved faster then lighting he but Drakeuls neck and began to suck his blood Drakeul went limp almost dead Dracula bit his wrist and let the blood poor down to Drakeuls lips then Drakeul died.

Samuel turn to run out the door, Dracula flicked his hand and the door slammed shut in his face Dracula grabbed him and done the same thing to Samuel as he did Drakeul.

And Nathen tried to fight Dracula but failed and suffered the same fate.

Dracula took a towel and wiped his mouth and turned around to see Logan looking straight at him fear hit him hard he watched his brother suck the blood from his other two brothers.

Logan: Gabriel what....

Dracula: Hush now Logan they be back and my name is no longer Gabriel it's Dracula.

Logan: What Happened to you what did you do what did you become?

Dracula: It's a gift Logan and I can give it to you and you never be weak again!

Logan: No!!! Your a Monster you are not my brother I don't want your gift!

Logan turned and walked outside straight into Dracula's arms.

Fear jumped in Logan's chest his heart started beating very fast.

Dracula embraced him with a loving hug put his cheek to his brothers in a gentle hug.

Dracula: Easy brother I hear your heart beating way too fast trust me you be way stronger.

Dracula pulled Logan back in the door and closed it then bit his neck as Logan screamed.

Logan: Noooo! brother!!!! Noooo! Please!!!! Noooo!

Logan died with the blood of Dracula running through his vainest and Dracula's blood was very powerful.

Dracula put his brothers in three tombs and closed them up and said.

Dracula: In Three days they will be reborn more powerful then before.

Three nights past and Dracula's brothers came out of their tombs.

Logan: I refuse to be evil!

His eyes red as blood face pale white he looks and his brothers.

Drakeul: We all refuse be evil!

Nathen: Lets remove the World of this year of Dracula!

Samuel: I Agree!

Suddenly and Angel appeared it was Gabriel again.

Angel Gabriel: No harm can be done to Dracula. Like you he is immortal and will forever be so as for you friends your decisions and Trevor and Alucards decisions will be the results of Dracula's salvation or his soul forever damned.

Now go you are the Guardians of Shalom save the world from your brothers wrath and hunger and save your brother.

The Angel disappeared Logan up looked and said to his Brothers.

Logan: Y'all go I'm going to Dracula!

Samuel: Little brother you can't.

Logan: Yes I have to!

Logan went out to find his brother.

He found his brother in the Castle sitting on his throne with a golden cup full of fresh blood.

Dracula: Logan! How's my baby brother? You looking handsome.

Logan: Dracula I will not follow you I will not be evil...

Dracula: Brother I'm not evil! I did what I had to do!...

Logan: Shut up Brother look at yourself look what you become look at the hideous mess you done at front gate half of them was still alive!

No brother there's nothing you can say or do to get me to follow you!

You can burn in Harcarsh with the devil!

But as long as I can breath you never see your children again.

Logan walked out the door and flew like lightning towards Albion and to the city Camelot he was going to do all he could to make sure those baby boys never be in reach of Dracula.

Ben and Cole made it into Albion and got off at the docks in at a small village of Noplend.

No sooner then they showed up Dracula walked the land. Cole was looking at the beautiful land, Ben spoke.

Ben: Cole this is so beautiful!

Cole: Yes it is!

Dracula: So glad to see my little brothers friends are keeping my two boys safe.

They both turned around and saw their King they heard the rumors that spread about the good Great King Gabriel turned to an evil monster known as Dracula, when they saw him fear hit them their kings face was Pale white hair to his shoulders his eyes bloody red his fingernails were like claws and talons.

Cole: My King Gabriel...

Dracula: Stop! My name is Dracula!

You two kept my children alive for that I'm grateful but Logan will soon join you and I must show him something when he finds you you be dead and the message will be clear of what I can do, and when you come back as the same as he is he realize I could have kept you both dead!

In a flash he rushed at Ben but His neck drained his blood and gave him his blood forcing him to swallow it then he broke his neck.

Cole seen what happen drew his sword and attacked Dracula yelling at him for killing his best friend.

Dracula drew his sword blocking Coles blade and he played with Cole speaking to him as each time the blades met.

Dracula: Cole don't take it personal boy, it has to be this way.

Cole: You killed my Brother.

Dracula: And your next it has to be this way and o yes y'all thank me later.

Cole: Do you hear your self Dracula or who ever you are now your killing your own!

Dracula thrust his sword into Coles chest and pulled it out, Cole dropped his sword and feeling the life drain drone him as he felt Dracula bite his neck and drink his blood, Cole pulled away fast Dracula held his weak body closer to him Cole was getting weaker by the second, Dracula bit his wrist and forced Cole to open his mouth and the blood poured in Cole spit it out and Dracula did it again and Cole tried to resist but Dracula covered his mouth with his hand Cole kicked and and tried to get away he died with Dracula's blood in his mouth the blood went down his throat and spreading through his veins.

Dracula heard his sons crying he went and picked them up.

Dracula: Hush now it's ok they both be back watch them and watch Logan. Logan needs to learn you can't take my sons from me and not get away with it.

Dracula laid his children down and put them to sleep and Logan came and saw what Dracula did to his friends he fell to his knees and wept.

Logan: No!!! Nooooo!!!!!

He heard Cole gasp air and he rose up quickly as did Ben they both were now vampires their eyes bloody red as Dracula's and Logan's was.

Logan: What No! I'm sorry I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Dracula laughed.

Dracula: Well now sense everyone is up and doing good let's have a talk about my children!

Logan: Brother why did you do this?!?

Dracula: Because I can and you learn to love it!

Now as for my sons you should know better then to try to keep my children away from me.

Y'all will protect my children and y'all find a good family for them and let them be raised by a mother and father and you protect them.

Yes I'm not crazy look at me I know I can't raise my children alone don't ever try to keep them away from me?

Dracula asked with a crazed look on his face, he shook his head and spoke.

Dracula: take my kids to King Arther and Queen Guinevere make sure their safe.

Cole: Um King Gabriel...

Dracula looked at him with a cold glare.

Cole: Dracula Sorry. Um their is no King Arther Or a Queen Guinevere.

Dracula put his head down confused he started having visions that morning and he was have more he shook his head again.

Dracula: Right King Constantine III

Uthers Pendragon is not born yet.

Take my sons to Constantine.

Logan: Dracula are you ok?

Dracula: Shut up and Go!!!

In smoke he disappeared from them.

Logan covered his face and shook his head and looked at the children sleeping and he looked at his friends and said.

Logan: Ben, Cole, I'm sorry I'm sorry he did this to you.

Ben: It's ok Logan. But we need to figure out what to do to keep Trevor and Alucard safe.

Logan: Your right well let's go to Camelot.

Cole: I'm so thirsty. I... I want blood!

Logan's thirst hit him to as well as Bens.

Ben: Logan the babies.

A mage appeared he was old his hair and beard was long and white his name was Amorous.

Amorous: Logan Bolton Son of Luther Bolton the Vampire that will save Emyrs and Merlin and set them on their paths to their destiny.

Logan, Ben, and Cole, looked at the mage their mouth was open the smelt his blood and he looked like food to them.

Amorous pulled out three big water bags that were full of blood.

Amorous: Here drink and get your strength there's much you have to learn.

And let's get the little ones to a good home.