
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

The potential of the new equipment(corrected)

The day passed quickly, during the fight between Bell and Aiz he had managed to obtain new information on the aura, although there had been no actual developments.

The next day, he went to the walls again, where the two joined him and continued to watch the fight and had to say that Bell was already showing improvements, but it still wasn't enough. Bell was finally able to dodge Aiz's first blow, which made him distracted, unable to dodge the second blow.

"Gha!" - Hit in the neck, the poor Bell fainted for the umpteenth time and like every time, Aiz acted as a pillow.

"Aiz I have had this doubt since yesterday, aren't you making him faint on purpose to act as a pillow?" Mark said strangely, with Aiz's skill, it shouldn't be difficult to hit less delicate areas.

"...No" -Aiz said, not maintaining eye contact.

'You're a bad liar.' - Mark thought wearily as he looked at the time from the clock tower.

"I think I'll leave you alone now." -Said Mark as he headed for the stairs.

"Do you have an appointment?" -Aiz inquired curiously.

"Yes, I have to retire the equipment I booked." -Said Mark.

After descending the stairs, he headed for the villa, since he had to go with Tiona since the order was in her name.

When he got to the base, it didn't take him long to find her, as she was in the cafeteria with Lefiya, so he decided to get closer.

"Good morning Mark, you seem to be doing better." - Lefiya said happily.

"As you can see now I have no problems moving, even if the magic is another story." - Mark said with a sigh. He could feel the Falna inside him move better, but he still preferred not to cast any spells.

"Hey you're ignoring me." -Said Tiona sulky.

"You know very well why I came, so are you ready?" -Said Mark turning to her.

"Give me a second and I'll be back." -Said as she snapped away.

"Energetic as always." -Commented Mark.

"She is like this since she saw your battle, but I can understand her." -Lefiya said looking at him.

"What, you mean my fight inspired you?" -Mark joked.

"Exactly. Since I saw your fight I started training harder, I realized I was slowing down, for that I thank you. " -She said seriously, even if you could see the blush of embarrassment.

"It's kind of comical to see your straight face when you're actually embarrassed about what you said." -Mark teased her.

"W-What ?!" -Lefiya said getting up.

"Hey Prince I did, we can go." -Tiona said she had returned.

"Ok, oh and good luck with your training." - Mark said greeting Lefiya.

"A-anyway, I wasn't embarrassed before, I was just hot!" -Lefiya shouted before leaving.

"What did you tell her?" - Tiona asked him curiously.

"Nothing special, I just find it funny to tease her." -Said Mark as he walked out the door.

"Hehe I understand you, my sister and I do it often too." - Tiona laughed.

Leaving the villa, the duo walked towards Tsubaki. It was a sunny day and, as always, the streets of Orario were busy, but if there was one thing different, it was that many people were watching him while whispering something to each other.

"What problem do they have now?" - Mark asked confused.

"You forgot? The news of your level up shocked all of Orario. "

"Right, Loki said it was going to happen." -Mark remembered as they approached the blacksmith's district.

"And don't forget that at the end of this month, you will receive your alias." -Said Tiona cheerfully.

"An alias eh, let's hope it's decent." - Mark said wearily.

Once every 2 months the Denatus was held, an event where the gods gathered and discussed different topics and among them was the alias of the adventurer. The alias was only given when an adventurer rose to level 2 and could change as the level increased. The problem was that the alias was not chosen by their god, but by a collective decision, which was why some people had an embarrassing alias.

"Don't worry, with Loki there, she will surely find a good one." -Tiona reassured him.

"That's what worries me." -Said Mark arriving at Tsubaki's laboratory, where he knocked.

'knock Knock'

"The door is open, enter." -Hearing Tsubaki's voice, both Tiona, and Mark entered.

"Oh you came earlier than expected, I bet you couldn't wait to see them." - Tsubaki said looking at Mark.

"More than anything else, if I have to go down to the dungeon I need them." -Said Mark with a shrug.

"Then I bet you will be satisfied, come on come in the back." -Following Tsubaki, they entered the room where the furnace was.

In the room, there were various work tools, essential for a blacksmith, but what interested Mark most was a covered mannequin and a box that was nearby.

"'Cough' well, let's start with the armor first" -Tsubaki said, taking off the sheet.

The armor was made up of two parts, the metal one that covered the limbs and the chest and the leather one that covered the empty spaces. Note how the contrast between the silver metal and the black leather, with some red areas, increased its beauty.

"Tsubaki is great, but won't he be a little too heavy?" -Mark was really impressed by the armor, but all that metal on the limbs did not convince him.

"Try wearing it, and tell me what you think." - Tsubaki said confidently.

Following her advice, he put it on, remaining speechless. The armor fit him perfectly, the limbs were not in the least blocked by the metal, which seemed elastic. He also tried jumping or doing fast movements, but he could barely feel the weight.

"This exceeds my expectations." - Mark said in amazement.

"What did I tell you? The metal alloy that I used is one that we blacksmiths started creating since the alchemists raised the prices. It is light and supple, but most importantly it offers a good defense. While the leather part comes from the skin of a wyvern that I reinforced with the magic stone you left me. With this beauty you don't have to be afraid of flames. " -Shee explained passionately.

'She seems to love what she does.' - Mark thought with a smile.

Mark loved computer science, perhaps due to the influence of his parents, but he didn't care. He would have enjoyed flipping through page after page on any new information or news, simply because he couldn't help it. That's why he found it interesting to see people talk about what they loved.

"But this armor compared to the sword I forged for you is nothing." -Hearing the emotion in Tsubaki's voice, Mark recovered and watched her open the box.

Inside was a completely black single-edged sword, with golden decorations. The blade wasn't very wide, but it looked sharp, plus it ended in a threatening tip.

"Do not underestimate the width of this blade, to break it, it will take a lot and I mean a lot of effort." - Tsubaki said seriously.

"You look confident." -Said Mark.

"I used meteoric obsidian to forge it." - Tsubaki said.

"AHH! Are you crazy Tsubaki? How did you come up with the idea of ​​using such a material for a short sword. " - Tiona said without words.

'Guide can you give me some information.' - Mark asked.

[Meteoric obsidian is a type of metal that is obtained from meteorites that landed on this planet a long time ago. It is among the hardest metals on this planet, beating even mithril, the problem is the weight. A handful of that metal carries the weight of a car, which is why it is rarely used.]

"I know it sounds crazy, but Mark, try to take it and tell me what you think." - Tsubaki told him seriously.

As she told him, he put his hand on the hilt and lifted it without problems. He also swung it a few times, but the weight was the same as the sword he had previously.

"It seems normal to me." -Said Mark simply, but when he saw the blade of the sword well, his eyes twitched.

'This thing is absorbing the Falna.' - He thought without words.

Some materials such as mithril had the ability to cause Falna to flow, which helped the caster increase their power and accuracy, but no metal had ever been heard of directly absorbing Falna.

"Exactly. While I was analyzing the horn of the monster you gave me, I decided to do various experiments and when I fuse them, a new alloy was born as a result, which I called magic obsidian. It could be said, that it is the middle way between adamantine and mithril, I was also complimented directly by Hephaestus saying that she would teach me a separate lesson." - Tsubaki said happily.

"So now two of us are happy." -Said Mark.

"So, what are you going to call this sword." - She asked curiously.

"Do I have to seriously give a name?" - Mark said wearily.

"It's a rule, everyone does it." -Tione said putting her hands on her hips.

"Haaa... then I call it ápeiron." -Said Mark after looking at the sword.

"An interesting name that stands for infinity, I like it." - Tsubaki said with a nod, but then became serious.

"Mark I have a proposal. I am willing to give you the sword for free, as it has brought me many advantages, but I want to become your blacksmith." - Tsubaki said looking at him.

"I would be a fool to refuse an offer like that, I learned that you are a blacksmith recognized by Hephaestus, also I could see the passion you put into your work, so I know that I will not regret it. But what about you? I'm only a level two, is it worth the investment? " -Said Mark as he reached out his hand.

"If you're not worth it, the adventurer who rose to level 2 in less than two months, then I don't know what to tell you." -Tsubaki said as she returned his grip with a smile.

"Since we now have an agreement, how much is the armor?" -Mark asked as he released his grip.

"Right, that's 3 million in all." - Tsunaki said smiling.

'...This stuff has gotten strangely heavy.' - Mark thought, with sweat around his neck.

"Don't worry Mark, I'm the one who decided to give you a present." -Said Tiona while drawing a card.

In that world, since there were banks, there were also some kind of credit cards. Through a tool, the seller could receive the money directly in the bank, without the need to always carry the money, but this method was used, only when the quantity of coins was excessive.

"Thank you for your purchase. In case of problems and repairs, you can always come to me. " - Tsubaki said greeting them.

"If possible I hope to come as little as possible, for the prices you charge." -Said Mark as he left.

When they left the shop, they walked for a while, but he wanted to ask Tiona a question.

"Wasn't this stuff expensive, if you want we can do half and half." -Said Mark.

"I won't deny it cost a little, but compared to my Urga it's not much." -Said Tiona calmly.

"Anyway, I feel uncomfortable having made you pay so much." - Mark said frowning. If it had been under a million, he would have accepted, but that price had completely exceeded the range of a gift.

"Hmm, then how about we go to the dungeon together?" -Said Tiona after thinking about it.

Mark didn't mind as a proposal, but that meant spending more time with her and as a result, he would risk deepening their relationship, which he would like to avoid, as Tiona had a crush on him. But there was also the advantage of exploring the dungeon with an experienced person, which would have brought him many advantages, especially for the next exploration.

"Let's do it until we get those 3 million back, are you up to it?" - Mark asked

"I'm in. If you want, we can go now. " -Said Tiona cheerfully.

"Likewise, I had the intention of trying it." -Said Mark, pointing to the sword on his waist.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go! " -Said Tiona as she took command.

'How does this girl have all this energy every time. " Mark thought, shaking his head as he followed her.