
Food fight!

~Cristians POV

We teleported to the basket area.


"No targets within the 20m radius" he answered

"Alright guys grab a basket and get ready" but spatial awareness is pretty handy huh, let's try learning it, using the Sharingan I then tried to copy how Luke was using his mana, it seems, that he surrounds himself with mana to act as a receiver and he then sends out mana in regular intervals in a circular fashion. Easy, let's give it a try. Hmm harder than it seems, well I'll stop right there cuz its show time. We then grab ahold of Luke again and leap in the designated area


"4 targets in front 6 at the back about 10m" Luke quickly replied

"Go guys go. I got the back" I urge them while gripping my halberd tightly and rushing towards the zombies. Well, I think they hang one let me see.


(Basic undead. Lvl 3-5)

"Shit! Guys be careful they maybe 5 levels above us" I called out while slashing as hard as I could towards the coming zombie, aiming at its neck and successfully beheading off the head off, of the zombie killing it instantly.

[10 xp obtain, 80 more to level]

'That surprisingly easy, well maybe I was right and their head is their weak point' I thought

"Aim for their heads!" I called out as I dodge to the left as a zombie tried dive tackling me. Successfully dodging its tackle, and with the zombie now on the ground. I then 'blink' above it stabbing down on its head as I land.

[10 xp obtain, 40 more to level]

'Fuuu 2 down, oh looks the party feature is working huh? excellent' I thought, clenching my halberd tightly, as It appears that 4 zombies caught up with each other and planned to attack at the same time.

'This is gonna be challenging' I said to myself when a smooth sounding voice sounded out behind me.

"I summon Luster dragon in attack mode! and use the spell card fireball at the zombie on the right. That ends my turn" Annie called out as she summoned a waist height blue lizard and a head size fireball which successfully hitting the head of the zombie killing it immediately.

'Wait was that Yugioh just now? That's op as fuck' I thought as the pressure lessens on me as the blue lizard starts helping me in dealing with them, tackling bitting and throwing them around, basically treating those poor zombies as chew toys.

Finishing off the zombies quicker than I thought it would, but now thinking about it. It was only accomplished, because of two important factors 1. being that blue lizard, which I shamelessly used as a meat shield and 2. That all creature below godhood doesn't possess an hp bar, so hotting their weak points will kill them instantly.

After the kills, I finally managed to level up.

[Level 1 reach! Congrationsu! +10 to all stats]

"Haha, nice! feel 2 times stronger!" I then walked towards Annie, planning to tease her for that timely save.

"Thanks for saving me my love, phew just a few moments late and you not would've been a future widow," I said as took an advantage of Annie's shyness. Hastily, pulled her body into his arms and hugged it.

"Ah!" Annie moaned in surprise. As she realises what I was doing to her, indulging myself on her soft body that I couldn't get enough of, I took it a step further and gave her a kiss on the cheek.


Annie widened her eyes in shock. Her watery eyes were filled with agitation and shyness, However, she seems lacked the energy to resist. Her entire body softened in my embrace. As I looked into Annie's teary eyes, I realise that I took it a bit too far, smiling awkwardly I coerce softly, "Alright, alright, Its ok don't cry, I'm stopping now ok, you may slap me later tonight I promise. Now let's dry up those there's before the other see, especially that bitch, wouldn't my ears bleed if she catches me bullying you?." I joked trying to cheer her up while wiping her teary eyes with my thumbs.

There you go, all pretty again" I flashed her a well-practised smile that I've been working in front of the mirror for years.

"fufufu, whats this I didn't know our Annie was this bold?"

"Hehe I knew, you had it in you broski! But still in the middle of a battlefield huh? classic!"

"See how ill take care of you later! Idiot"

Smiling awkwardly as I faced them, I thought hard of how I should reply when suddenly a cute sounding yell sounded out below me. " Don't interrupt us, you idiots! he was just getting to the good part!..... I meant ...uuuu" Annie cried out but seems to realise what she's done and blushed hard while burying her head in my chest as deeply as she could. '....was that just a verbal tick? Kawaii! as fuck'

Trying to defuse the awkwardness I called out commands

"Alright, Let's focus and not get distracted from our main objective," I said shamelessly

"Go get as much as you can carry and hand them to me"

"Let's talk about us tonight oke, Annie?" I whispered in her ear softly. And acknowledging what I said she rubbed her head up and down against my chest and pushed herself out of my embrace, then proceeded to collect toiletries. Now free, I jumped up as high as I could and blinked the missing distance successfully landing on the top shelves. Without hesitations, I grab the boxes of stocks and put them in the realm. Just like that we completely ransacked the whole aisle within 5 minutes.

"Nice work guys. Now to the meat section" as said as we got ready to teleport. Ohh yeah by the way within those 5 minutes, I got the hang of that 'spatial awareness skill by closely watching Luke use it. This is how it looks:

[Spatial Awareness] [Lv. 1]-[max lv10] .The user is able to perceive the spatial distances: the dimensions (length, width and height), distances between objects, shapes and sizes of things, etc. They can discern how far away something is and the exact measurements of the proportions of an object. Passive skill. The range is 40m]

'hehe, but I heard from Luke that he can only sense up to 20m. That lying weebo, see how this daddy will expose you tonight kuhuhu'

"5 behind us 3m, 10 on the left 15m, 15 on the right 20m" Luke without being asked quickly informed us, without needing to ask. I used the same skill and showed the got info, but he missed out that there was a party of 5, 10m away from towards left zombie pack about to confront them. And a party of 4

"Forget about the zombies on the left and right, just focus on getting the meat. Especially you girls, really pay extra attention when handling that meat ahahaha," I said jokingly as I unsheathed my katana and rushed towards the zombies behind us. Dashing towards a zombie, I prepared to thrust out my sword, then blinked behind it stabbed out aiming for its head, killing it instantly. Not wasting a second, I then eyed another zombie and blinked again, this time above it. Without missing a beat I slash at its head and surprisingly split it in half with my newfound strength. Finding the last zombies and ready to blink towards it, but I came out disappointed as I found out that it was already killed by a coin size hole on its head. Looking at back at who shot it I found luke wielding his one of his pistols.

[30 xp obtain, 270 more to level]

"Killstealer!" I called out Luke while walking back and helping collect the meat. Finished collecting a quarter of an aisle worth of meats. 'alright, they should be finishing up soon, let's see there's 7 zombies left on the right, 4 on the right, as for the party of humans, they either died or retreated.

"Alright, guys lets try to kill those zombies left over, I got the right, Ems you follow me. Remember no more than 10 paces away from Luke."

How was the fight scene, guys? lol, hope it wasn't that bad. Also guys please try to leave feedback or reviews on what I could do better or what you hate about the story, as I really have no idea how I'm going right now lol.

Anyways thanks for reading.

PopcornBrocreators' thoughts