
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
159 Chs

The tiring 13th floor(corrected)

"So Prince, where would you like to stop?" - Tiona asked, as they went down to the dungeon.

"Let's see… I think I'd like to spend some time on the 12th floor. I haven't moved too much these days, so I need to warm up, plus I need to see what it's like to fight now that I'm level 2. It looks like it won't be much fun for you. " -Mark replied.

"No problem and it's better if I don't try too hard before the next exploration." -Tiona calmly replied.

They had arrived at the dungeon fairly quickly and in no time had already reached the stairs on the 10th floor and after walking through them, Mark looked at the 10th floor, now intact, with interest.

"It's kind amazing that this place was on fire a few days ago."

"The resilience of the dungeon is always amazing." - Tiona nodded.

Walking a little longer, he managed to detect two monsters, but before he could move, Tiona had already charged and killed them with two punches.

"Couldn't you have left me at least one?" - Mark asked with a sigh.

"Hehe I'll be more careful next time." -Said Tiona scratching her head.

After the warning, he detected three other monsters, which turned out to be three orcs. He drew his sword and charged the monster. Before one of the orcs could even notice Mark, it was torn in two.

"...What was that speed?" -He thought in amazement.

He had been so fast, that when he killed the monster, he slid a few meters across the ground, leaving a groove.

'Besides, I didn't feel the slightest friction.' - He thought as he looked at the sword in his hand. While he was distracted by these facts, the orcs got close enough to him.

'They are so slow.' - He thought bored.

Before the monster's fists hit him, he ducked down and split both monsters from their side.

"So that's the strength of a level two." -Said Mark satisfied while clenching his fist.

"Nonono, it is not at all the strength of an adventurer who has recently risen to level 2." - Tiona strongly denied.

She remembers well when she first leveled up and the improvements it brought about, but it wasn't at such an absurd level.

"No need to flatter me, well let's continue." - Mark said turning around.

"... Mine was not a flattery." -Said Tiona, as she followed him.

The rest of the monsters were handled smoothly by Mark. The speed of his movements was such that it was impossible for the monsters of the upper floors to react. Seeing how much Mark was enjoying himself, Tiona also decided to hunt.

The fighting had also been easy on the 12th floor, and when he decided to continue to the next floor, he saw an armored ball approaching.

"Oh, a hard armored is approaching." -Said Tiona as she put her hand like a sunshade.

"Could you leave him for me? I want to try something. " -Mark asked her.

Nodding at his words, Tiona stepped aside. At that point, Mark got into position while he waited for the monster to arrive. In the past he had killed the monster with his piercing magic, now he wanted to see what it could do with just his sword.

Meanwhile, the monster was getting closer and closer, and when it was just a few feet away from him, Mark made his move. He moved slightly to the side and then turning on himself, he thrust the sword exactly in the center of the ball, killing the monster and turning it into a mass of smoke.

'Clap clap'

"It was a nice move, it seems you took some techniques from my sister." -Said Tiona complimenting him.

Mark's move might be simple in her eyes, but if she compared her from the past to Mark, she probably wouldn't have been able to do it that easily.

"Your sister taught me some tricks, but her fighting style isn't right for me, she's too reckless." -Said Mark.

While he liked Tione's free and agile style, she had one problem, and that was that she didn't consider defense much. Her method of attack consisted of defeating the opponent as soon as possible, even if it meant taking damage. Obviously, this style of fighting did not suit Mark, who always kept 'limit break' active during the fights.

'Should I ask Aiz to fight me? Perhaps with her, I could increase my mastery with the sword. "- Mark thought carefully.

"So what do we do, stay or go to the 13th floor?" - Tiona asked, making him resume.

"I think we can continue, I have already researched the type of monsters present." -Mark replied.

He went to the 13th floor once before and must say that the size of the floors starting on the 13th becomes seriously massive. In addition, problematic monsters begin to emerge, such as hellhounds, almiraj, monsters similar to rabbits but could reach level 2 of danger if they were in a group, and the dungeon worm that attacks you from under the ground. Furthermore, there was to consider the fact that the spawn of monsters increased dramatically.

As soon as they got downstairs, Mark turned serious. Even though Tiona was present, he still didn't want to rely too much on her and it didn't take long for the monsters to arrive.


10 wolves with red fur were approaching at great speed not far from them.

"Shall we do half and half?" - Tiona asked quietly.

"Ok." - Nodding at her words, he charged towards the hellhounds, who when they saw him approaching, started firing flames.

"Compared to that dragon, your flames are poor matches!" -Mark shouted coldly, as he moved constantly.

When he got close enough, he blocked a hellhound who tried to bite him, and with a hammer kick, he crushed it to the ground. Meanwhile, another tried to scratch him, but Mark shifted slightly and cut it. The remaining three hellhounds, who were slightly behind, launched another blaze.

Seeing the incoming shot, he jumped back, but the heat of the explosion hit him anyway, but he didn't seem to have any problems.

'It seems that the fireproof effect of this armor does a good job.' -He thought, as he charged the monsters again, which he killed in three quick swings.

After killing the hellhounds, he quickly rolled to one side, as a huge rock-covered worm with a mouth full of sharp teeth came out of the ground, then plunged again.

Rising to his feet again, he was forced to jump back, as the worm had once again positioned itself under him attacking him, but as before he was quick enough to dodge it. The monster dived into the ground, ready to attack Mark again, seeing that it had failed.

Seeing the monster disappear, Mark took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on 'monster detection'. When he sensed that the monster was under him and was about to attack him, he took a small sidestep, and the moment the monster came out, he held his sword ready, completely tearing the worm that came out of the ground.

"Fuuu it was really true that I relied too much on magic." - Mark thought as he breathed.

Usually, he would use 'flashbang' to blind monsters to kill them more easily or hit them from a distance, but now that he always had to use the sword, he was starting to feel the difficulty.

"Good fight, but the fun isn't over yet." - Tiona laughed, as she pointed to a group of rabbits that approached hopping.

Many would think they were cute, but you would change your mind the moment you see their fangs and the fact that they were carrying stone axes.

"This floor is hell." -Said Mark getting back into position.

They stayed on the 13th floor for a few hours and every time they would fight, with only small pauses, before more monsters came. During the fights, Mark felt better and better using his new strength, but he also took damage, even though it was minimal. But he realized one thing from this experience: it was impossible to explore that place alone.

The strength of the monsters didn't bother him too much, but he barely had the time to breathe, before twice as many came.

"Die shitty rabbit!" -Mark shouted as he killed the last rabbit present.

"I think it's time to go back Prince." -Tiona told him.

'heavy breaths'

"I agree, let's take the stones and the drops and go." - Mark said wearily.

Having gathered all they could, they began the ascent while Tiona spoke to him.

"Anyway, I have to say it was fantastic. At first, all level 2 adventurers struggle on the 13th floor and suffer a lot of injuries. " - Tiona said patting him.

"It must be said that the armor helped." - Mark said while highlighting some marks on the armor.

Even if he tried to take as little as possible of damage, the number of monsters made it impossible.

"Come on, don't be so pessimistic, you should be happy with your goal. Anyway, what do you think of the 13th floor? " - Tiona asked curiously.

"Problematic. The monsters don't stop coming. " -Mark said irritably. With his current strength, it was impossible to continue alone and he couldn't even waste time growing to the 12th floor, to explore the 13th on his own.

"This is why people form a party, or rather the fact that you came this far alone is strange." - Tiona reflected.

"I'll think about that problem later, now it's better if we go and sell this stuff." -Said Mark, as they exited the dungeon.

Walking in peace, they entered the guild, making all eyes focus on him.

'Haa when they will stop doing it, it starts to get annoying.' - Mark said as he went to the exchange counter when he heard a voice from behind.

"So now you feel better Mark?"

Turning around, he saw Eina looking at him with a smile, but seeing the anger in her aura, he knew she would probably lecture him.

"...Good evening Eina, as you can see I'm in shape." - Mark said smiling at her.

"...haaa forget it, however congratulations on the level up. You surprised all the executives." -Eina said after sighing.

"I was sure you were going to lecture me." - Mark said curiously.

"I originally thought about doing it, but I can't deny that you have helped a lot of adventurers, plus I know that even if you lecture you, you would still do it." -Eina said shaking her head.

'Rather than helping others, I was doing it for myself.' - Mark thought strangely.

"Ohi Mark I finished. Hmm who are you? " - She asked curiously.

"This is Eina, my assistant from the gild." -Mark introduced her.

"Nice to meet you Miss Tiona, we met during the monsterphilia problem." -Eina snorted.

"Oh right, when the mmm mmm mm!" -Before she could finish speaking, Mark closed her mouth.

"Don't shout so loud of what happened, don't you remember that it was kept secret?" - Mark said exasperated.

"There was no need to block my mouth." -Said Tiona sulky.

'It looks like you've found a cozy place, Mark.' - Eina smiled.

The first time she saw him, she could sense the attention and distrust he had towards people. Whenever he would have talked to someone, he would have analyzed the person in front of him, but now he seems much more relaxed.

"Okay Eina, see you next time." -Said Mark.

"Okay and try not to get so bad next time." -Eina said greeting him with a smile.

"So how much have we done? I have 30,000 valis "- Tiona asked once they left the guild.

"I 20,000, add up to 50,000. It looks like it will be a long way to the 3 million. " -Said Mark stretching his body.

"Then it means we'll spend a lot of time together hehe." -Said Tiona cheerfully.