
(HP X MCU) Multiversal Adventure : World Outside Hogwarts

This story is a meta story that i decided to write after the boring same fan-fics. everyone has a overpowered talent or system that helps them. in this story, the MC has no special talent or system. The story is realistic and grounded. The MC has to put effort to gain something. And things have to make sense to happen. There is a lot of details be it about science or programming. and people talk. Finally, the MC does not just want to be stronger for no reason. He would much rather be watching TV then fighting a dragon as it is dangerous and because THATS WHAT A NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN WOULD . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MC transmigrates into another world. But there was an error, so he did not die and later finds out that the one he calls his brother was supposed to be him. This error made his system nonfunctional. The MC lived until he was 15 when he found out that the world was the Harry Potter world all along. Hogwarts letter came not for him but for his brother. When the MC was alone, he got contacted by a mysterious man and got the power to travel to the MCU. When the MC goes to the MCU to become strong, he finds that there the Harry Potter movie here had his brother as a character. The MC realizes He was an extra in a HP fanfic movie all along. Join him in his exploration of the world outside Hogwarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention- #This will not have harem and 18+. # The story will be more like a slice of life adventure and action combined type of story. # MC will not be OP #System will only be his phone with few functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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34 Chs

Chapter 6: Finally, something happened(Edited)

Auther's notes- I am writing this at the top to tell you that I will be changing the name of this series soon, so any ideas will be welcomed. Also, please comment on the story. Good, bad, anything. Your feedback will really help.

I was reading a fan-fic called Magical Marvel and I just wanted to ask, is OP Protagonist really entertaining? In the story, the MC becomes OP in chapter 2 and an IMMORTAL in Chapter 6, and Omnipotent in chapter 12. Still, people love it.

Anyway, the next chapter will be an important one as a lot will be revealed, so thank you for reading. Enjoy.


[Rohan's POV]

Honestly, I used to like Harry Potter. I wasn't a huge fan, but I would watch the movies when they aired on TV. I remember watching the first four parts on TV, but then I stopped, mostly because i could never find them on TV. As I got older and had more free time and internet, I decided to finish the story, so I got all the movies and started watching them again.

But as I watched, more and more questions popped into my head. Many things just didn't make sense at all. For example, the time-turner was introduced and then completely ignored as if it never existed. Harry was portrayed as being wealthy, yet he never seemed to use his money to help the struggling Weasley family and other inconsistencies kept bothering me. Anyway, I still watched the entire series, but the ending completely ruined it for me. Harry Potter killed Voldemort, and they all lived happily ever after. What the hell was that? I was furious.

What bothered me the most was that all the world-building in the series hinted at a conservative community, and Voldemort was presented as a byproduct of that system, eventually becoming a symbol of it. So killing him should have meant the downfall of the old wizarding world system. However, the story never explored how the wizarding world changed after Voldemort's defeat. It was a huge disappointment. I eagerly waited for "The Cursed Child" to be released, hoping to find out what happened next, but guess what? Harry is now just an overworked employee at the Ministry of Magic, while Hermione becomes the Minister and implements new laws. But the underlying system remains unchanged. I was fed up with this nonsense and pushed Harry Potter to the back of my mind.

After many years, the Fantastic Beasts movies were released, and I became curious again to explore the wizarding community in America. However, my interest quickly waned when I saw that Porpentina, whom Newt had saved from execution, was seemingly "happy" to get her job back at MACUSA, the very organization that had tried to kill her just days ago. It was evident that something was seriously wrong with the author's thinking.

When I got home, I went online and did some research. Eventually, I concluded that J.K. Rowling was indeed a neoliberal and believed that the system was never to blame. According to her, it was always the individuals in power who were responsible. This perspective could be seen in Harry Potter, where slavery was portrayed as not inherently bad; only the slave owners were condemned. The Ministry of Magic was not depicted as inherently corrupt; it was the Minister who was held accountable. I also shared my views online, but all I received were hate messages dismissing my concerns, saying it's just a children's book. And to some extent, they were right. So, I forgot about it and moved on.

But I never expected that I would somehow enter a fictional world, and that world would be none other than goddamn Harry Potter. It's been over 25 years since I watched the movies, and I can hardly remember anything about them, except for how much I despised them. Damn it!


[1 September 1991] [London]


It was early morning, and I sat at my desk, diligently jotting down everything I could remember about Harry Potter. This had become my daily ritual since discovering the truth about this world. However, I struggled to recall many details, particularly from the earlier parts of the story, which was quite frustrating.

Today was the day Chris would leave for Hogwarts. He had been brimming with excitement the previous day, so much so that he couldn't sleep at night. All I knew was that Voldemort would attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone this year, and the golden trio would save it. I had no idea if Chris would somehow get involved in the events or not, and even if he did, I felt utterly helpless. I wanted to tell him several times over the past month, but I lacked the courage to do so.

In the past month, our family had visited Diagon Alley multiple times. Chris was thrilled, while Ela, my sister, was both curious and a bit fearful. Just last week, we had held Ela's wedding ceremony, and we had planned to keep the existence of magic a secret from her new husband. As far as they were concerned, Chris was simply going to a boarding school in Scotland.

Lost in thought, I glanced at my desk clock. It was already 8 am, and it was time to wake up Chris. I went to his room and gently urged him, "Hey, wake up! We're going to be late."

Startled, Chris jolted out of bed, displaying his enthusiasm.

"I've already prepared the bath for you. Go wash up and get ready. I'll prepare breakfast. Join me when you're done," I instructed, pointing towards the bathroom as I left his room. He hurriedly made his way to the bathroom.

Now, it was just the two of us in the house. Ela had moved in with her new husband. Initially, she didn't want to leave us alone, but both Chris and I convinced her to do so. She had done so much for us, and it was time for her to live her own life. Nevertheless, she still visited us every day.

I had always enjoyed cooking. It was an old hobby of mine, although it may have contributed to my weight gain. But aside from that, I took pride in preparing delicious meals. By the time I set up the table, Chris had joined me. He wore a thin blue shirt with brown pants, his blond hair neatly combed, and his face flawless. If he wanted, he could easily pursue an acting career. He helped me set the table, and we engaged in conversation, knowing that this would be our last time together like this.

"Have you finished packing?" I asked as we began eating.

"Yes, I did it yesterday and double-checked before going to bed," Chris replied excitedly.

"Good! We'll leave in about an hour or so, then."

I paused and looked at him, assuming a serious tone. "Listen, I've asked around in Diagon Alley, and if what I heard is true, the wizarding world can be a dangerous place. So, I need you to be careful."

Chris simply nodded, seemingly not taking the warning too seriously.

Sighing, I continued, "Okay, I'm going to give you a few rules to follow. Please do it for me, even though I can't explain why." Since I couldn't reveal the truth to him, I devised a set of rules to indirectly protect him.

Curiously, Chris looked at me and asked, "Rules?"

"Yes, remember these:"

"1. When in an unfamiliar environment, gather as much information as possible and adapt.

2. Don't trust anyone blindly. Just because someone is nice to

you doesn't mean they have good intentions.

3. Always plan ahead, even up to plan E. E stands for escape.

4. Know your enemies and strike them where it hurts."

"That's it," I concluded.

Chris looked at me for a moment and burst into laughter. "Haha, brother! I'm going to school, not a warzone. Why are you being so paranoid? It's not like you at all."

"I'm just worried about you. You still don't know what lies beneath the enchantment of magic. Anyway, please take care of yourself, okay?"

We soon finished our breakfast, and it was time to leave for King's Cross Station. Just then, I heard a car horn outside. I opened the door and saw Ela in her car; she would be driving us there.

"You're late," I remarked to Ela. She wore a red dress and red sunglasses.

"I know, I know. There was a traffic jam," she replied.

"Whatever, let's go already!" Chris emerged from the house with his belongings, growing increasingly restless.

And so, our journey began.

It took about an hour to reach the station. We unloaded Chris' things and set out to find Platform 9¾.

"Brother, where is the platform?" Chris grew anxious after searching around platforms 9 and 10.

"Look for children with similar luggage to ours. They might be invisible to us, but you'll be able to see them. We'll just ask them," I suggested.

"Brother, you're a genius!" Chris exclaimed and started scanning the surroundings. I grinned, knowing that I was merely replicating how Harry had found his way. I couldn't claim any genius for myself.

"I think I found someone!" Chris ran towards a red-haired woman and a little girl. We followed him and saw him talking to them. Subconsciously, I scanned the area around them, likely affected by the notice-me-not charm I had seen in the movies.

As we approached, Chris introduced us, "Hello, nice to meet you." We greeted them as well.

Damn! I had met the Weasleys, which meant I just missed Harry Potter. Surprisingly, they looked just like their movie counterparts.

"Do you really know how to get to the platform?" Ela inquired with skepticism.

Molly, the red-haired woman, pointed towards a nearby wall and replied, "Oh, it's right there. He just needs to run through the platform walls, but you all can't go any further."

I hugged Chris tightly and said, "This is goodbye, then. Be careful and remember what I told you." Ela hugged him too and bid her farewells. We watched Chris vanish into the wall. We said our goodbyes to Molly and left the station.

Ela suggested that I come over to her place, but I declined. I arrived home, and it was quiet once again. I was alone. Ela had a new life ahead, and Chris had found his calling. I was the only one left. What was I to do? It wouldn't be truthful to say that I wasn't jealous of Chris. After all, I was in a magical world with no magic. But then again, I wasn't meant for this world, so it was understandable. I sat on the couch and watched TV until I drifted off to sleep.



I had a strange dream while I slept. All I could see was fog surrounding me as I walked. Eventually, I heard someone whistling and followed the sound. It led me to a clearing where a man sat on a cloud, wearing a black cloak. He was cross-legged, whistling and tapping his foot. When he noticed me, he stood up and looked at me. everything was like a dream, i knew he had a face, with two eyes a nose and a mouth but i still could not picture the face in my mind. it was really strange. as if he had a blurry face.But not.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you," he said.

"Is this it? Am I finally going to get my gold finger?" I asked eagerly, excited that something was happening at last.

The man, wearing a black mask, looked at me and nodded. "Haha! Yes, you could say that."

He didn't say anything more and just said that he had two choices for me. Either I could live a normal life in this world, but he would have to remove all my Harry Potter knowledge. Or I could learn the truth and become strong, but I would have to face a coming storm.

"Why are you giving me choices? Are you Morpheus from the Matrix?" I teased him, making a reference.

The man seemed taken aback by my bluntness. He thought for a moment and then snapped his fingers, causing a bright light to blind me. When my vision returned, I found myself in a dark room, sitting in a red chair. The man was sitting in front of me on an identical red chair. I could hear rain falling outside the windows. To my surprise, I realized I was in the room from the Matrix where Neo met Morpheus.

"Do you like it now?" the man asked, pulling out two pills—one red and one blue. "The blue pill is if you want to live a normal life. The red pill is for the truth, but be careful, there's danger ahead on this path far greater. Now, choose quickly. I don't have all night."

As I thought about my decision, he reminded me that the blue pill would only remove my Harry Potter knowledge, leaving my memories intact so i could lead my normal 'isekai' life if i wanted. The red pill, on the other hand, would show me the truth but also have unknown consequences.

Considering my options, I realized I had the means to live a good life without any special powers. But my main concern now was the safety of my family. I wanted to help Chris myself and not rely on him to save me. I asked if they would be okay if I chose to live a normal life.

The man couldn't predict their future but explained that if I chose a normal life, I wouldn't have the power to change their fate. I would have to let things happen as they would.

Feeling like there was no real choice, I knew I had to pick the red pill. I as a pessimist was not someone who ever left anything to chance, it wasn't an option for me. I believed in taking control of as many factors to ensure my success.

The man hummed, acknowledging my determination. "There is always a choice. No one is making it for you. This is YOUR choice. Now, what will you choose?"

With my hands up, I reached for the red pill and put it in my mouth.

"By the way, what should I call you?" I asked as I swallowed the pill.

He thought for a moment and then replied, "Just call me Morpheus."