
(dropped. not interested)

what would happen when a simple mortal wakes up in a plane crash and now has to play through all those games? i do not own any of the games listed. i will take credit for this idea because i haven't seen any of these ideas. .

Scathach_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

chapter 4

"what can I do with this one, Aphrodite, SHE WONT STAY STILL. I want to make them look beautiful, but they always turn out wrong...." this guy was a complete psychopath.

he began shooting at me and I dove for cover. he seemed tanky and I tackled him before shoving my shotgun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.

I looked around and found a safe I hacked into that was full of med kits. On the desk were a couple of rounds of ammunition that I gladly took.

I came back the way I came and killed a couple of splicers that charged at me with wrenches.

a couple of bullets and they weren't going to be charging anyone.

I passed by and saw that the door that was locked earlier was open. that robot flew away on fire and I noticed the girl.

I walked inside and pointed my pistol at the splicer.

"one more step and I'll shoot," I said putting myself between the girl and the splicer.

she tried jumping at me and I shot her straight in the head.

I walked to the girl and I saw two things above her head.


"Don't worry little on I won't harm you,"

I picked rescue and put my hand on her forehead and withdrew the Adam.

I went to the gatherings garden and saw options.

[enrage: 60 Adam

armored shell: 20 Adam

eve link: 20 Adam

health upgrade: 80 Adam

eve upgrade: 80 Adam]

I bought the armored shell and eve link. once decreases physical damage and the other gives me eve when using med kits.

now I had 40 Adam and I don't regret my choice. harming children is a big no-no, to me.

I walked through the door and continued walking forward, unaware of where to go.

"oh shit," I said getting flung by a big daddy.

I was flung to a wall angry. I got up and rolled to the side and used my shotgun and shot the big daddy.

it died in 4 shots and once again I got the option.


I rescued her and got more Adam. sadly my wallet couldn't hold any more money so I had to leave it behind.

I went back to the gatherings garden and bought the eve upgrade for 80 Adam leaving me with 40 eve.

I made my way back to the emergency access and the splicer set a trap for me.

I used telekinesis and threw the bomb back at the guy and activated the emergency access control.

I entered the door that opened with my pistol out just in case.

I pulled the lever and I was taken to Neptune's bounty.

"hn," I snorted.

I picked up some ammo and continued up the ruined pathway.

I saw a lady's shadow and I knew it was going to happen again.

"I need an exorcist," I said walking forward.

I opened the two doors and saw a big daddy and shocked him with electricity and shot him until he died.

when I rescued her a Dr appeared on the radio and told me she had a gift for me.

I searched for the gift she left and it was

[200 Adam

hypnotize big daddy

12 armor piercing rounds]

with Adam, I bought a plasmid slot, a health upgrade, another plasmid slot, and a machine buster.

I sighed and continued and knocked with my wrench before being told to F off.

then I had to find a camera to take pictures of the spiderman splicer.

I saw some proximity mines and knew that I was going to be in a difficult situation right now.

I ran into a different big daddy and shocked him before shooting him with the shotgun.

I rescued the little sister as well. whoever would Harvest them were monsters.

I broke a locked door and continued onwards and immediately got shot by turrets so I aimed my pistol at it and destroyed it.

there was a prison area and I used the toilet there. hey when duty calls, you answer.

I checked some hidden rooms and found a grenade launcher.

I just knew it was going to be overpowered.

I made my way into the interrogation room and a plasmid and a man were singing about Jesus.

"Jesus is da homie. he protects me too," I said as the man banged his head against the wall and he fell dead on the floor.

I took a picture of the splicer and it said that its weakness was antipersonnel bullets.

I had 70 of them.

the wall blew up and a splicer was set on fire before I continued my journey.

I have a pathway leading right and left. I chose right since right is always the right way.

I killed the splicer and the spider splicer before going to the left side where all the action was.

doors... I don't know how many I've been through, but I got lots of ammo for doing so.

after taking a photo of all the splicers I made my way back to the door. before going I hide a pistol in my pants and entered.

luckily I did because he had me get rid of my weapons, and down here I trusted no one but myself.

when I entered my vision began getting icy and I knew it was a trap.

I pulled out the pistol I hid in my pants and began

shooting the splicer.

I fought my way through and collected my weapons once again.

a weapon upgrade...

shotgun all the way. it's was op of a weapon.

... the ghost lady returned.

... and I made it to the smuggler's hideout.


hope you enjoyed it.